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Posts posted by Weebl



    With all the recent discussion of Michael Moore and how by his seventies he'll be no Moore I've decided to open a topic.


    He might be gone before then. He's only 61 now.


    You cant knock the Kids enthusiasm though, hes a good lad.

    Michael Moore. Horrible thing to say but, If I was asked to describe what a typical American kiddy fiddler would look like, Id have to show a pic of Moore.

    Baseball cap hiding unkempt hair, beard barely disguising the chins and a fat bastard, yeah, he has it nailed on.



    Never thought about it like that but yeah you're dead on, got that down to a tee. As you might have guessed, I really don't like Michael Moore at all. Everything is the fault of the evil white people, and capitalism, and racism. Yeah fuck off you fat cunt


  2. Is that the morbidly obese left-wing lunatic US film-maker you're talking about? There are a few different Michael Moores out there...


    Can't stand these left-wing lunatic types. The ones that see racism, sexism and Islamophobia in everything, and think white people are the root of all evil

    • Like 1


    Could actually be the end for Zsa Zsa apparently her surgery has been delayed.



    I reckon this is the end.She is either not eating for the next week or being fed through an infected tube.In a week the infection will no doubt be worse and in seven days and she will be even less fit for surgery.Maybe Von Anhalt has finally grown a conscience or the Doctor`s have refused to operate.I think her times nearly up now :pop::shock:



    It's crazy letting her live, would be much, much kinder just to let her die



    Most of those on the list may not be excpected/predicted but a pop or rock musician in their 60s/70s dying would not be shocking

    Got to agree here - the poll question is worded in such a way that it implies it would be shocking. It would be better worded "which of these is going to be the next big music death"?


    Also misses quite a few significant characters - Keith Richards, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Eric Burdon, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, David Crosby, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, John Cale, Steve Winwood, Roger Chapman, Robert Wyatt, Donovan, Ringo Starr, Billy Joel ...


    But I suppose none of them would be particularly shocking! Except maybe Steve Winwood on a good day.

    You aren't wrong about Steve Winwood. My parents know him and he's supposedly very fit for his age. Probably not one to consider for a good while.



    But then, Edgar Froese was supposed to be healthy for his age - non-smoker, non-drinker, vegetarian...

  5. Cliff Richard could also be included on that list. Not saying he's about to pop his clogs, but it would certainly be a shocker if he died within the next year.


    Dunno, being investigated on suspected paedo charges has gotta be pretty stressful and would take its toll on a man in his seventies

  6. Most of those on the list may not be excpected/predicted but a pop or rock musician in their 60s/70s dying would not be shocking


    Got to agree here - the poll question is worded in such a way that it implies it would be shocking. It would be better worded "which of these is going to be the next big music death"?


    Also misses quite a few significant characters - Keith Richards, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Eric Burdon, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, David Crosby, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, John Cale, Steve Winwood, Roger Chapman, Robert Wyatt, Donovan, Ringo Starr, Billy Joel ...


    But I suppose none of them would be particularly shocking! Except maybe Steve Winwood on a good day.

    • Like 1

  7. I always remember my grandparents listening to him in the morning.When someone texted me saying simply Terry Wogan:( I knew he had either died or been arrested by Operation Yewtree!



  8. It really has been a busy month for celebrity deaths - Lemmy (OK end of last month but still), Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glenn Frey, Terry Wogan... and of course Abe Vigoda. Bowie still stands out above the rest though as the most major major death - and probably THE major music death of the decade unless Bob Dylan croaks it before 2020


    Been thinking... who would be the biggest musical death of each decade?


    I would say:


    1950s - Buddy Holly

    1960s - ?

    1970s - Elvis Presley

    1980s - John Lennon

    1990s - Frank Sinatra (no, not Kurt Cobain)

    2000s - Michael Jackson

    2010s - David Bowie


    Anyone want to disagree with that? Can't think who the biggest musical death of the 60s would be, either. There's no one clear standout figure.

    Brian Jones imo.


    For the '70s, Elvis doesn't stand out much either. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison.


    And, yes, Kurt Cobain. Sinatra wasn't active or at the peak of his career.



    I respectfully disagree. Hendrix, Morrison and to a significantly lesser extent Joplin were big names in music and hugely influential, but Elvis was a bigger name than any of them. The fact that Elvis died somewhat after his prime and Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin died in their prime shouldn't change this.


    And I would emphasise this point even further with Frank Sinatra and Kurt Cobain - Cobain was obviously at the peak of his career when he died but Frank Sinatra was definitely a more important musician overall. Personally, I believe Cobain was a whining little shite who only ever wrote about 4 or 5 good songs.

    • Like 1

  10. Been thinking... who would be the biggest musical death of each decade?


    I would say:


    1950s - Buddy Holly

    1960s - ?

    1970s - Elvis Presley

    1980s - John Lennon

    1990s - Frank Sinatra (no, not Kurt Cobain)

    2000s - Michael Jackson

    2010s - David Bowie


    Anyone want to disagree with that? Can't think who the biggest musical death of the 60s would be, either. There's no one clear standout figure.

  11. A sad day, like when Lou Reed died - but really of greater significance. One of the biggest deaths in music this decade, no doubt about it at all. Probably the biggest music death this decade so far, like Michael Jackson was in the last decade

    • Like 1

  12. What does everyone make of the ongoing Simon Danczuk scandal?


    Apparently he's an alcoholic who drinks three bottles of wine a night? He's using this as an excuse for his "sexting" a 17-year-old girl.


    Anyway, being an alcoholic plus being involved in a sexual scandal does not exactly make him the most stable person out there...


    Person by person then



    Martin Crowe - terminally ill, has outlasted his prognosis. Chances of dying in 2016: 99%


    Zsa Zsa - As I've said before, she'll go one day when we least expect it.


    Joao Havelange - Old, health issues, remaining relevant due to age old corruption. I can't believe he's still with us. I'd be more shocked if he was here in a years time.


    Olivia de Havilland - Seemed in fairly good fettle last year, but 12 months is a long time in your 100th year.


    Bhumibol Adulyadej - Hopefully, so we can stop trying to spell his name.


    Billy Graham - I trust him as much as the wrestler. Wouldn't surprise me to see him clinging on in two years.


    Herman Wouk - Statistically likely to go this year, I'd assume.


    Javier Perez de Cuellar - Haven't a clue.

    Richard Adams - Well enough to be interviewed by Mumsnet in December. His frequent media appearances have become rather limited though.


    Kirk Douglas - Who knows?


    Abe Vigoda - Has he done anything in years?


    Liz Smith - Another aging actress. Law of averages suggests at least 5 of the old folk will go, just through the art of being old.


    Mary Tyler Moore - A forum favourite, I didn't think she was that ill, but I could be wrong.


    Nancy Reagan - Usually too determined to think of dying, but reports in September were she was too frail to attend the GOP debates. Now, she might have said that because she preferred watching Breaking Bad on Netflix...


    Peter Sallis - Probably.

    Prince Philip - Someone who will only leave the list one way. 2016 doesn't seem any likelier than 2015, at this point.


    James Randi - He might well become a grumpy ghost. He did retire from his own Foundation last year.


    Lord Carrington - Seemed in fine fettle in recent interviews. I suppose age could see him off.


    Clive James - Nah, he'll see 2017.


    Bob Dole - As will he.


    Joost van der Westhuizen- Joost is in Year 5 of ALS now. As seen before (Borgonovo), this is usually an event horizon with the illness.


    Prunella Scales - Good pick. Well publicised health issues, and have heard, off the record, its more dire than papers report.


    Jimmy Carter - I know many took him off their DDP lists, but this could be a good sleeper hit, especially if the cancer returns towards the end of the year.


    Henry Kissinger - Doubt it.


    Tommy Chong - I thought his cancer was less serious than most, so it seems a wasted pick right now.


    Doug Ellis - Looked hideous at the FA Cup final, but Spade and others said he was looking better in October interviews.


    George Bush Sr- Well, he is getting to the upper limit US Presidents tend to reach.


    Vera Lynn - Allegedly quite frail.


    Leslie Philips - This was a guy who was everywhere. Had that massive stroke last year,and we've heard barely a peep since. Age, health, and health issues before the big one, plus lengthy atypical quietness suggests a decent chance of a hit here.


    Fidel Castro - Haven't a clue.


    Sandy Gall - I like this pick. More Scots on the list, please.


    Fats Domino - "Is he still alive?" asks my wife. How he outlived so many of his contemporaries I'll never know. There seems to be a clear out in the older music generation the now, so a good chance of Domino saying sayonara in 2016 - he's had health issues for ages iirc.


    Robert Pirsig - Never heard of him. As a number of people have mentioned to me since that he's apparently in frail health, I'll concede this might be a good pick.


    Desmond Tutu - Cancer, and in and out of hospital. Doesn't seem in immediate danger.


    Lester Piggott - A very Deathlist pick, but seems a bit early from my limited knowledge.


    Glen Campbell - Well, I dropped him in the DDP because I thought 2016 was too early, so given my form...


    Stan Lee - Wasn't he meant to be seriously ill in 2012? That's all I know.


    Boutros-Boutros Ghali - Apparently in frail health.


    Jake Lamotta - Still going, somehow.


    Cliff Michelmore - Given his retirement, no one knows how his health is.


    Denis Norden - Going blind but seems quite cheery.


    Murray Walker - Seems in good spirits to me.


    Jimmy Greaves - Frail after massive stroke. Good pick.


    Gordon Banks - Has kidney cancer in his one remaining kidney. Could be a clever pick indeed if he goes downhill quickly. (He had cancer before, this is its comeback.)


    Muhammad Ali - Well, he's not going to see 80...


    Jacques Chirac - Allegedly frail, and highly Deathlist-able.


    Stephen Hawking - Haven't a clue, given his life expectancy beating so far...


    Paul Gascoigne - Wasted pick. Feels like an early 90s plump too.


    John Noakes - Alzheimer's and frail, I'd say good choice here.


    Bruce Forsyth - Well, he did just survive a massive aneurysm, so you can see why he might be a good pick.


    So, 5 odd age deaths, plus Joost and Crowe, plus Scales/Sallis/Philips gives 10.


    Gutting feeling (look at the names and asking myself if I see them alive in 2017) gives us around 14 hits though.



    Anyhow, time will tell.

    I agree with most of your assessments except Gazza.This guy has been abusing alcohol for years as well as drugs.He looks dreadful and suffered a cardiac arrest when detoing in rehab.His hospital admissions are now semi regular.I reckon he is a good pick as his liver must be close to failing and he is also a suicide risk.Also can you elaborate about Prunella?I watched Timothy West on Piers Morgan yesterday and they said she was diagnosed 15 years ago which is a hell of a long time.



    I think this picture speaks volumes about poor Gazza.I would love to see him recover and beat his demons but judging on his record so far I don`t see it happening sadly ! :(



    How old is he again? He looks 70-something. Even though he's only in his late 40s





    Anyhow, time will tell.


    Great analysis, you know much more than I do obviously about some of these!


    Where, other than Wikipedia, is the best place to go to find health info for some of these? Other than the Xmas Day episode of Strictly for Brucie of course...




    This forum, google news, TV, all kinds of places.


    There isn't a one shop "Celebritys Ailing" website that I know about.



    No - if there is such a website, it's this one!


  15. Person by person then



    Martin Crowe - terminally ill, has outlasted his prognosis. Chances of dying in 2016: 99%


    Zsa Zsa - As I've said before, she'll go one day when we least expect it.


    Joao Havelange - Old, health issues, remaining relevant due to age old corruption. I can't believe he's still with us. I'd be more shocked if he was here in a years time.


    Olivia de Havilland - Seemed in fairly good fettle last year, but 12 months is a long time in your 100th year.


    Bhumibol Adulyadej - Hopefully, so we can stop trying to spell his name.


    Billy Graham - I trust him as much as the wrestler. Wouldn't surprise me to see him clinging on in two years.


    Herman Wouk - Statistically likely to go this year, I'd assume.


    Javier Perez de Cuellar - Haven't a clue.

    Richard Adams - Well enough to be interviewed by Mumsnet in December. His frequent media appearances have become rather limited though.


    Kirk Douglas - Who knows?


    Abe Vigoda - Has he done anything in years?


    Liz Smith - Another aging actress. Law of averages suggests at least 5 of the old folk will go, just through the art of being old.


    Mary Tyler Moore - A forum favourite, I didn't think she was that ill, but I could be wrong.


    Nancy Reagan - Usually too determined to think of dying, but reports in September were she was too frail to attend the GOP debates. Now, she might have said that because she preferred watching Breaking Bad on Netflix...


    Peter Sallis - Probably.

    Prince Philip - Someone who will only leave the list one way. 2016 doesn't seem any likelier than 2015, at this point.


    James Randi - He might well become a grumpy ghost. He did retire from his own Foundation last year.


    Lord Carrington - Seemed in fine fettle in recent interviews. I suppose age could see him off.


    Clive James - Nah, he'll see 2017.


    Bob Dole - As will he.


    Joost van der Westhuizen- Joost is in Year 5 of ALS now. As seen before (Borgonovo), this is usually an event horizon with the illness.


    Prunella Scales - Good pick. Well publicised health issues, and have heard, off the record, its more dire than papers report.


    Jimmy Carter - I know many took him off their DDP lists, but this could be a good sleeper hit, especially if the cancer returns towards the end of the year.


    Henry Kissinger - Doubt it.


    Tommy Chong - I thought his cancer was less serious than most, so it seems a wasted pick right now.


    Doug Ellis - Looked hideous at the FA Cup final, but Spade and others said he was looking better in October interviews.


    George Bush Sr- Well, he is getting to the upper limit US Presidents tend to reach.


    Vera Lynn - Allegedly quite frail.


    Leslie Philips - This was a guy who was everywhere. Had that massive stroke last year,and we've heard barely a peep since. Age, health, and health issues before the big one, plus lengthy atypical quietness suggests a decent chance of a hit here.


    Fidel Castro - Haven't a clue.


    Sandy Gall - I like this pick. More Scots on the list, please.


    Fats Domino - "Is he still alive?" asks my wife. How he outlived so many of his contemporaries I'll never know. There seems to be a clear out in the older music generation the now, so a good chance of Domino saying sayonara in 2016 - he's had health issues for ages iirc.


    Robert Pirsig - Never heard of him. As a number of people have mentioned to me since that he's apparently in frail health, I'll concede this might be a good pick.


    Desmond Tutu - Cancer, and in and out of hospital. Doesn't seem in immediate danger.


    Lester Piggott - A very Deathlist pick, but seems a bit early from my limited knowledge.


    Glen Campbell - Well, I dropped him in the DDP because I thought 2016 was too early, so given my form...


    Stan Lee - Wasn't he meant to be seriously ill in 2012? That's all I know.


    Boutros-Boutros Ghali - Apparently in frail health.


    Jake Lamotta - Still going, somehow.


    Cliff Michelmore - Given his retirement, no one knows how his health is.


    Denis Norden - Going blind but seems quite cheery.


    Murray Walker - Seems in good spirits to me.


    Jimmy Greaves - Frail after massive stroke. Good pick.


    Gordon Banks - Has kidney cancer in his one remaining kidney. Could be a clever pick indeed if he goes downhill quickly. (He had cancer before, this is its comeback.)


    Muhammad Ali - Well, he's not going to see 80...


    Jacques Chirac - Allegedly frail, and highly Deathlist-able.


    Stephen Hawking - Haven't a clue, given his life expectancy beating so far...


    Paul Gascoigne - Wasted pick. Feels like an early 90s plump too.


    John Noakes - Alzheimer's and frail, I'd say good choice here.


    Bruce Forsyth - Well, he did just survive a massive aneurysm, so you can see why he might be a good pick.


    So, 5 odd age deaths, plus Joost and Crowe, plus Scales/Sallis/Philips gives 10.


    Gutting feeling (look at the names and asking myself if I see them alive in 2017) gives us around 14 hits though.



    Anyhow, time will tell.


    Great analysis, you know much more than I do obviously about some of these!


    Where, other than Wikipedia, is the best place to go to find health info for some of these? Other than the Xmas Day episode of Strictly for Brucie of course...

    • Like 1



    I actually aren't very optimistic about this years list. Max number of hits around 12-13.


    Me neither.


    I think last year the whole thing with not being able to get past 14 hits despite waiting nearly 2 months for a death was partly karma for not including Sir Nicholas Winton on the list. I would have had him at #1 on the 2015 list with Zsa Zsa second.


    Lee Yuan Kew should also definitely have been on last year's list.


    This year? There are some good picks on this year's list, but also some major omissions and some iffy picks as well. Some of these "iffy picks" are new blood, further down the list, and some of them I don't actually know that much about. So I agree with you. I don't see this year's list as being as good as last year's, but who knows, time will tell!


    Yes, they missed huge chances last year. Though I mostly have King Abdullah on my mind. Lee Kuan Yew right at second place of missed chances. They were both already going down in December 2014. And the list got a fluke with John Nash, so the necessary luck was there.


    I think this year's list still has good potential. Still too many very old people waiting for death. Joao Havelange is a lock this year, in my opinion. Zsa Zsa however might have another year, simply because I think it's now obvious that she inherited her mother's longevity genes. And her mother lived to 101 (or 102?).



    It has good potential, but also some major omissions and some iffy picks. Time will tell...


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