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Posts posted by Weebl




    Carter is still active. He might make it to the next decade at this rate.

    If Jimmy Carter makes it to the next decade I'll eat a bucket of your shit and top it off with a gallon of katie hopkins piss mixed with johnny rottens sperm. And to add horror to that I'll fly for several hours on Ryanair sat next to you.



    There's more than an outside chance you may live to regret those words.

  2. Can`t believe he isn`t on the list.I know he is responding to treatment but stage 4 bowel cancer that has spread to the liver and lungs hat was diagnosed 18 months ago as well as having a high media profile!!! I thought that would guarantee him a place.Would have been a perfect edition to the top 10 of the Death list.I really can`t seem him making 2017.He has also not been posting much on twitter and facebook recently only that one of his shows was cancelled due to "Unforseen circumstances".


    The DL Committee were obviously stoned out of their brains when making the list hence they got him confused with Tommy Chong.

    • Like 2

  3. I actually aren't very optimistic about this years list. Max number of hits around 12-13.


    Me neither.


    I think last year the whole thing with not being able to get past 14 hits despite waiting nearly 2 months for a death was partly karma for not including Sir Nicholas Winton on the list. I would have had him at #1 on the 2015 list with Zsa Zsa second.


    Lee Yuan Kew should also definitely have been on last year's list.


    This year? There are some good picks on this year's list, but also some major omissions and some iffy picks as well. Some of these "iffy picks" are new blood, further down the list, and some of them I don't actually know that much about. So I agree with you. I don't see this year's list as being as good as last year's, but who knows, time will tell!


    The only reason I know his name is cause of this interview


    I always thought he came across really well in this interview!Didn`t take himself too seriously and was up for a laugh despite being a serious statesmen!



    He handled it really well!


    Whatever persona Sasha Baron Cohen is playing, his aim is to take the piss out of every cunt. Boutros Boutros-Ghali was having none of it!


    What year is that from?



    Sinead O'Connor and Peter Maxwell Davies are dead certs were they picked?


    What exactly is wrong with Sinead O'Connor? Everyone seems to be mentioning her name around here at the moment


    Crazy and suicidal.



    Any woman who thinks having a shaved head is a good look has to be slightly nuts, I suppose, but any particular reason for her being suicidal? I haven't heard any gossip about it anywhere else other than this site.

  6. Better late than never!


    1. Zsa Zsa Gabor
    2. Martin Crowe
    3. Joao Havelange
    4. Olivia de Haviland
    5. Bhumibol Adulyadej
    6. Alistair Urquhart
    7. Vera Lynn
    8. Billy Graham
    9. Jacque Fresco
    10. Howard Marks
    11. Raymond Smullyan
    12. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    13. Prince Philip
    14. Fidel Castro
    15. Kirk Douglas
    16. Oscar Brand
    17. Richard Adams
    18. Helmut Kohl
    19. George Gaynes
    20. Herman Wouk
    21. Fats Domino
    22. Dick Van Dyke
    23. Joni Mitchell
    24. Gudrun Ure
    25. Benedict XVI
    26. Pierre Cardin
    27. Stan Lee
    28. Mikhail Gorbachev
    29. Jean-Marie Le Pen
    30. Muhammad Ali
    31. Burt Kwouk
    32. Zhou Youguang
    33. Abe Vigoda
    34. Chuck Berry
    35. Robert Mugabe
    36. Hosni Mubarak
    37. Nancy Reagan
    38. Cliff Michelmore
    39. Henry Kissinger
    40. Jimmy Carter
    41. George Bush Sr.
    42. Bob Dole
    43. Harper Lee
    44. Desmond Morris
    45. Piet de Jong
    46. I. M. Pei
    47. Doris Day
    48. Boutros Boutros-Ghali
    49. John Wetton
    50. Bruce Forsyth

    • Like 1

  7. Leaving Howard Marks off was sheer stupidity, just like leaving Sir Nicholas Winton off the 2015 list was really, really dumb.


    I like the inclusion of Boutros Boutros-Ghali - as I said earlier, isn't he just such an adorable cutie? Here's that photo again just to remind you:




    Aside from that, new picks like Robert M Pirsig for example seems like a good choice, but why him and not the likes of I. M. Pei or Alistair Urquhart or Desmond Morris any of the other good choices suggested?


    Taking off the likes of Robert Mugabe, Doris Day, Helmut Kohl and Hosni Mubarak is IMHO a bad idea, I could see any of these figures not lasting the year...


    Not sure about some of the newer picks lower down the list as I honestly don't know enough about them to be able to comment on whether they are good picks or not!

  8. This is going to leave the DL selection team in a bit of a dilemma...


    Cancer-free - but for how long? And even without the cancer, he's still 92 years of age next year...


    I think we should put Carter in occupying slot 50, in light of the new developments.

    • Like 1




    The Enquirer talks about how she is doing pretty good health-wise, dressing fancy every day, and ready to write a book, promote it on a tour, and make it to 100!!!


    So the question is, will she die this week or next week?


    But in all seriousness, I think the Enquirer is right this time. Olivia seems to be doing great. I don't think I'll include her on my 2016 list, I'd advise the good folks at the Deathlist Committee to do the same.

    I would advise against ever taking her off DL.We don`t want another Patrick Moore and beside when Priebke and Pincher turned 100 everyone went on about how great they look.Centenarians can deteriate rapidly. Plus if the committee left off a 100 year old double Oscar Winner it would look fairly foolish is she died.I think that any candidates born before 1920 should be on until they die.



    Agreed. There should be a rule that those who are 95+ and are on the list, should be on the list until they die

  10. Olivia De Havilland- 99 Years Old

    Cher- 69 years old

    Penny Marshall-72 years old?

    Eve Marie Saint- 90 will be turning 91 soon

    Cloris Leachman- 89 years old and supposedly has Alzheimer's disease. So she could be a possible candidate for the 2016 list.

    George Gaymes- 101 years old

    Mary Carisle- 101 years old


    How is Cher at death's door exactly?

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