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Posts posted by Weebl





    So you're basically saying you're too much of a pussy to argue with a 65-year-old bearded sandals-wearing redbrick uni lecturer?

    Something like that. At the end of the day, there's more support amongst the public for left wing policies than there is for right wing ones. Look at Jeremy Corbyn for example, he got voted Labour leader and lots of people love him

    Well, you know how it is.

    We do love a well to do middle class lentil eating cunt, who has barely worked a single day in his life, leading the country ahead of an old Etonian, eh.

    Funny how the Labour party started as the party of working people (i.e. labour, as in work) and ended up being the party of choice for benefits scroungers (i.e. those who don't work). The irony

    which party would you vote for?



    I wouldn't even bother. Complete waste of time.



    So you're basically saying you're too much of a pussy to argue with a 65-year-old bearded sandals-wearing redbrick uni lecturer?


    Something like that. At the end of the day, there's more support amongst the public for left wing policies than there is for right wing ones. Look at Jeremy Corbyn for example, he got voted Labour leader and lots of people love him


    Well, you know how it is.

    We do love a well to do middle class lentil eating cunt, who has barely worked a single day in his life, leading the country ahead of an old Etonian, eh.



    Funny how the Labour party started as the party of working people (i.e. labour, as in work) and ended up being the party of choice for benefits scroungers (i.e. those who don't work). The irony

  3. Or look at the SNP in Scotland. Totally left wing there and there's no appetite in Scotland for any right-wing policies at all.


    So left wing socialists will be all lovey dovey towards Halibuts and immigrants, and as soon as anyone decides to grow a pair and suggests some masculine, nationalistic ideas, they basically get called a fascist and told to fuck off.


    The West is doomed because its politicians are a bunch of complete pussies. Masculine men aren't even represented in politics.

  4. So you're basically saying you're too much of a pussy to argue with a 65-year-old bearded sandals-wearing redbrick uni lecturer?


    Something like that. At the end of the day, there's more support amongst the public for left wing policies than there is for right wing ones. Look at Jeremy Corbyn for example, he got voted Labour leader and lots of people love him


    You can't really solve the problem of terrorism when you have an effectively infinite supply of these nutters willing to blow themselves up for the cause. You can't ban an idea.


    The only way to really solve Islamic terrorism in the West would be to have a racist state that excluded all Halibuts. But no one's really willing to do that because multiculturalism is a sacred cow.


    People die because of the effects of multiculturalism, yet it's not socially acceptable to suggest that letting millions of Halibuts and other third worlders into the West might not have been a good idea.


    Anyway, the world would definitely be a better place not just without Islam, not just without the Abrahamic religions, but without religion in general.

    Remember you do have a finite number of nutters. Just a question about size. It may feel like an infinite number but each and every one of us is an individual who has the sum number of beliefs. Now you pose the idea of having a racist state that excludes all Halibuts?

    I ask you. Would it not be easier, to allow for fundermentalists to be allowed a "state" of their own that excludes all those who do not believe in such nonsense, so that they can do whatever they want and not be allowed to trouble everyone else?


    Round them up, put them in a (field) high walled, half distroyed city in Syria, and... If they don't behave... (Bomb the bastards)



    It wouldn't work in practice...


    The bleeding heart liberals have basically fucked up everything in the West. As soon as you suggest tackling the source of a problem like this, you get called a racist. So there's no point in even engaging with the cunts

  6. You can't really solve the problem of terrorism when you have an effectively infinite supply of these nutters willing to blow themselves up for the cause. You can't ban an idea.


    The only way to really solve Islamic terrorism in the West would be to have a racist state that excluded all Halibuts. But no one's really willing to do that because multiculturalism is a sacred cow.


    People die because of the effects of multiculturalism, yet it's not socially acceptable to suggest that letting millions of Halibuts and other third worlders into the West might not have been a good idea.


    Anyway, the world would definitely be a better place not just without Islam, not just without the Abrahamic religions, but without religion in general.




    Jimmy Carter says doctors find no new cancer growth.


    I guess that's good news for him and his family. All of the interviewees in the report seem quite optimistic (perhaps overly optimistic) about his prognosis, so we can be reasonably sure that he'll at least make the starting line in 2016 (and he's not a dead cert next year either).

    But despite all the optimism, an inoperable cancer in the brain usually presents significant challenges for the oncologists (due to the importance and sensitivity of the brain and the blood-brain barrier), so he could still be considered for the main list.

    At his age, and being such a high-profile figure, he shouldn't be considered for the list, he IS on next year's list, and likely at #1 position.

    Well, I do agree that he should be put on the list. But since I'm a polite guy, I formulated my position as a suggestion rather than as a demand. After all, it lies with the honourable DeathList committee to decide who should and shouldn't be on the list.


    I was just a little worried that they might be dissuaded from including him by the prognoses of the (renowned but likely cautiously optimistic) cancer specialists in the article. E. g.


    Dr. Sapna Patel, a melanoma specialist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston who has no role in Carter's treatment, said the statement gives "a lot of reason to be optimistic."


    "We couldn't infer necessarily that the cancer is gone, but nothing is spreading, nothing is growing, nothing is worsening," she said. "This is considered really good news, if after a few short months, nothing is growing ... and there doesn't appear to be any new cancer."


    The immune therapy likely will continue for one to two years as long as he is responding, she said.

    Basically, what she's implying is while his condition is likely incurable, he might still have a life expectancy of one to two years (as opposed to just months).



    The operative word being 'might'.


    Jimmy Carter says doctors find no new cancer growth.



    I guess that's good news for him and his family. All of the interviewees in the report seem quite optimistic (perhaps overly optimistic) about his prognosis, so we can be reasonably sure that he'll at least make the starting line in 2016 (and he's not a dead cert next year either).


    But despite all the optimism, an inoperable cancer in the brain usually presents significant challenges for the oncologists (due to the importance and sensitivity of the brain and the blood-brain barrier), so he could still be considered for the main list.



    At his age, and being such a high-profile figure, he shouldn't be considered for the list, he IS on next year's list, and likely at #1 position.

  9. If the Death List wants to replace Helmut Schmidt with a similar character (if he dies...) they could go for other "forefathers of the Euro". I'm thinking of Valerie Giscard D'Estaing or Jacques Delors. In the latter case, it's also completely obvious that the Death List headline would be some kind of "Up Yours, Delors" joke. And they would both cover the "token french" slot, which was unoccupied this year. Both of them still seem semi-active though, but that was true for Helmut Schmidt as well.


    Delors would be a good choice for the 2016 list

    • Like 1

  10. I'm going to go for Zsa Zsa this time. Because if the DL can break records (15+ deaths this year is a distinct possibility and indeed likely), then it's time for change. She has to die someday, and as I was saying in her thread, it's truly amazing how long she's lasted. Let's see if she can bring us into a new era.

  11. Zsa Zsa really is an enigma.


    Will she ever die? Did the posters who created this thread back in 2005 really think she'd still be alive as of November 2015?


    She really is one for defying mortality itself...

  12. Bob Johnston, producer of Blonde on Blonde and Highway 61 Revisited among several other Dylan and 60s classics, dead at 83.


    I was slightly surprised to see that another Bob-related Bob, former hellraiser Mr Neuwirth, is still around.


    There wasn't that much made of his death in the media, despite his work with big name musicians like Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. Shame...


    Anyway, how is Bob Dylan's health doing? He's 75 next year, does anyone have a clue?

  13. Potential 2016 Deathlist (With several of this years survivors so far as well as new names)


    1. Jimmy Carter 92 Ex U.S. President

    2. Zsa Zsa Gabor 99 Actress

    3. Herman Wouk 101 Author

    4. Olivia DeHaviland 100 Actress

    5. George HW Bush 92 Ex U.S. President

    6. John Glenn 95 Astronaut

    7. I.M. Pei 99 Architect

    8. Billy Graham 98 Evangelist

    9. Prince Phillip 95 Monarch

    10. Fidel Castro 90 Dictator

    11. Kirk Douglas 100 Actor

    12. Clive James 77 TVPresentor

    13. Valerie Harper 77 Rhoda

    14. Mary Tyler Moore 80 TV Actress

    15. Martin Crowe 54 Cricketer

    16. Burt Reynolds 80 Actor

    17. Sean Connery 86 James Bond

    18. Nancy Reagan 95 Former First Lady

    19. Helmut Schmidt 98 Former German Chancellor

    20. Helmut Kohl 86 Politician

    21. Harper Lee 90 Author

    22. Denis Norden 94 Comic/TV Presentor

    23. Mikhail Gorbachev 85 Ex Soviet Premier

    24. Jake LaMotta 95 Boxer

    25. Chuck Berry 90 Singer

    26. Vera Lynn 99 Singer

    27. Joost Van Der Westhuizen 45 Rugby Player

    28. CliffMichelmore 97 TV Presentor

    29. Joao Havelange 100 Ex Fifa President

    30. Javier Perez de Cuellar 96 Ex Secretary General of the United Nations

    31. Bhumbibol Adulyadej 89 King of Thailand

    32. Leslie Phillips 92 Comedy Actor

    33. Bob Dole 93 Politician

    34. Doris Day 94 Actress

    35. Hugh Downs 96 Journalist

    36. Hosni Mubarak 88 Former Egyptian President

    37. Robert Mugabe 92 Dictator

    38. Beverly Cleary 100 Author

    39. David Rockefeller 101 Billionaire

    40. Eddie Large 75 Comedian

    41. Bill Maynard 88 Comedy Actor

    42. Angela Lansbury 91 Jessica Fletcher

    43. Barbara Bush 91 Matriarch

    44. Glenn Campbell 80 Country Singer

    45. William Schallert 96 Actor

    46. Hugh Hefner 90 Playboy Founder

    47. Tom Brokaw 76 Journalist

    48. Bob Barker 93 Game Show Host

    49. Liz Smith 95 Royale Family 'Nana'

    50. Sandra Day O'Connor 86 Judge



    There are many worthy names on that list, and it's a good list, but maybe there are too many American people on it and not enough from elsewhere

    • Like 1

  14. I was thinking earlier.How does everyone feel about foreign royalty?I would say there are four we should consider for next year:

    King Michael I of Romania (b 1921)

    Queen Anne of Romania(b 1923)

    Takahito,Prince Mikasa of Japan (b1915)

    Yuriko ,Princess Mikasa of Japan (b 1923)




    I accept that the last 3 may not be well known enough for the Deathlist ,however I can`t forsee any of them not getting an obituary in the UK.


    I already suggested Michael of Romania in the ideas and possibilities thread but I was told he was too obscure a figure...

  15. Just as an exercise I have completed a Like for Like replacement for this year's hits.


    Sam Simon - Earl Hamner

    Denis Healey - Greville Janner

    Chris Woodhead - William McPherson

    Patrick McNee - Tom Baker

    Al Molinaro - Mary Tyler Moore

    Maureen O' Hara - Carol Channing

    B B King - Kay Starr

    Peter O' Sullevan - Murray Walker

    George Cole - Peter Vaughan

    Leonard Nimoy - Walter Koenig

    John Nash - I M Pei

    Kirk Kerkorian - Lilliane Bettancourt

    Christopher Lee - Roger Moore


    Advisory note: Better choices may be available from other posters.


    Good spotting for I.M. Pei! An obviously notable person born in 1917 should definitely be on next year's list, without doubt.


    It was bad enough not having Sir Nicholas Winton on this year's list - what a stupid miss that was


  16. A warm welcome to DL Weebl. It's so nice to see other members going out of their way to make you feel at home :)


    The Piper at the Gates of Heaven thread was intended to be about bands of a more acid drenched psychedelic persuasion, rather than noodling prog rockers. I think there is a distinct difference between the two genres. Seeing as we've already got jazz, pop,country, folk, soul, metal, bluegrass etc threads, I don't see why this one shouldn't stand.


    Completely unnecessary thread.


    Whereas all of our lives are enriched for having the Pornogrind thread you started.


    Please merge this goddamn thread immediately. Fuckin newbies glory seeking a thread. In fact delete it.


    Unless you're trying to be ironic, that's a bit rich coming from you.


    Thanks DevonDeathTrip.


    I've had a look at the other thread. Some prog-type musicians are mentioned, but one of the biggest prog deaths of 2015, Chris Squire, is not mentioned at all in that thread.


    So people are saying we already have a thread for prog musicians, but it isn't being used to discuss some of the most important deaths relating to the subject? Crazy.


    I've lurked on DeathList since 2006. I'm not really that new to this site at all.

  17. Or, to put it another way, look at all the people in this genre of music alone that the DeathList has missed over the years going right bank to the 90s:


    Frank Zappa

    Captain Beefheart

    Syd Barrett

    Rick Wright

    Edgar Froese

    David Allen

    Chris Squire

    Glenn Cornick

    Peter Banks

    John Mayhew

    Michael Karoli

    Kevin Ayers

    Hugh Hopper

    Elton Dean

    Richard Coughlan

    Lindsay Cooper

    Boz Burrell

    Ian Wallace

    Mark Craney

    Nic Potter

    Jim King

    Jim Capaldi
    Florian Fricke
    Dieter Moebius


    To be sure, not ALL of these names are highly prominent, and I am not suggesting that all of these would have been good DL picks. But some undoubtedly would have been. Many musicans of a similar age (like Jack Bruce, Lou Reed, Ray Manzarek, JJ Cale, and so on) have been dying in recent years, so the more time that passes, the more we'll see.


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