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Posts posted by Weebl

  1. On 05/10/2018 at 16:45, Paul Bearer said:

    Well, as no one seems to want to start a thread for him, I thought I'd do it. 


    He's not looking very well at the moment. What's the betting he's going to appear on the 2019 list? 


    Guaranteed to be on next year's list... if he even makes it that long


    The weight loss he has shown is typical of people with cancer, as well as some other illnesses


    Plus he's a British media personality, which is exactly the kind of person the Deathlist committee loves to include

    • Like 1

  2. 19 hours ago, Thatcher said:

    Dennis Nilsen is dead aged 72. Thank God Grindr didn't exist when he was free to roam.


    Edit: The Sun, Daily Mirror, BBC obituaries.


    If you look at the biographies of serial killers like Dennis Nilsen and the child murderer Robert Black, and the sort of shit they were getting away with in the 80s, there's simply no way they could get away with that kind of thing nowadays. Not possible at all, the world has moved on far too much for that kind of thing to happen again.


    Technology in the 80s, and even the 90s, was like in another universe compared to what we have nowadays. A completely different world. In 2018 anyone with a smartphone can be tracked instantly. In the 80s and 90s, it was like the stone age in comparison.


    Oh yeah and another missed hit for me. I thought about including Dennis Nilsen but went for Josef Fritzl instead, had to include at least one sick fuck on my list.

  3. I personally include krautrock as a form of prog or prog-ish music, so I thought I would just post this here:




    This article states that Damo Suzuki of Can has got colon cancer. I was aware that he had been ill, but didn't know it was cancer. One to watch for 2019 maybe?


    I also have Irmin Schmidt, the keyboardist from Can who is 81 this month, on my own personal list this year - stupidly I put him where Mark E. Smith should have been!

    • Like 1

  4. It really has been a very busy week for celebrity deaths  - we've had a US first lady, an English 90s TV presenter, a world famous Swedish DJ, a comedy midget actor, and the last person in the world to be born in the 19th century all croak it in the same week!


    The grim reaper must have been working overtime this week

  5. 44 minutes ago, The Ashes Urn said:

    I hope that all his religious fanaticism dies with him.


    Well said. One thing the world would be better off without is religious fanaticism, and that applies to all religions not just Christianity

    • Like 1

  6. Just now, gcreptile said:

    Fascinating... (you are a good form-watcher Weebl...)


    Maybe he used a wheelchair because the cancer had spread to his bones?


    That is quite likely actually.


    Just seeing how he had declined physically from when I saw him live in October 2016 compared with the footage of him in a wheelchair from November 2017 reminded me of the deterioration typical of the awful illness that is cancer.


    Not good, but not in any way surprising either given his lifestyle!

  7. 19 hours ago, Prophet said:

    Now Mark E Smith was our first hit.


    I really underestimated how ill Mark E. Smith actually was.


    I saw him live in October 2016, and while he certainly didn't look good back then, he definitely didn't look at death's door either. Can you blame me for making the mistake I did?

  8. 16 hours ago, Sean said:

    The Fall`s last ever show.Very hard to watch.Had I seen this last year he would have been on all my lists.


    He looks like shit. I saw him in October 2016 and he was bad, but nowhere near THAT bad.


    A lifetime of booze and fags has obviously taken its toll!

  9. 1 minute ago, Joey Russ said:

    I said that myself back in October...



    Oh right!


    Well anyway, here's my feelings...


    Sad? Yeah, I used to listen to The Fall a lot in my student days (early noughties), and saw him in concert around that time and again in 2016. How time flies. Legends like him will never be replaced


    Surprised? No, not really surprised at all. He looked like shit in recent photos, probably even worse than Wetton did during his wedding and Christmas photos in late 2016 shortly before he died.


    Kicking myself for not putting him on my own shadow list? You bet.

  10. 18 hours ago, themaninblack said:

    Wetton might have been better known Worldwide but Mark E Smith is the more "deathlisty" name. A great choice IMO...


    Both Wetton and Smith would have been great picks for the Deathlist and both are definitely well known enough to qualify.


    The two things that they definitely had in common is that they were both heavy drinkers at least for a significant part of their lives and they both died in their 60s. Apart from that they played completely different styles of music. Wetton has more in common with guys like Greg Lake and Chris Squire, whereas Smith has more in common with the post-punk movement of the late '70s and early '80s.


    Oh and I have had the privilege to have seen both in concert as well!


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