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Everything posted by BeretBleu

  1. BeretBleu

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    For this yr i go with Johan Cruyff .
  2. BeretBleu

    Johan Cruijff

    Oh no... Very sad. One of my idol......
  3. BeretBleu

    The dead of 2016

    He was a can't miss. I think the comitee don't take it cause he is not famous enough in UK.
  4. BeretBleu

    Think You're Better Than The Committee?

    Hi all ! I'm new here. I don't know where to put my 2016 list, so I write it here. 1: Zsa Zsa Gabor 2: Jimmy Carter 3: Joao Havelange 4: Kirk Douglas 5: Bhumibol Adulyadej 6: Michel Delpech 7: Rene Angelil 8: Jake LaMotta 9: David Rockefeller 10: Stan Lee 11: George Herbert Bush 12: Joost Van Der Westhuizen 13: Valery Giscard d'Estaing 14: Fidel Castro 15: Henry Kissinger 16: Prince Philip 17: Robert Mugabe 18: Mohammed Ali 19: Stephen Hawking 20: Chuck Berry 21: Jean-Paul Belmondo 22: Sidney Poitier 23: Hosni Mubarak 24: Albert Uderzo 25: Imelda Marcos 26: Pierre Cardin 27: Charles Aznavour 28: Helmut Kohl 29: Bob Cousy 30: Raymond Kopa 31: Annie Cordy 32: Warren Buffet 33: Buzz Aldrin 34: Sean Connery 35: Mikhail Gorbachev 36: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 37: Joseph Jackson 38: Clint Eastwood 39: George Soros 40: Liliane Bettencourt 41: Paul Gascoigne 42: Pope Benedict XVI 43: Olivia De Havilland 44: Brigitte Bardot 45: Elizabeth II 46: Jacques Chirac 47: Johan Cruyff 48: Pele 49: Boutros Boutros-Ghali 50: Javier Peres de Cuellar

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