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Everything posted by Deathtreat23

  1. Deathtreat23

    1. Jimmy Carter

    And this as well.
  2. Deathtreat23

    The 14th Death of 2023

    Because the one time they don't pick him is the moment he finally becomes a hit.
  3. Deathtreat23

    The 14th Death of 2023

    Jimmy Carter til it finally happens.
  4. Deathtreat23

    The 13th Death of 2023

    Well done to the two of you that got Sir Bobby Charlton.
  5. Deathtreat23

    Julie Goodyear - Coronation Street legend

    Famous last words (come New Years Eve) as this defintely merits inclustion since the decline is so fast.
  6. Deathtreat23

    Julie Goodyear - Coronation Street legend

    Sadly i think she may have just made herself a candidate for the 2024 list.
  7. Deathtreat23

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Which means this is probably code for he dies before the weekend is out-talk about jinxing things!
  8. Deathtreat23

    The 13th Death of 2023

    Jimmy Carter til it finally happens.
  9. Deathtreat23

    The 12th Death of 2023

    Right after 6 month in hospice care and 9 hits later, my vote still goes to Jimmy Carter-It was the same Zsa Zsa Gabor when she took virtually the whole of 2016 to leave the earth.
  10. Deathtreat23

    The 11th Death of 2023

    Sticking with Jimmy Carter to the end.
  11. Deathtreat23

    The 10th Death of 2023

    Congratulation to the 2 that got Michael Parkinson has he's just become hit number 10.
  12. Deathtreat23

    The 10th Death of 2023

    Still Jimmy Carter-remember that it took Zsa Zsa Gabor almost the whole year to go when she went-it may well happen with Jimmy Carter as well.
  13. Deathtreat23

    The 9th Death of 2023

    Well done to the single person that got Tony Bennett.
  14. Deathtreat23

    The 9th Death of 2023

    Now come on Jimmy, this is like the 6th death you've dodged since going into hospice care in February-surely this is going to happen at the 7th attempt.
  15. Deathtreat23

    35. Esther Rantzen

    Now it's looking unlikely that she will make to the end of 2023.
  16. Deathtreat23

    Thoughts on 2023 Deathlist

    Surely Jimmy Carter is not as immortal as Zsa Zsa Gabor-even she fell victim to the curse of 2016 in the end even if it did take nearly the whole year.
  17. Deathtreat23

    The 8th Death of 2023

    Never it will be him til it finally happens!
  18. Deathtreat23

    The 7th Death of 2023

    Surely it's going to be Jimmy Carter this time as we've had about 4 hits since he entered hospice care in February.
  19. Deathtreat23

    Rolf Harris

    Well if that's the case the date on the front page needs changing to May 10th even if it was only announced today.
  20. Deathtreat23

    Rolf Harris

    That Undertaker's van we were talking about 12 days ago must have been him surely.
  21. Deathtreat23

    Rolf Harris

    And yet it was announced a day later that he had passed (Barry Humphries that is) so we can't rule Rolf Harris out either unless this is his wife we're talking about.
  22. Deathtreat23

    Rolf Harris

    But it doesn't usually mean good news either!
  23. Deathtreat23

    Rolf Harris

    So looks something could be pretty imminent then if a Private Ambulance has been summoned.
  24. Deathtreat23

    29. Linda Nolan

    Oh dear! (to clarify she's not dead well not yet at any road.)
  25. Deathtreat23

    The 6th death of 2023

    Jimmy Carter-He was going to be the 3rd hit but has somehow survived Hospice Care whilst Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nigel Lawson and Harry Belafonte all died under the radar!.

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