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Everything posted by Deathtreat23

  1. Deathtreat23

    Christopher Plummer

    Whilst All by Myself by Celine Dion plays on his HI-FI in the background!
  2. Deathtreat23

    The 2nd Death of 2021

    Jimmy Carter
  3. Deathtreat23

    Captain Tom Moore

    Very Sad news and not the 1st hit of 2021 we were all expecting.
  4. Deathtreat23

    Captain Tom Moore

    If his family are with him, this doesn't sound good at all.
  5. Deathtreat23

    Captain Tom Moore

    And as sad for me to be saying this, only a matter of time before hit number 1 of 2021 happens.
  6. Deathtreat23

    Captain Tom Moore

  7. Deathtreat23

    Larry King

    A Massive miss-the committee should have put him on this year.
  8. Deathtreat23

    The 21st Death of 2020?

    Definitely that's all folks for this year!
  9. Deathtreat23

    The 20th Death of 2020

    Well this will be a quick and easy one-That's all folks!
  10. Deathtreat23

    John Edrich

  11. Deathtreat23

    The 19th Death of 2020

    For me. That's yer lot for 2020! There won't be anymore (Famous last words!)
  12. Deathtreat23

    The 18th death of 2020

    Jimmy Carter
  13. Deathtreat23

    The 17th death of 2020

    Peter Sutcliffe-something tells me we are at least going to match the record.
  14. Deathtreat23

    Bobby Charlton

    Yep-A Definte candidate for next year now.
  15. Deathtreat23

    The 16th Death of 2020

    Peter Sutcliffe.
  16. Deathtreat23

    Nobby Stiles

    RIP Nobby another of the winning 1966 team that have sadly left us.
  17. Deathtreat23

    The 15th Death of 2020

    After a bit of a pause, well done to those of you that went for Nobby Stiles as he's become the 15th Hit.
  18. Deathtreat23

    By -Election Bingo 2019-2024

    So that's Margaret Ferrier, Apsana Begum Jeremy Corbyn, Claudia Webbe, Julian Lewis and Jonathan Edwards all in the running for the first by-Election of this Parliment.
  19. Deathtreat23

    The 15th Death of 2020

    Jimmy Carter
  20. Deathtreat23

    Barbara Windsor

    Defintely needs to be on next year's list now.
  21. Deathtreat23

    The 13th Death of 2020

    President Carter for me.
  22. Deathtreat23

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Well the odds on her possibly going before the year ends have just shot up!
  23. Deathtreat23

    The 11th Death in 2020

    And it seems absolutely nobody got Carl Reiner!
  24. Deathtreat23

    The 12th Death of 2020

    Might go with Henry Kissinger for a change!

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