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Everything posted by Deathtreat23

  1. Deathtreat23

    The 6th Death of 2020

    Jimmy Carter (yet again!)
  2. Deathtreat23

    The 5th Death of 2020

    Jimmy Carter (again!)
  3. Deathtreat23

    Alex Trebek

    News story:Man who looks like death warmed up puts bin out. I don't think it's going to be long before he ends up a hit.
  4. Deathtreat23

    The Dead of 2020

    This is terrible! Rip Caroline
  5. Deathtreat23

    The 3rd Death of 2020

    Well done to the 8 of you that voted Kirk Douglas as he's just become hit number 3! Only the beginning of February and we're flying in terms of hits (where as last year we didn't get the first hit til February 12th
  6. Deathtreat23

    The 3rd Death of 2020

    Jimmy Carter since i think this maybe the year for ex-president's going.
  7. Deathtreat23

    Nicholas Parsons

    Had the committee stuck to their guns and kept him on the list, this would have been the 2nd hit in quick succession! RIP Nicholas Parsons
  8. Deathtreat23

    Kobe Bryant

    The first huge shocker of both the year and decade-RIP Kobe.
  9. Deathtreat23

    Terry Jones

    Well done Committee on this one! The first hit of both 2020 and the decade!
  10. Deathtreat23

    The 2nd Death of 2020

    Peter Sutcliffe for a change.
  11. Deathtreat23

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Yep-I've seen this with a few people on the list on previous years where the celebrity says they are "cancer free" and then end up becoming a hit before the year has ended.
  12. Deathtreat23

    The Dead of 2020

    Ugly Betty Creator Silvio Horta found dead in an apparent suicide.
  13. Deathtreat23

    The 1st death of 2020

    Starting the year as i ended the last, Jimmy Carter
  14. With both The Queen and Prince Philip both still alive, are you serious?!
  15. Deathtreat23

    The Dead of 2019

    Another Christmas Day death-Longtime Charlie Brown producer Lee Mendelson has died aged 86.
  16. Deathtreat23

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Leading German Tenor, Peter Schreier, dead at 84. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-50920235
  17. Deathtreat23

    The 14th death of 2019

    We're either going to get something akin to Christmas 2016 over the next few days or this morning's hit will be it for 2019 and the decade. Am going for Jimmy Carter just in case but i wouldn't be at all surprised if that was it for 2019!
  18. Deathtreat23

    The 13th death of 2019

    Well done to the member who went for Tony Brittion as it's currently being reported that he's just become hit number 13.
  19. Deathtreat23

    Big Yellow Bird

    RIP to the man who gave us this Oscar the Grouch classic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxgWHzMvXOY
  20. Deathtreat23

    Queen Elizabeth II

    And plus there's no way The BBC wouldn't be first with the announcement if you're referring to this bizarre tweet which appears to have started it all off!
  21. Deathtreat23

    Who Should Be On The 2020 Deathlist?

    If he hangs on long enough, get him on the list for next year asap!
  22. Deathtreat23

    The 13th death of 2019

    I'm going for President Jimmy Carter in the light of recent Hospital visits although i get the feeling that might be it for both this year and this decade!
  23. Deathtreat23

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Something tells me that even through he's survived this, he may still not make it to the end of 2019.
  24. Deathtreat23

    The 12th death of 2019

    From one Guessing game finally ending (Leah) to hopefully another soon enough-My vote is going to Clive James.
  25. Deathtreat23

    The 11th Death of 2019

    After two years of trying it has finally happened- Social Media are reporting that Leah Bracknell has just become hit Number 11.

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