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Everything posted by Exu

  1. Exu

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Wonder what they'll do to me, The Butcher of Twat? SC Hanging's too good for some people
  2. Exu

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38462706 This bloke's a cert
  3. Exu

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist?

    My picks are shown below on my signature. Hopefully they are all still alive, but if they aren't I'm sure that somebody will put me right!
  4. Exu

    Queen Elizabeth II

    https://www.datalounge.com/thread/18133926-24-hour-media-blackout-in-uk-re-prominent-death-Actually this rumour is gaining ground online as talk about a UK media blackout for 24 hours on a high profile death swirls and there's speculation that if true it's the big one. Rumour seems to have been given legs by a DJ in Ireland Hope it's not true Simon Cowell is...dead? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I mean: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS. IF it's true there's a government ordered media blackout and it isn't a wild Internet theory then it's either going to be a prominent member of the royal family, A serving member of the cabinet or an ex PM IE Tony Blair or a notorious criminal like Ian Brady where for public order reasons they don't want to realise the news straight away. I doubt it's Simon Cowell lol! Media blackouts are issued all the time in the United Kingdom, it's why a lot of news articles are posted in the 00.00am to 02.00am period and have clearly been written the day before. I really hope the queen hasn't carked it, we'll have to cancel the New Years football matches. ...but a public holiday would be granted for the funeral
  5. Exu

    Boxing Clever?

    Wonder if he is sensible enough not to try sparring in the future.
  6. Exu

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Yes, bloody dreadful for the family and a shoo in for 2017
  7. Exu

    Bruce Forsyth

    Does baldness not count? I'm knackered then
  8. Exu

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist?

    No idea he had parkinsons:Good call.I hope that when his time comes there is an accidental mispronounciation of his name on the News at Ten. I'd say that a mispronunciation is a dead cert
  9. Exu

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist?

    Brian Cant (oh how we giggled at school) - 83 years old and living with Parkinson's for a few years now
  10. Exu

    Queen Elizabeth II

    That rug looks like a potential trip hazard
  11. Exu

    Paul Gascoigne

    the only time I personally encountered Gazza was when he as appointed manager of Kettering Town some years ago. One of his first away games was at the team I happen to support. A few of us happened to be in the car park when the team coach arrived so we hung around for a few minutes hoping to get a glimpse of a footballing icon. Gazza proceeded to fall down the steps of the coach as he attempted to exit. At that moment an illusion was shattered and there was a realisation that Kettering would be looking for a new manager in the not too distant future.
  12. Exu

    Star Wars Deaths

    Bowie was a genius to many of my generation and he pushed the boundaries on a regular basis. He has inspired countless musicians over the years. There aren't many who can say that they have been so influential over such a long period.
  13. Exu

    Is The Deathlist Dying?

    I must confess I stumbled across this having read an article about celebrity deaths in which the existence of the DL was mentioned. I'm glad I've found it and in these depressing times, what with global uncertainty and arseholes to be encountered on a daily basis, it is good to find somewhere to discuss the most depressing of subjects with a touch of dark humour. long may it continue!
  14. Exu

    Star Wars Deaths

    Because she was the 2nd best after Karen Allen? Yes but, but, but under the circumstances a lil white lie....... Calista will rip his bollocks off if he goes near Twitter today
  15. Exu

    Star Wars Deaths

    Lots of straining on the bog after all ...or having the friggin in-laws in your house for three days
  16. Exu

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist?

    Gazza is a wasted pick, could linger for years to come. If the trend of past it rock stars dying before their time is to continue into next year, Elton John is as good a pick as any. He turns 70 next year and hasn't exactly been a living endorsement of clean living, was once quoted as saying he flew over the Alps, saw the snow and thought "that's all the coke ive snorted" if you want a young footballer type then Kenny Sansom is your man. Quite a few of the 66 World Cup winning team have Alzheimer's so one of them is bound to throw a seven. I saw a member of the 1970 team, Bonetti, some weeks back and he looked OK. as a keeper he is unlucky to contract the disease as he probably never headed a ball in his life. Crystal ball gazing now, but when the DL for 2065 is published remember to stick John Terry on it!
  17. Exu

    The 13Th Death Of 2016

    The poll for the 12th was open for less than 24 hours. Is this a record?
  18. Exu

    The 13Th Death Of 2016

    I'm still going for Brucie. ...higher than 12?
  19. Exu

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Walking around Liverpool with anything remotely valuable in plain sight is a hazardous undertaking in itself
  20. Exu

    The 12Th Death Of 2016

    Another Brucie bonus. Good game, good game!
  21. Exu

    The 11Th Death Of 2016

    The Unknown Man usually starts them. Wait for him, unless someone else decides to. As a newbie I do not wish to tread on anyone's toes so will wait for him.
  22. Exu

    The 11Th Death Of 2016

    Should we start a poll for the 12th? A cold snap is forecast for the remainder of the week.
  23. You'd have a job seeing it in daylight
  24. Exu

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    My first ever go at this - hopefully around for 31/12/17 to see how I've done! 1) King Michael of Romania 2) Martin McGuiness 3) Bruce Forsyth 4) Michael Schumacher 5) Prince Philip 6) Clive James 7) Kirk Douglas 8) Brian Wilson 9) John Noakes 10) Stuart Hall
  25. Exu

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    Define terrorist here. or freedom fighter.... Once over Roger Cook - as in doorstepping tv journalist of the old school - did a show on McGuinness and accused him of being IRA Chief of Staff, basically saying McGuinness could sue The Cook Report if they were wrong (but making it clear they had evidence they'd gladly take to court). McGuinness didn't sue. He's a politician now, obviously I imagine that Cook himself would have been a regular on DL simply because of the nature of his job!

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