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Zsa Zsa's leg

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Posts posted by Zsa Zsa's leg

  1. 56 minutes ago, Sean said:

    She won't get the nomination.Her policies are extremely left wing. far far more left than any Democrat In office.

    Anything can happen in a primary. Women are doing unusually well in primaries, especially in blue states. Moderates don't turn out in primaries, the people that vote in non-presidential Democratic primaries are usually hyperpartisan far left wingnuts. I wouldn't put it past a state like Maryland to vote Chelsea Manning in, especially considering Ben Cardin isn't that special of a Senator. Thankfully Cardin will still pull it out, but I wouldn't be suprised if Manning came from behind. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Sean said:

    Chelsea Manning has had a twitter meltdown and threatened to kill herself by jumping out a window.One to watch.

    I pray that Ben Cardin curbstomps her in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, or else we'll hand another seat to a Republican.

  3. Monica Lewinsky suicide watch (or suspicious death tied to the Clintons) would have been a wild thread.

    I guess the Kennedy curse that went full blown car crash mode with RFK and JFK getting shot and TK involved in Chappaquiddick would have been a good one.

    Gerald Ford's several assassination attempts, Reagan's disastrous health in the late 80's, LBJ's death-by-smoking lingo would have all been good threads.

  4. On 21/05/2018 at 10:40, Mad Hatter2 said:

    You clearly need to reread that article. The law preventing workers from banding together has been there since 1925, all the US supreme court is doing following the law. The thing is with the supreme court they can't suddenly declare something unconsitiutional becuase they disagree with it they have to uphold the law. Besides the article you linked clearly has a political agenda and is likely using hyperbole to describe the effect this will have on workers.

    The job of the Supreme Court is not to follow the law, it's to follow and interpret the constitution, which has been around for far longer than 1925. The Supreme Court absolutely has the right to shoot down any legislation it deems unconstitutional. And if they disagree with the law on a constitutional level, they have every right to do their job and make it null and void. 

    If the Supreme Court was forced to abide by the laws that congress produces, the system of checks and balances wouldn't exist, as nullifying unconstitutional legislation is a check by the Judicial branch on the Legislative branch and in turn, the executive branch if the President signed the hypothetical law into place.

  5. Unpopular opinion: I like it. It makes scrolling through threads easier on my eyes. I also have to disagree with Joey, the boxed posts make it more clear of whose post is whose. 

    Hot takes: The boxed name makes me think I can changed my name and the new colored background makes it feel like I can change the background (which I would enjoy).

    Regardless, I like the new clearer set up. Not the best update but I don't have much to complain about other than the profile name box and background.

  6. 2 hours ago, Prophet said:

    Are you serious? I mean... Really?

    he STOLED the guns from his father. This shooting have NOTHING to do with gun politics.

    Well maybe our government should have "STOLED" the guns from us if this is the America we live in. An assault weapon ban is of course not out of the question, the NRA just likes to ignore the federal assault weapons ban of 1994. Maybe we should make this about gun politics more, perhaps kids won't be able to steal guns from their parents and children won't be gunned down in what should be their safest environment. Maybe if we made this more about gun politics, we can get young people to vote out NRA-money-filled politicians that serve their special interests more than their constituents. Maybe if this was more about politics, we can transition from being the only developed country in the world with this problem to joining countries like Australia and Japan whose gun control laws have greatly reduced violent crime. Enough, is, enough. We should stop the think tanks and clear backpacks campaign and resort to basic logic and not digging to find a temporary solution to what will be a permanent problem if we don't take drastic action. With the actions of Governor Scott in Florida and other Governors likely to follow suit, we will be the first "advanced" country to look at 212,000 children affected anually by school shootings and throw guns at the problem by putting violent murder machines in the hands of teachers that are built to nurture and... to put it bluntly: teach! What kind of logic is that? Maybe if we made this more about politics, we could secure mental health funding to make sure more kids don't feel like taking their dad's gun and shooting a place up.

    So as En Passant put it: This is (and should be) all about gun politics, because our lives depend on it, whether you'd like to admit it or not.

    • Like 3

  7. Pennsylvania, Oregon, Nebraska, and Idaho primaries last night. Nothing too important unless you were to think the races for PA Governor and PA Senator (I rate them likely D). But there were some interesting events.

    1. In the Democratic race for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Incumbent Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack came in 4th, with Braddock Mayor John Fetterman winning the nomination. 

    2. Former Congressman Brad Ashford, looking to win back his old seat against Don Bacon in Nebraska's 2nd District fell short in a primary against "Justice Democrat" Kara Eastman.

    3. Democratic Trump Supporter John Morganelli lost his primary in PA-07. 

    4. 2010 Tea Party Insurgent Congressman Raúl Labrador flopped in his bid for the GOP nomination to Governor of Idaho, losing to Lieutenant Governor Brad Little.

    5. Democrats surged in D vs. R primary turnout against Republicans, specifically in Pennsylvania.

    I think the PA-Lt Gov and NE-02 races show the anti-incumbent trends this year, that should TERRIFY Republicans for November. 

    • Like 1

  8. 5 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    Holy hell he isn’t 80?  I pegged him for mid 80s.  He looks like hell.  He was a popular name to kick about after the treadmill thing.

    He turns 80 in December of 2019.

  9. Reid's a tough cookie. He survived the 2010 Tea Party wave as a horribly unpopular party leader. Much respect for him. He's a trailblazer among Democrats and has 10x the balls of Schumer. Him and Pelosi suffered constant attacks and were barraged for decades by the regressives and persisted in doing what they thought would benefit the country. It will be a sad day when he goes.

  10. On 5/13/2018 at 06:17, maryportfuncity said:



    Still five moonwalkers left alive though all very elderly.


    A serious question - will any of them live to see another man or woman walk on the Moon?

    No. America threw away the space program's worth during the Carter and Reagan era. Unless China decides to make a shot for the moon, then it's unlikely.


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