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Zsa Zsa's leg

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Zsa Zsa's leg last won the day on June 19 2018

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About Zsa Zsa's leg

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  • Birthday 03/12/2001

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    Baltimore, Maryland

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  1. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Harvey Weinstein

    Hospitalized with COVID and double pneumonia
  2. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Political Frailty

    Bill Pascrell is in intensive care and "receiving breathing assistance," though he is apparently conscious.
  3. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Political Frailty

    Only diagnosed in June. Pancreatic cancer is horrible
  4. Zsa Zsa's leg

    The 5th Death of 2024

  5. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Pumping Them Out In The Birthing Pool 2024

    Gypsy Rose Blanchard, my joker, is pregnant
  6. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    Has had a conversation with Rep. Jim Clyburn; spox refuses to discuss the contents of their conversation Can the lettuce live stream start now?
  7. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    Yes he is, and he's a good candidate as well, but I think Cooper would be the party's choice since he has a record of ousting a GOP incumbent and has near universal name recognition as Governor. If he wants to run, I think Schumer clears the field for him.
  8. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    Well said! I appreciate the detail in your post. Definitely changed my perspective. I suppose campaign finance is not the primary reason why Harris is the favorite to succeed Biden. Still, I have a hard time seeing Dems passing over Harris for Newsom - who's not a Kennedy or Obama by any means. Democrats would have a lot of explaining to do (especially to Black voters and women) if they dropped Kamala for Newsom, Shapiro, etc. Barring any scandal (ex: Spiro Agnew), there's little incentive for dropping a Vice President from a ticket. Dan Quayle was unpopular and a major drag on GWHB's 1988 and 1992 campaigns, but Bush kept him on the ticket because Quayle would be more of a liability if let loose. The assumption was that a VP let go from a ticket would be free to criticize and retaliate against their former running mate. I have to assume that this custom would apply to an incumbent VP if the President were to withdraw from the campaign with her as his running mate.
  9. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    My understanding from this article is that the funds would be immediately available to Harris, whereas other candidates would have to go through a more complicated process to obtain the funds or that funds specifically donated to a Biden/Harris general election campaign may be unavailable to a non-Harris candidate.
  10. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    I agree that it seems like there's a lot of doubt right now. The fact that Biden's not going full damage control and Pelosi/Jeffries/Schumer have been far from enthusiastic after the debate makes me feel that it's just a matter of time before the switch happens, but Harris has her own issues
  11. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    If Biden steps down, it will almost certainly be Harris. Campaign finance law stipulates that Harris is allowed to absorb the Biden campaign's funds, while every other candidate would have to start from scratch. This alone makes her the most likely replacement despite her polling numbers.
  12. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Joe Biden

    My understanding is that Cooper is the party's favorite recruit for NC's Senate seat in 2026. I think Beshear would be Harris' VP. Adds demographic and geographic diversity, and his career is at a dead end: term-limited southern Democratic Governor with no chance of winning a Senate seat. Either he's included in a Democratic cabinet or he's Kamala's VP.
  13. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Alberto Fujimori

    Who goes first? Fujimori or Khaleda Zia?
  14. Zsa Zsa's leg

    24. Jean-Marie Le Pen

    I agree. Unfortunately, he looks great, especially considering his condition last year.
  15. Zsa Zsa's leg

    9. Noam Chomsky

    Bernie Sanders tweeted about it. Edit: Nevermind *facepalm.* Apparently this was a tweet from his health update last week. Apologies

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