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Everything posted by CarolAnn

  1. CarolAnn

    Holiday Thread

    Off to California, but this time I'm not driving!!!!! After battling Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport in the morning, though, I may change my mind. I'll be gone for two weeks but I'll be around. Admit it, you would all miss me terribly otherwise. AA 2228, if anyone cares enough to track me.
  2. CarolAnn

    New Year Greetings

    Meh. Make your own hype. Screw New York.
  3. CarolAnn

    Deathlist On The Net

    That's not even accurate. Most deaths of the 50 celebrities chosen year in year out on deathist.net? Yes. Deadliest year for celebrities as a general statement? Not what was said on this site. *sigh* I swear I'm going to run my degree through a shredder one of these days.
  4. CarolAnn

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    That place still exists? Wow.
  5. CarolAnn

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    If I wasn't leaving for California on Saturday I would say come on over - I'll meet you in Denton and I'll buy you a drink. Unfortunately, you will most likely have to wait until the end of January for any alcohol-related solace from me.
  6. It's the HTML ASCII code for an apostrophe.
  7. Jesus Christ. You can still get them on amazon.com, but I ain't linking. Some of the comments are priceless, though.
  8. CarolAnn

    Donald J Trump

    All Swaab says in We Are Our Brains is that there are "...indications that he (Reagan) developed the disease in 1984." He then goes on to look at debate performances and indicates that there was slowing and confusion of pronouns as well as an increase in pausing. (pp 345 - 346) This symptom constellation is highly suggestive of dementia in general but can also be caused by head trauma, emotional disorders, medication side effects, anxiety, hypoglycemia, depression, aspirin poisoning, epilepsy, intoxication, thyroid storm, excessive caffeine use, diabetic ketoacidosis, anemia, schizophrenia, transient global amnesia, nitrogen narcosis, toxic shock syndrome, typhoid, cyanide poisoning, mad cow disease, lead poisoning, brain tumor...and on and on and on. Swaab never diagnosed Alzheimer's in Reagan, nor does he claim to have personally examined Reagan at any time. While I tend to agree Reagan had early Alzheimer's in office - and I am an American old enough to remember the changes in him over the eight years he was in office - I don't think Swaab's book reaches the level of definitive proof of diagnosis. Reagan's physicians were: 1974 to 1981: William M. Lukash, MD 1981 to 1985: Daniel A. Ruge, MD, Ph.D. 1985 to 1986: T. Burton Smith, MD 1986 to 1987: John E. Hutton, Jr., MD 1987 to 1993: Lawrence C. Mohr, Jr., MD, FACP, FCCP, USA (concurrent from 1989 to 1993 with Burton J. Lee III) Most were active duty military physicians. In addition, American presidents are routinely monitored at Walter Reed Medical Center on the Bethesda Naval Air Station in Maryland. They are required to submit to an annual comprehensive physical at Walter Reed. Reagan probably did have Alzheimer's while in office but he was surrounded by men and women who, although their politics were not always mainstream, would have stopped him from doing anything stupid - and for all we know, they may have. I have no such faith that Trump has surrounded himself with anything but enablers and sycophants.
  9. CarolAnn

    Predictions not death anyone else feeling psychic

    I predict this thread will be closed. Hint, hint....
  10. I would also vote for a doctor but what the hell do I know? Go to a fucking doctor.
  11. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    This is Texas - I might have to buy him a beer.
  12. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    Well, I will definitely buy you a coffee....
  13. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    What a gentleman. Chivalry is such a lost art.
  14. CarolAnn

    Room 101

    Fitting? It's perfectly fitting. Take care of yourself. I am very sorry.
  15. CarolAnn

    Time Person of the Year

    Donald Trump didn't reject shit.
  16. CarolAnn

    The Weather

    High of 67F here in Dallas today. Perfect weather in which to burn your house down when your turkey fryer falls over.
  17. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    I Think I Love You.
  18. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    Nope. TQR fed me the next line later. Might have been a little too mature for you, but that's OK. You'll grow into it.
  19. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    I would have.
  20. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    This is news to who?
  21. My high school football team went to the quarterfinals while I was there and I don't care what they do now. The only decent part of that whole experience was that I got to perform in the old Texas Stadium. Of course, it was all ruined when my father pointed out that since I was the center of the high kick line I was square in the middle of the blue star on the 50-yard line, which was the same color as my uniform. Couldn't see me for shit. I did not post this to start a war about the appropriateness of the term "football." Kindly refrain from making a comment to that effect, LFN.
  22. CarolAnn

    David Cassidy

    Reputable source:
  23. CarolAnn

    What is your favourite Subway sandwich

    Can not freaking handle Subway.

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