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Everything posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. Lafaucheuse

    how long till' the next hit ?

    I'd like to propose a new forum game : Just like the "how many hit this year" everyone who wants to participate has to take a number of days from 1 (tomorrow) to 60 (approximately 2 months) : the number chosen corresponds to the number of days between 2 deaths. The days of death are the one which appear on the official deathlist : for example, if someone had picked 20 when Kirk died, then he would have win since Mubarak died on the 25th of February (only logical) At the end of the 2 months, if no one has died, then we'll all have to chose another number and wait for it. a number can't be taken by 2 differents persons. I think it's pretty clear, but if you have any suggestion please let me know.
  2. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2023-2024

    As announced in the Twisted DL 2022-2023, I'm glad to host the Twisted Deathlist for a second year. For those of you who haven't participated in the first edition, here is a quick recap of the rules Rules : Make a list of 20 names + 3 subs who could die between 15th of October 2023 and 15th of October 2024. The one winning is the one with the most points at the end of the year, thus the most hits as one hit = one point. Every time a pick of your list dies, the first sub on your list of 3 replace the dead pick in his/her position and enters the official list of 20. Then, you’ll have to choose another celeb to take the n°3 spot on your sub list. The subs left will move up from one spot putting them a step closer to the official list. If a sub dies before being on the list, then notify it and choose another celeb to enter at spot nº3. Each subs left behind will move one spot up. You can choose similar celebrities as other participants. The only criteria for their admission as hit is a qualifying obit when they pass : a qualifying obit means an article from a respectable source in any country or language. In this case, "respectable" is voluntarily unclear to let a wide range of choice in your picks. Facebook post, insta post, death certificate or others like that doesn't count as qualifying obit. You can choose whoever you want as long as they're famous enough (which means they have articles about their action available online, wikipedias article about them, acknowledgment in their field…) Entries are now opened. Teams will be uncovered on the 15th of October when the competition begins. I'll check regularly to see if any hits occurred (besides the obvious pick) but, as there have been many teams last year and I don't have the time to check them all everytime, I'd strongly appreciate it if, from times to times, you can check your own list on the first page in case a hit went under the radar. Every time you have a hit, you just have to choose another celeb. I'll make sure to make a recap every week (or so) of every death and everyone's points. Feel free to tell me if I forget about your hit in your point ranking or anything like that. You can send me your list by pm or just post it here. For those of you who participated last year and want to keep the same list, just tell me and I'll move the lists here. Hope everything is clear, Good Luck !
  3. Lafaucheuse

    2. Dick Van Dyke

    He'll be fine for this year, he's on the list ! who's gonna take the top spot between him and Carter next year though ?
  4. Lafaucheuse

    Death, Italian Style

    I sugested Ornella Vanoni a few Times over the year. L’appuntamento and Anche Se were two of my favs of her which I used to listen to on repeat when living in Italy for a year. I think She looked frail on her last appearances at San Remo and on Instagram but, as for Loren, it’s hard to tell with that much plastic surgery… anyway, both of them will stay on my list for next year (considering I didn’t drop Ornella ? I’m not sur and my signature doesn’t show on my phone)
  5. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2023-2024

    @msc and @Insane : you still have two subs to pick for your list please ! @DeathByArsenic : just one for you !
  6. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2023-2024

    Yep my mistake I mixed up the names… anyway I fixed it, Kinsella's in your list now, sorry
  7. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2023-2024

    Final hosting ! Peter Marshall is a hit for ajlposh : Gene Shallit in and Sandy Koufax on the sub list ------------------------------ Not everybody who makes it to 117 makes it to 118… A solo hit for @Great Uncle Bulgaria : Sven Goran will eventually count as a point and Esther Rantzen makes it to the list. Stanley Baxter as third sub ------------------------------ Hoss goes ! Selim Hoss is a solo hit for GuyFromFuture : Béatrice Picard in and Thomas Noguchi as new sub ------------------------------ Shot dead ! Paul Harrell is a hit for gcreptile and max_bossetti and a miss for Book gcreptile : Linda Tirado in and Rupert Keegan as new sub @max_bossetti : Jorge Lanata in and another sub needed please ------------------------------ Spencer not getting better ! Norman Spencer is a solo hit for book : Rita Sussmuth in and José Mujica as third sub ------------------------------ The big jump ! Sonia Iovan is a solo hit for CalebH : Nina Van Pallandt in and Rupert Murdoch as third sub ------------------------------ Early death ! James Earl Jones is a hit for : @Khthonia : Clint Eastwood in and another sub needed please ! lilham : Noam Chomsky in (never too late isn't it ?) and Joanne Woodward on the bottom of the sub list, not sure she'll make it to the official one though… ------------------------------ Al-went ! Alwen Hughes is a solo hit for Toast : Johnnie Walker in and Charlotte Raven as third sub ------------------------------ Is he faking it this time ? Alberto Fujimori is a surprise solo hit for Summer in Transylvania : Betty Brosmer in and José Mujica as new sub ------------------------------ He coped with death ! Kenneth Cope is another solo hit, this time for Commtech Sio Bibble : Patrick Murray in and Renny Lister on the sub bench ------------------------------ Another voice extinction ! David Graham is a popular pick and worths a point for : @Bibliogryphon : Johnnie Walker in and another sub needed please ! Book : Sophie Kinsella in and Eleonora Giorgi to the sub list @BuffaloPhil : Esther Rantzen climbs to the official list while another sub is needed please ! @CalebH : Fernando Farias to the list and another Rupert… I mean sub needed please ! @CaptainChorizo : Kitty Dukakis in and another sub etc, etc… Commtech Sio Bibble : Dennis Skinner in and Raul Castro as third sub gcreptile : Chuwit Kamolvisit in and Al McCoy as new sub @max_bossetti : Washington Cruz in and a second sub to choose for this round ! Sean : Alan Hansen in and Princess Mikasa waiting for her turn ! Summer in Transylvania : Frank Caprio in and Philip Zimbardo on the sub list @ThereWillBeDeaths7 : José Mujica on to the official list and another sub needed please !
  8. Lafaucheuse

    Frankie Valli

    Don’t know When this was taken but looks quite terrible here
  9. Lafaucheuse

    41. Brigitte Bardot

    Recent interview with Le Monde, you can hear her speak here, telling she can’t walk anymore unless with two walking sticks, she hates medicine and sounds frail to me… but she feels young and happy apparently ? The photo is from june
  10. Lafaucheuse

    French Deathlist 2024

    Why a french deathlist you may ask ? Well, why not ? This site is filled with french-speaking, french enthusiasts and other french nerds who fight every year to see their favorite names included on the official list. And what a disappointment to see, year after year, that our wishes, like most of those expressed here, are not listened to by the committee (ie. Bernadette Chirac)… And as there is no such thing as an official French Deathlist site or forum (except this weird one), we began to loose hope of ever being adequately represented… Fear not ! The official French Deahtlist is coming soon ! The little community of french deathpoolers on this site have gathered in the last few months and after many talks, endless dithering and hasty reorganization (Cf. Gerard Collomb and Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie) we came up with a list of 50 french-speaking personalities (and not exclusively french per se) whom, we think, could die in 2024. This list was made possible thanks to the involvement of @BeretBleu @etib80, @Fantomasss, @La Tombe, @thadee and I. A special thanks to @Book whose help and example with the DACH list have greatly facilitated our task ! We will only post here in english and only on news about our 50 picks. Others news and talks about french personalities will take place in the French Speaking Deathlist thread. Every time a hit occurs, we will post it here, cross his or her name on the list on front page, and I'll make a quick recap on the deceased hit. We hope it'll be successful and that you'll enjoy it The official list will be unveiled on the eve of the 31st of december or on the morning of the 1st january. Till then… Bonne chance !
  11. Lafaucheuse

    1. Jimmy Carter

    We’ve never seen John Sulu and Jason Carter in the same room…
  12. Lafaucheuse

    2. Dick Van Dyke

    Did look frailer than usual here. He seemed to be gasping for air…
  13. Lafaucheuse


    Wonder if Dominique Pelicot from the much related Pelicot trial would qo. Has been hospitalized for a week now after suffering from undisclosed health problem ( I red somewhere it was a heart attack ?) and now kidney infection, bladder clot and prostate problem
  14. Lafaucheuse

    Mysterious thread…

    What would be the misteries that you want to see solved before your death ? I can think of several : • The Sodder children's disappearance on Christmas Eve 1945 • What happened to Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès after having killed his wife and 4 children ? • What caused the death of the nine soviet hikers in the Ural Mountains in 1959 ? (the Dyatlov Pass incident) • Who killed 4 years old Gregory Villemin in 1984 ? • Was Jeanne Calment really 122 ? Both Dupont de Ligonnès and "le petit Gregory" are the most famous cold cases in France. Everybody basically knows what is their stories, don't know if this is known worldwide though. Feel free to share your favorite unsolved mysteries here.
  15. Lafaucheuse

    Mary Berry

    Attenborough unable to attend ? Do we know something ?
  16. Lafaucheuse

    Sophia Loren

    Maybe because she’s the last classical actress standing of that level of fame and is entering her 90 ? Maybe because she underwent emergency surgery a year ago and because we all know how fast it could go down at that age ? Maybe because there are far less famous picks on the list and far less frail too ? I prefer scoring with Loren than with Nigel Starmer Smith but that’s personal I conceed.
  17. Lafaucheuse

    Sophia Loren

    Watched Arabesque for the first Time yesterday : put her on the damn list next year ! I know She looks healthy but she will turn 90 in a week and missing her would be embarassing considering her fame. If Bardot has a place on the list, so should Loren ! Also, what a shame Donen died off the list : one of the most acclaimed and famous director of all Time and 94 should have guarantee him a place on the list. I remember he was a personal favorite of mine When I began deadpooling and I felt he was a bit overlooked on here….
  18. Lafaucheuse

    James Earl Jones

    what ?? well RIP, I predict this is the first of some big deaths in September/October, didn't see that one coming, anyway + 6 for my shadow list (at last)
  19. Lafaucheuse

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I think he’ll reach 100. Which is unbelievable in itself : if you’d have said to me in february 2023 he will reach that age, I would have tought you were John Sulu. Wouldn’t rule out him making it to 2025 too…
  20. Lafaucheuse

    Fauja Singh

    They’re talking about us
  21. Lafaucheuse

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    Don't think they would take the risk. They seem to like those cancer-attention-seeker à la Leah Bracknell. Linda Nolan would probably remained in too even though there would be better candidates to keep imho.
  22. Lafaucheuse

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    If they were to drop 21 people, I think it would be : Pope Francis Robert Wagner Mel Brooks Patricia Routedge Clint Eastwood Vanessa Redgrave Desmond Morris Denis Law Hans Blix Julie Walters Tom Brokaw Louis Farrakhan Daniel Barenboim Robert Duvall Josef Fritzl Brigitte Bardot Ted Turner Buzz Aldrin Sly Stone Tom Baker Joe Bugner I don't see them dropping Scales for example as mentioned by msc in her thread, but I can see them dropping Redgrave, Bardot or Aldrin over Dick Cheney for whatever reason. They seem to think it would be a masterstroke to score with him due to the unpredictability of his heart condition, even though he is on the list for 6 years now (so barely a burst of genius from their part if ever he scores and even less a shock, I don't understand why he's still on the list!)
  23. Lafaucheuse

    38. Prunella Scales

    She even looks and sounds better than some 92 yo without dementia would. I bet she’ll Stay in the list until she goes now, it’s too risky at that age. Glad she won’t be a hit soon though.
  24. Lafaucheuse

    Academy Award Winners

    breaking news, a miss for my personal list
  25. Lafaucheuse

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    legendary franco-romanian composer Vladimir Cosma (wiki) is still alive at 84. I was 100% sure he died several years ago but I may mistake him with Francis Lai

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