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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. 27 minutes ago, Octopus of Odstock said:


    So we all get flowers when we get the vaccine? 

    I think you only get them if there’s above 98% of chance you die before the end of the pandemic, kind of a goodbye gift

    • Like 2

  2. 34 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    Have great respect for Larry King for the moment he killed Rave Dubin: 



    I say it once again, I’m sure Ruth Bader Ginsburg is just Larry with a wig

  3. Currently working on a class about « hair in The 50-60’s cinema », we mentionned the name of Dominique Wilms who played in « La Môme vert de gris » I didn’t know her but was sure she was dead. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched : she is 91 this year. Don’t know if she is famous enough because she is belgian but worth noting it so here is her wiki link https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominique_Wilms

  4. On 07/01/2021 at 21:17, Charles De Gaulle said:

    So here is the latest on Eugenia Cooney. She is very close to being back to her worst 




    I've been anorexic for 2 years back when I was 18-19, it was the worst period of my life, people don't understand how hard this addiction is, I wouldn't wish it even to my worst enemy. Every time that I find Eugenia's videos online, I have tears in my eyes, I wish her all the very best and I hope that someday she'll be able to say that it's behind her. 

    • Like 3

  5. 1 minute ago, N. Fritz said:

    Biggest miss maybe? 

    Biggest miss SO FAR* : King, Menem, Gorbachev etc would probably be the biggest ones but there's a thread for that, no need to pollute this one with my lingering disapointment :lol:

    • Thanks 1

  6. 2 hours ago, JeffreyTheSuperSnail said:

    1. I don't think there's a chance. Calment's age is such an outlier that even that has gone under dispute recently. The only reason she was verified is because there was such an extensive background of records to back up her claimed age, which all of these claimants don't have.
    2. See above.
    3. It's very unpredictable to say at such an old age, but having a healthy lifestyle definitely makes the odds more likely.
    4. Some scientists have actually placed an upper limit on human lifespan at around 125 or 130, though this is also a point of dispute, and we won't be able to truly tell until an apt amount of medical advances are made.
    5. The Gerontology Research Group at https://grg.org/ should host or at least link to a few articles or publications relating to Gerontology.
    6. Again, unpredictable, but if any of the currently living supercenteneranians are to pull it off, Tanaka has the best chance. When she took the spot of oldest living person, people noted how healthy she seemed for her age.


    Thanks for all these answers, I’m gonna search on the gerontology research group !

  7. Just red a lot of articles about centenarians and supercentenarians recently and have a few questions now :

    1) What are the chances that, amongst all the claimed supercentenarians who said to have reached 122, one of them tells the truth ? 
    2) who do you think it is/was ?

    3) What are the odds that a 100 yo woman lives to her 105 birthday considering she is healthy (but lost her mind recently), never smoked, nor drunk etc ? (Asking for my great grandmother) 

    4) do you think there’s a « maximum age » for human race ? 
    5) have you some good articles about gerontology ? 


    thanks for you answers, I would be delighted whatever the answer is 


    edit - one more question and I promise I’ll stop : do you think Kane Tanaka will surpass Sarah Knauss’ age ?


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