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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse


    My French Shadowlist for 2021 ! 

    • Jean Louis Trintignant
    • Renée Simonot
    • Robert Marchand
    • Claude Sarraute
    • Hubert De Lapparent
    • Marcel Conche
    • René De obaldia
    • Pierre Soulages
    • Jacques Delors
    • Jacqueline De Ribes
    • Micheline Presle
    • Henri Vernes
    • Edgar Morin
    • Jean Graton
    • Laurent De Brunhoff
    • Roland Dumas
    • Françoise Gilot
    • Philippe De Gaulle
    • Robert Badinter
    • Bernard Tapie
    • Philippe Jacottet
    • Michel Bouquet
    • Marthe Mercardier
    • Judith Magre
    • Marcel Ophuls
    • Yvon Gattaz
    • Milan Kundera
    • Jean Paul Belmondo
    • Line Renaud
    • anne vernon
    • Jean Malaury
    • Yvonne choquet-bruhat
    • Marc ferro
    • Alain Touraine
    • Martial Solal
    • Yvonne Furneaux
    • Hugues Aufray
    • Philippe Bouvard
    • Marcel Amont
    • François cheng
    • Claire Maurier
    • Yvette Goudy
    • Helene Carrère d’Encausse
    • Régine
    • Laurence Badie
    • Jacques Chaumet
    • Jean Dupuy
    • Dominique Fernandez
    • André Chandernagor
    • Pierre Nora
    • Like 1

  2. On 29/12/2020 at 16:06, Stig Sanderson said:

    Think we should add Henry Kissinger, Tony Bennett & Olivia Newton John

    Oh yes ! Please add Kissinger and Bennett, we could then have 2 Kissinger and 2 Bennett on the list, brillant idea, if one of them die we would have 2 hits instead of one

    • Haha 1

  3. 1 hour ago, redrumours said:

    It'll be like 2016 that'll be the day it all kicks off again.

    but only David Bowie died on the 10th of January of 2016 ?!


    anyway your dates is saved, juste as everyone who is posting it rn, the round opens in the 1st of January ! 

    • Like 1

  4. 12 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    What the fuck has ' boomer' got to do with it?

    IIRC, 3 of the picks were over 100 years old!!

    This year's list has been an example of lazy, can't be arsed over serious research.


    Can’t your rejoice about having a record breaking year even though 4 centenarians are hits ? I rather have de Havilland, Kirk and Lynn as hits than Gulpilil for exemple Who is a nobody compared to them !

    • Like 1

  5. 4 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    13 of the 20 who have popped off this year were over 90 years old. I don't see what all the fucking crowing and preening is for. They rammed the list with very elderly people and increased the possible success rate by a huge margin.

    This isn't an exercise in " using your skill and judgement' Spot the Ball style but shooting fish in a barrel with a machine gun. 

    Anybody going for a guess on the 21st death ought to just go and pick the oldest and most frail to have good odds on getting a result.

    Hardly a game of skill, is it.


    Ok boomer

  6. 1 hour ago, Elephant said:

    I'm not making a thread for it but considering the stats, we usually have a bad year or equal it after a new record is set, so I predict the grim reaper is going to be 'like a super shit enema' in 2021

    I hope you’re wrong ! In fact I think we’re reaching the end of a generation of deathlist picks : Betty White, Prince Philip, Bob Dole, Leslie Philips, Bob Barker, as Cardin proves it today, should be on their way out and I would be surprise if they all survived 2021...

    • Like 2

  7. On 26/12/2020 at 10:26, paddyfool said:

    La Reine Lafaucheuse est morte. Frappée a la tête par une balle dans un jeau de cricket.

    .50 balle d'une fusil de Browning.


    Long live king Steve! Or for at least another week, anyway...


    EDIT: Any French speakers on the forum should feel very free to correct my terrible French btw. In particular, can anyone tell me if I should have converted ammunition size to mm from inches? 

    Your french is really good ! The only thing that I Disney get is your last sentence : it’s « un fusil » but what do you mean by 50 balles de browning ?

    • Like 1

  8. 10 minutes ago, Book said:

    Couldn't find any dramatic news about Dame Maggie, so happy 86th birthday! :birthday:

    I hope she will reach 100 years and more!

    As much as I would enjoy to see her reach 100 (she’s such a sweet lady) i doubt she will...

    • Like 1

  9. On 23/12/2020 at 11:22, Lafaucheuse said:



    internet sensation « Gramma » is said to have received her last rites. Don’t know if She is famous enough but She is 106 and quite known on facebook and internet. Her sister is 101 and is said to be great.

    And now, she’s dead. Quite touching honestly to have witnessed her last days through her page, she and Ginga, her sister, were really appealing.



    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
    • Shocked 1

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