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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. 8 hours ago, CoffinLodger said:

    This year has actually been better for deathlist than you think.I've calculated that of all the people who have ever been on the list inc this year at least 26 out of 109 have died this year.That's about a quarter. That's way higher then normal. 

    Anyway that's not incredible ! I don't understand people who are crazy about having 18 out of 50 deaths this year : those 50 people are celebrities that are on the edge (some of whom are on the edge for years now) so 18 deaths out of these 50 is great, but when I first came on this site, I was quite surprised and disappointed to see that the score didn't ever pass 25/50 

    • Like 2

  2. 1 hour ago, P94 said:

    I would see in 2021 new DeathList.

    ADD (absolutely):

    George Soros

    Vladimir Putin

    Walter Mondiale

    Alexandr Lukashenka

    Dan Rather

    Gerd Mueller

    Horst Eckel

    Albert II, King of Belgium

    Lech Wałęsa




    Jacques Delors

    David Attenborough


    Pope Benedict XVI

    Henry Kissinger

    Leo Beenhakker

    Ozzy Osbourne

    Kissinger ? Really ?

  3. Pamela Tiffin, glamorous actress from Oggi, domani, dopodomani has died at 78. Such a shame, I loved her even though she wasn't that famous. Thought I posted her earlier in a thread but didn't find it. 


    edit : she wasn't Italian AT ALL I assumed wrong based on the only film I saw her in, my bad sorry… 

    • Like 2

  4. This is this time of the year again when you start looking back to what you've achieved this year and what you went through. For some years now, I have this tradition of writing a "zeitgeist" of my year. But what is a Zeitgeist ? It's a German term which means "spirit of the time" and is used especially by Google to refer to its "Year in a search" movie which recaps the year in a 3 min video since 2010. In this tradition, I have done the same thing since a few years now, summarizing my own personal success of the year, my favorite events, historical events which marked the year, historical deaths etc… 

    I propose to you this thread so that everyone is able to look back at 2020 and express his opinion of the year. 

    So : what were the personal and historical events that marked your year ? what have you done so far through the year ? What did you go through ? Who were the deaths that shocked you the most ? 


    And another question : who, according to you, are the personalities who will go in the "In Memoriam" section of Google's Year In Search 2020 ? In my opinion, I think this will be RBG, Maradona, Connery, Kobe and Kirk Douglas. 


    edit : hope my English isn't too bad, correct me if I made any mistake, it would help me to improve  :old:

    • Like 2

  5. 34 minutes ago, Book said:


    Please, not another Frenchman! :rolleyes:

    Please, another frenchman ! 

    honestly, he's not just a frenchman, he's one of the most acclaimed film director in the world, a new-wave reference who produced Le Mépris with Brigitte Bardot, Pierrot le Fou with Karina and Belmondo, A Bout de Souffle with Belmondo and Jean Seberg… A living legend whose death will probably be the biggest of the year in France when he does die

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1

  6. 13 hours ago, The Daredevil said:

    Above all, I plead the Committee to include André Maranne on the 2021 DL and not include Clint Eastwood. 


    I also agree with Larry King returning next year, providing he sees 2021. 

    why in the HELL are you obsessed with Andre Maranne ? It's like Rosemary Harris a few days ago, I heard about her more than I heard about my own mother recently. They both are not dl worthy for me, we get it that they are nonagenarians prominent figures but there is a thousand people that are far more worthy of being on the list. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Banana said:

    Surprised this person has yet to be mentioned on the forums as they don't appear to be in the greatest of health.


    Former president of the World Bank and Olympian John Wolfensohn will be 87 in a week. Pictures from early last year show him wheelchair bound and show a regression in health. His wife died in August of this year. 


    Evening gala for Christine Lagarde's departure from the IMF Christine Lagarde James Wolfensohn and Alan Greenspan are photographed for Paris Match in...


    (btw that is Alan Greenspan in the back)

    Alan Greenspan doesn't look bad at all for a 94 years old man, he should be dropped for next year imo

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