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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. 1 minute ago, paddyfool said:



    This. Also he's 55 and obese, and who knows if he may not have other comorbidities that he hasn't chosen to tell the public about. 


    He probably won't die, even if ventilated, and he'll get the best possible care. But it's not impossible that he'd end up in the 1.5% of 50-somethings who die from this in spite of whatever is done. 


    9 minutes ago, CoffinLodger said:

    Anyone could die from it.

    yeah true, but considering all the care and the precautions that are taken for politics, idk if he can actually die from it like us, "common people"

  2. 1. Toko Shinoda 

    2. Renée Simonot 

    3. Ruthie Thompson 

    4. Roberta McCain 

    5. Boris Pahor 

    6. Muazzez Ilmiye Çig 

    7. Carmen Herrera

    8. Norman Lloyd

    9. Lise Norgaard 

    10. Carmen Herrera 

    11. Jean Erdman 

    12. Beverly Cleary 

    13. Eric Bentley 

    14. Marsha Hunt

    15. Frank Popper

    • Like 1

  3. 20 minutes ago, Death Impends said:

    TBF centenarians are always dying, it's really the fact that a lot of the recent departees (Douglas, Perez de Cuellar, Frankland, Katherine Johnson, Baby Peggy, etc) are forum heavyweights which makes this recent exodus feel far bigger.

    Yeah, that was exactly What I was saying yesterday, centenarians always die (What a coïncidence) but the recents ones are really famous faces here. Anyway apparently It was just my imagination (RIP Dolorès)

  4. 1 hour ago, TomTomTelekom said:

    French Jazz-Clarinettiste Claude Abadie dead at 100 years:



    42 minutes ago, TomTomTelekom said:

    Next centenarian died. WW2-Hero James Megellas at 103 years:



    1 hour ago, TomTomTelekom said:

    American Navy Admiral and flying ace Edward L. Feightner dead at 100 years:


    « No it’s just your imagination, centenarians are not dropping like flies » :2guns:

    • Like 2

  5. 11 hours ago, CoffinLodger said:

    I stood at my window at 8pm ,clapping away for the NHS and emergency workers, but I couldn't see any of my neighbours doing the same .I felt a bit silly to be honest ! I   still feel good that I did it though. I'm not normally the sort of person that does that sort of thing, but since my niece is an NHS worker, and my sister works in     a shop dealing with a lot of grumpy customers I thought I had a duty to do it! 

    In France, everybody does it, there’s huge claping meeting on the balcony and everything with music and people congratulating the medical staff. That’s heartmelting.

    • Like 1

  6. 22 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Don't know what makes you think this.

    If you scroll through the Recent Deaths list on Wikipedia, in the last 30 days about a dozen centenarians that were on "our radars" have died.

    However, the List of living centenarians page shows another dozen notable names celebrated their 100th birthday in the last 30 days.

    There's no surplus in deaths. It's just your imagination.

    I am not saying that there is a surplus in deaths, I am just saying that very "well-known centenarians" (at least here) died since the beginning of 2020 : last year there wasn't such notable centenarians who died so quickly I reckon. 

    To summarize : Mad Mike Hoare, Kirk Douglas, Tao Porchon Lynch, Katherine Johnson, John Franzese, Diana Sera Carry (who all died the same day btw) Richard K Guy, John Maners, Anton Copolla, JVPC, Suzy Delair, Patil Putappa, Ignacio Trelles, Hau Pei Tsun, William Frankland and others, in 3 months. You can't say that this is not a pretty huge death amount for centenarians this year. 

    • Like 1

  7. 3 minutes ago, Spade_Cooley said:

    So with the passing of Frankland, and ignoring "John McCain's mum", who is now the oldest 100% guaranteed QO? Anne Baker, James C Floyd or Normal Lloyd?

    in france, surely Renée Simonot 

  8. 6 hours ago, CaptainChorizo said:

    He is the person on DL most likely to make it to 105. Committee could have held off on him imo until he was closer to Centenarian status

    Do you really think he can reach 105 ? I Seriously doubt it, he probably will be dead by 2031...

  9. 41 minutes ago, ThePrematureBurial said:

    I didn't criticize you. I'm just worried about Christophe, whose songs I like.


    I'm not "irate". If I weren't a deathlist fan, I wouldn't post here. 


    But I certainly won't rejoice if Placido Domingo dies a horrible death. 


    That's what I wrote & I don't want to be misunderstood by you, because I happen to like the French.  


    Oh sorry my mistake then, i have some troubles understanding english some times... i agree with you on that, it’s quite strange how we « rejoice » about a deathlist hit but How we use to be sad when it comes to corona and everything... 


    my mistake, I misunderstood you, I’m sorry :wacko: 

    • Like 1

  10. 2 minutes ago, Deathray said:


    Lets be frank, even to diehard stiff chasers the thought of coronavirus is off putting.


    There's a few dozen people I'd happily (fantasise about) smothering with a cushion in the dead of night while singing 'burn baby burn' but I wouldn't wish coronavirus on them. 

    yeah, I totally agree ! But idk why he answered that : there's also a few people on this year's list that I don't wanna see dead (Olivia, VGE, Lansbury, Betty White), if Christophe was on the list I wouldn't like to see him dead either, there's nothing to link with the corona !

  11. 1 hour ago, DeathClock said:

    My coronavirus death predictions: 

    Whoppi Goldberg

    James Cameron 

    Stephan King

    Simon Cowell

    Samuel Jackson

    David Beckham 

    Kim Kardashian 

    Ariana Grande



    Gisele Bündchen

    Rachel Maddow

    Chuck Grassley

    Gayle King

    Post Malone


    Post Malone

    Alec Baldwin

    Joe Biden

    Celine Dion

    Ellen Degeneres


    Lil Nas X

    ahahah If there's one of them dying from it, I'll eat pudding (god knows I Hate it) 

    • Like 1

  12. 1 hour ago, ThePrematureBurial said:




    Congratulating oneself for having guessed the year of an old celebritiy's death correctly is a guilty pleasure.


    Realizing that people one likes may drown painfully slow in their own lung fluid hurts. 

    what ?? 

    You're not on the irate visitors thread here, sorry


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