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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. Do you guys think that, at this point, she can be dropped for one year only (i’m asking while working on my 2019 shadowlist and i don’t know What to think of her)


    edit : i haven’t red the previous comments on the thread, my mistake sorry !

  2. 2 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said:


    I have about 1400 names on my two databases and I haven't lost one since Cicely Berry on 15th October

    that's a long time ago, idk what's going on but I'm tired to wait for someone to pass away :/

  3. 37 minutes ago, ImissMontpellier said:

    Last shocking death was Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, Leicester club owner who died last week in a helicopter crash. 


    You can't foresee that kind of death.


    No, you are not the only one. 


    I don't see her living to 70. I can't imagine her as an old woman.

    absolutely, she's way too weakened by a life of alcohol and drugs, she's not meant to live to 70…

  4. 2 hours ago, Prophet said:

    Yes, but we need a obit in the UK and not a obit in France, Iceland or Azerbaijan.

    I wasn't saying that, but as the site is getting more and more influence today, maybe the fact that there is just ONE British obit is not worth it to take in consideration a celebrity… 


    1 hour ago, Joey Russ said:

    As someone who isn’t British, I don’t take names that I don’t know about and just immediately call them crap picks. Instead, I look them up and read about their lives before making a final judgement (and truthfully, a lot of them are fascinating). I don’t mind if they are not in your taste, but I absolutely despise people calling a pick bad just because they don’t know about them. And like they said, we don’t have a say in them, only the committee does...

    I agree with you, I do the same : getting informed about life and death of the celebrities that are on the list, I don't think that these are "crap picks" but I just find it sad when I see that there are no obits in France for some celebrities like Denis Norden or Tessa Jowell for example… 

    In addition, I know that we have no influence on the list but this is the right topic to talk about it so I though it would be a good idea ^^

    • Like 3

  5. from a foreign point of view, this list is quite strange because there's some big big names (Douglas, Connery, Mugabe or Bush) and some other names that are almost unknown (at least in France)… this ones are :

    - Linda Nolan (don't know is she's well-known outside of the UK honestly) 

    - Jill Gascoigne 

    - Stanley Baxter

    - Ian St John

    - Jimmy Greaves

    - Valérie Harper

    - Clive James 

    - Paul Gascoigne 

    - and Evan Bracknell (when she dies, there won't be any obit in France for example)


    I'm not saying that these are names to drop for next years because the list is a British one and those one are may be really famous there but this is just an idea which crossed my mind so… 

    • Thanks 1

  6. Some french possibilities

    - Micheline presle 

    - Jacques Delors

    - René de obaldia (i feel like it’s His time this year)

    - soulages (idem)

    - Claude Sarraute

    - Jacques dessanges

    - Uderzo

    - Laurent de Brunhoff

    - Michel Piccoli

    - Roland Dumas (definitely !!)

    - Jean Marie Le Pen (the rumor of his death and his hospitalisation maybe good hints)

    - Jean Louis Trintignant (has stopped chimiotherapy and is « ready to die » as he Said in july, my personal strongest bet for 2019, should be on the official list)

    - Philippe de Gaulle

    - zappy Max

    - Edgar Morin

    - Philippe Jacottet

    - Françoise gilot

    - Judith Magre 

    - Michou 

    - lucettes destouches, Robert marchand, renee simonot, Hubert de lapparent : HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL ALIVE ??

    - Édouard Balladur 

    - Georges loinger ( not enough famous to be part of the list i guess but still acurate...)

    - Suzy Delair (is she the new Danielle Darieux or gisele casadesus ?) 

    - Anouk Aimée 

    - greco of course 


    What do you think ??

    • Like 1

  7. https://www.gala.fr/l_actu/news_de_stars/deces-de-charles-aznavour-la-veille-de-sa-mort-il-passait-du-bon-temps-avec-une-star_419891 


    according to Michel Leeb ( a French humorist), he saw him Sunday afternoon and he felt like Aznavour was well in shape, straight on his feet, joking and walking by himself, he had a lot of projects for this year and next year. According to him, his death is unexplainable because he was really fine yesterday…


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