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Posts posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. 5 minutes ago, Deathray said:




    Jerry Garcia wasn't on the 1995 list.


    Jack Hargreaves wasn't on the 1993 list.


    Arthur Marshall wasn't on the 1999 lists.


    Deaths in the side-bar are not for that years list, but all lists, however they're wildly innaccurate anyway (see Hartnell's supposed 1999 death). 

    oh yeah I get it… shit I have to search again :( 

  2. 15 hours ago, Wee Jum said:

    Who would you drop from last year to keep them on the list ?

    Kirk Douglas
    Herman Wouk
    Olivia de Havilland
    Prince Phillip
    Leah Bracknell    
    Vera Lynne
    Robert Mugabe
    Jimmy Carter
    Doris Day
    Pierre Cardin        
    Bob Dole
    Henry Kissinger
    Javier Perez de Cuellar
    Prunella Scales
    Bob Barker
    Betty White
    Hosni Mumbarak
    June Brown
    Stirling Moss
    Dick Van Dyke
    Honor Blackman
    Jimmy Greaves
    Valery Giscard d'Estaing
    Valerie Harper
    Clive James

    yeah absolutely, Van Dyke or even Mubarak could have been dropped

  3. 13 minutes ago, Deathray said:


    The lists are all available on the website, do the research for us.


    In all seriousness there's probably a post on it somewhere.


    Whilst browsing old lists I just noticed William Hartnell who died in 1975 is down as a death on 31st December 1999? As well as Wilfred Bramble who died in 1989? Is their a backstory to this?

    so, the earliest hits are :

    Jerry Garcia, the 1st January 1995

    Jack Hargreaves, 1st January 1993

    Arthur Marshall, 1st January 1999

  4. 1 hour ago, Yvonne said:

    Here are my most significant


    January      Dolores O'Riordan

    February     Emma Chambers

    March         Roger Bannister

    April            Alfie Evans

    May            Dan Kneen 

    June           Helen Griffin

    July            William Dunlop and Ellie Soutter

    August      Aretha Franklin 

    September   Burt Reynolds and Tessa Jowell 

    October      Charles Aznavour 

    November   Tim Stockdale and Richard Baker 

    December   June Whitfield 


    Happy New Year everyone 


    Tessa jowell died in may... besides that I think this is a great list

  5. With a little step back i would say

    1) where the fuck is Newton-John 

    2) where the fuck is the pope ??? 

    3) why jean louis Trintignant is not in ?

    4) why Lee Kerslake is not in ?

    5) why Turner ?? 

    6) Where are Sheila Mercier and Norman Lloyd ??


    Anyway a risky list (i think) but we’ll see, hope it will work well 

    • Like 2

  6. 1. Anoa’i, Samu (wrestler) 
    2. Alagiah, George (British presentation) 
    3. Bentley, Eric (American critic) 
    4. Blanco, Kathleen (American politician) 
    5. Bracknell, Leah (British actress) 
    6. Chalandon, Albin (French politician) 
    7. Chamorro, Violeta (nicaragua former nicaragua president) 
    8. Chirac, Jacques (former french president)
    9. Clegg, Johnny (singer) 
    10. Delair, Suzy (French actress) 
    11. De Lapparent, Hubert (French actor) 
    12. De Obaldia, René (French writer) 
    13. Destouches, Lucette (French dancer) 
    14. Dumas, Roland (French politician) 
    15. Gascoigne, Paul (British footballer) 
    16. Gascoigne, Jill (actress) 
    17. Geering, Lloyd (theologian)
    18. Hutchinson Guest, Ann (American dancer) 
    19. James, Clive (TV presenter) 
    20. Kerslake, Lee (drummer) 
    21. Knoll, Florence (American designer)
    22. Little Richard (American singer) 
    23. Lovato, Demi (American singer) 
    24. Marchand, Robert (French cyclist) 

    25. McCririck, John (English television horse-racing pundit)
    26. Munk, Walter (American oceanographer) 
    27. Nelson, Willie (country singer)
    28. Newton John, Olivia (singer and actress) 
    29. Norgaard, Lise (danish writer) 
    30. Ping, Song (Chinese politician) 
    31. Popper, Frank (French artist)
    32. Ricksen, Fernando (football player) 
    33. Rui, Li (Chinese politician) 
    34. Simonot, Renée (French actress) 
    35. Segghizi, Cecilia (italien pianist) 
    36. Stiles, Nobby (British footballer) 
    37. Tompson, Ruthie (American animator)
    38. Trelles, Ignacio (Mexican football coach) 
    39. Trintignant, Jean-Louis (French actor) 
    40. Turnbull, Bill (British journalist)

  7. Is this me or we’ve lost a lot of « big DDP names » in the last 2 weeks ? Richard Overton, Sono Osato, Georges Loinger, June Whitfield, Simon Ricketts, and now Don Lusk ? Maybe a good time to see Herman Wouk or Bracknell pass out then ?!  

  8. 14 minutes ago, CoffinLodger said:

    She's a definite contender for oldest woman in the world in a few years time ! 

    I red on Wikipedia (What a great source of information) that she may be born in 1917, which means that she could « only » (What a strange use of the term) be 101 yo...

  9. my 2019 shadow list

    1. Johnny Clegg
    2. Lee Kerslakde
    3. Jean Louis Trintignant
    4. Leah Bracknell
    5. Herman Wouk
    6. Clive James
    7. Kirk Douglas
    8. Suzy Delair
    9. Norman Lloyd
    10. Renée Simonot
    11. Le Duc Anh
    12. Dilip Kumar
    13. Violeta Chamorro
    14. Boris Pahor
    15. Fernando Ricksen
    16. Robert McCain
    17. Sumner Redstone
    18. Vera Lynn
    19. Olivia de Haviland
    20. Ieoh Ming Pei
    21. Yasuhiro Nakasone
    22. Doris Day
    23. Pierre Soulages
    24. Robert Mugabe
    25. Prince Philip
    26. Pope Benedict
    27. Jacques Chirac
    28. Javier Perez de Cuellar
    29. Olivia Newton John
    30. Bob Dole
    31. Stanley Donen
    32. Paul Gascoigne
    33. Henri Kissinger
    34. Jean II de Luxembourg
    35. Pierre Cardin
    36. Bob Barker
    37. Carol Channing
    38. Iris Apfel
    39. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
    40. René de Obaldia
    41. Roland Dumas
    42. Jackie Stallone
    43. Alicia Alonso
    44. Franco Zefirelli
    45. Earl Cameron
    46. Michel Piccoli
    47. Lyndon Larouche
    48. Rhonda Flemming
    49. Gloria Vanderbilt
    50. Willie Nelson
    • Like 2

  10. 2 hours ago, ImissMontpellier said:

    A 1948 birth...


    Random famous people born in 1948:

    Beppe Grillo 

    Donna Summer

    Samuel L Jackson

    Al Gore

    James Ellroy

    Prince Charles

    Jeremy Irons

    Grace Jones


    who is the most likely to die next year? 

    A 1949 birth, but Gloria Gaynor may be a good one to keep an eye one 

  11. Here is my 2019 French deathlist : the names in green are worth it, the other in red are… not so worth it so… Help me knowing who I can drop and who I can't... 

    1. JL Trintignant
    2. Renée Simonot
    3. Georges Loinger
    4. Lucette Destouches
    5. Robert Marchand
    6. Suzy Delair
    7. Hubert de Lapparent
    8. Marcel Conche
    9. René de Obaldia
    10. Pierre Soulages
    11. Jean de Luxembourg
    12. Pierre Cardin
    13. Roger Etchegaray (turns 97)
    14. Micheline Presle
    15. Jacques Chirac
    16. Henri Vernes
    17. Edgar Morin
    18. Albin Chalandon (turns 99)
    19. Jean Graton
    20. Laurent de Brunhoff
    21. Jacques Dessanges
    22. Roland Dumas
    23. Zappy Max (turns 98)
    24. Françoise Gilot (turns 98)
    25. Philippe de Gaulle (turns 98)
    26. Maria Pacôme DEAD   Sanson
    27. Jean Pierre Richard
    28. Robert Badinter
    29. Jean Paul Belmondo
    30. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
    31. Bernard Tapie
    32. Michel Piccoli
    33. Philippe Jacottet (turns 94)
    34. Zizi Jeanmaire
    35. Michel Bouquet (turns 95)
    36. Jean Raspail (turns 94)
    37. Genevieve Page (turns 92)
    38. Roger Carel (turns 92)
    39. Gisèle Halimi (turns 92)
    40. Milan Kundera (turns 90)
    41. Frank Popper (turns 101)
    42. Marcel Ophüls
    43. Albert Uderzo 
    44. Judith Magre (turns 93)
    45. Juliette Gréco
    46. Claude Sarraute
    47. Dominique Farrugia
    48. Françoise Hardy 
    49. Jacques Dutronc
    50. Michael Lonsdale


    1. Jean Marie Le Pen (not sure at all)
    2. Line Renaud
    3. Annie Cordy
    4. Agnes Varda (turns 90)
    5. Michel Polnareff
    6. Claude Barzotti
    7. Marcel Amont
    8. Marthe mercadier

  12. 57 minutes ago, Life Is Beautiful said:

    looked particularly awful at HW Bush's funeral:



    At the end of the video, carter smiling at Meliana when she salutes is really touching/cute , idk why but i find him truthfull :)

    • Like 3

  13. some name that are not so mentioned here 

    • Carmen Herrera, 103 : cuban-american painter 

    • Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, 104 : Turkish archeologist 

    • Toko Shinoda, 105 : Japanese painter and artist 

    • Jean Erdman, 102 : American choreographer and dancer 

    • Sono Osato, 99 : American actress and dancer

    • Ann Hutchinson Guest, 100 : American danser and writer 

    • Song Ping, 101 : Chinese politician 

    • Ignacio Trelles, 102 : Mexican football trainer 

    • Damián Iguacén Borau,, 102 : oldest spanish bishop 

    • Randolph Hokanson, 103 : classical American pianist 

    • Margaret Morgan Lawrence, 104 : American psychiatrist 

    • Hilde Zadek, 101 : German operatic soprano 

    • Lloyd Geering, 101 : theologian 

    • John Franzese, 101 : Italian American mobster 

    • Morton Sobell, 101 : American spy 

    • Florence Knoll, 101  American architect and furniture designer

    • Richard K Guy, 102 : British mathematician 

    • Anton Coppola, 101 American opera conductor and composer

    • Milton Quon, 105 :  American animator, artist and acto

    • Don Lusk, 105 American animator and director 


    are they famous enough ? 

    • Like 2

  14. 13 hours ago, ThePrematureBurial said:

    These two belong on next year's death list. I wish them a long life, as long as they enjoy it, but how long are they able to hold on?



    Michael lonsdale looks awful, giscard d’Estaing looks à bit better according to the fact that he can stand up

    • Like 2

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