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Posts posted by Genfærd

  1. 23 minutes ago, Sod's Law said:

    Joakim is the one who kicked up a storm because his kids were stripped of their titles, right? I'm guessing that trimming-down of the royal family went down very well with the Danish public (and would be something that Charles would be wise to explore in future)?



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  2. 1 hour ago, Sod's Law said:

    Come to think of it, how will this affect the popularity of the monarchy in Denmark as well? I got the impression that she was personally very popular, but is it the same story with Frederik or do we have a Liz v. Charles situation here? 


    As a Dane, I can tell that 75% likes the monarchy and Margrethe is very popular. 


    Henrik, on the other hand, was more like Charles, but it was never planned that he was going to be king, which he bitched about till his death.


    Frederik is very popular. Much exposed in sports and military. Him and his family are the ideal family and popular. 


    His brother, Joakim, on the other hand, has been divorced and involved in many scandals such as fighting in public and openly made criticism about the family.


    The timing with Frederik is a bit odd though. He was spotted in Spain in november and rumors said he had an affair, but was not proven. It kind of dipped his popularity.


    But overall, people are happy that Frederik is the new King, and he will probably follow his mothers foodsteps with ease.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Miranda lass said:

    So just wanted to ask is she likely to die soon like 2025 do you think?

    I'm all for having her on my future list but wonder how likely she is to be a committee pick?


    Her mom, Ingrid, lived to 90 years old.


    Margrethe is diffentely getting weaker due to old age, and she has been smoking all her life.


    BUT, she seems fine in her new years speech tonight. She is stepping down because of the operation, but mostly due to Frederik being in his 50s and she want him to have a long reign. She said she would stay till her death, and probably realized that she is weaker, but could go on for many years. She wants to retire, she is not dying.

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