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The Old Crem

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Posts posted by The Old Crem

  1. 49 minutes ago, msc said:


    I think the gist is basically: the on the day figure is of those who have tested positive for Corona. Every sudden death in a hospital or care home has to go through various checks which take a week or two, and many of those are being picked up as Corona-related postmortem.

    Not always - some hospitals are taking days to report all the confirmed Corona deaths.

  2. 2 hours ago, Grim Up North said:

    Notable to me I seem to have the ‘rona.


    Hopefully I don’t get to feature on the daily deaths stats in a few weeks.


    51 year old male runner with mild asthma. No BMI issues or other underlying health conditions that I know of..


    Not looking forward to the next couple of weeks.


    Cheers to all, GUN 

    Get lots of rest.

    Hope you over it quickly - thinking of you.

    • Like 1

  3. 31 minutes ago, Genfærd said:

    how's Tom Hanks doing?


    First it was just mild. Then it became serious. THEN he was recovering at home and last I heard he wasn't doing too well. Surely, he must've recovered by now.

    Well he flew back to the USA last week so he must be.

    • Like 1

  4. 22 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    What makes you think California and New York have peaked? The UK entered lockdown before the States, and even now the States hasn't gone into as strict a quarantine.

    As of today there have been about 15,000 deaths in the States. Just a week ago that number was 5,000. The number of new cases doesn't seem to be shrinking in the States either, only in the statistics because they're now focussing testing rather than granting it to everyone.

    Also don't know why you think Tokyo will have it significantly bad. Only 93 people have died in Japan thus far and the virus was an issue in their country before it was in most other places...

    New York's deaths and hospital admissions are flatlining.


    Tokyo has just gone into a state of emergency and it's governor thinks it could get bad there - at the moment most of the new  cases are among the young but it won't be long till it enters the care and hospital systems.




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