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Posts posted by Perhaps

  1. It's all a bit much for this time of year, isn't it? Pelé and Benny being the ultimate coffin teasers, all to spite the people running deadpools and nothing more.


    Although I wouldn't mind Pelé clinging on for next year as he his death puts my third place in the DDP in great jeopardy!


    • Like 2

  2. 10 minutes ago, Windsor said:


    A Unique pick bonus only promotes the non-celeb choices. 

    Deadpooling isn’t an intellectual game - it’s a bit of fun. If you want to prove you know something the rest of us tosser don’t, sign up for fucking Pointless. 


    Dear Whinging Windsor, do you ever have anything positive to say on here? Good grief, you are beginning to be on the same level as Sir Creep on being the amongst the most annoying and ignorant long-term fuckwits on this website.


    I fail to see how unique picks promote non-celeb choices. The people that run the DDP, from past to present, seem to me that they're constantly on high alert to make sure no person tries to slip in a name that isn't famous in their own right and ALL DDP picks are of a good standard. But I don't have to explain something to you that's already been explained clearly in the DDP rules. 


    • Like 1

  3. I've always thought 3 bonus points for picking the top 40 most popular picks is a little excessive - it's very Family Fortunes.


    For next year I've been trying to mix it up between picks in their 80s that are mostly likely Drop 40 locks and a couple of names that have the potential to be unique. I was lucky this year with Alan Melinek but the PTSD from the no QO for Dan Lacey has made me a little bit more cautious in choosing barrel-scraping picks. Picking the right D40 picks along with the correct terminal cases is definitely the key to a good performance. 


    Although was it this year that they changed unique picks to be worth more bonus points that D40s? I'm not complaining about the bonus, as long as unique picks are always seen are more valuable then I'm fine with it.

    1. Lloyd Geering
    2. Elizabeth Kelly
    3. James Clayton Flowers
    4. Arnold Yarrow
    5. Wanda Półtawska
    6. Song Ping
    7. James C. Floyd
    8. Philippe de Gaulle
    9. Marita Camacho Quirós
    10. Lucile Randon
    11. Caren Marsh Doll
    12. Jacqueline White
    13. Janis Paige
    14. Brenda Milner
    15. Patrick Duffy

    Ray Anthony

    Tony Vaccaro

    • Like 1

  4. Apparently there’s a lot of movement some stadium (I don’t know football so please excuse my ignorance) because they’ve pitched something in the centre of the pitch.




    There’s also a video that’s allegedly from inside the tent which confirms it’s Pelé related:




    So his death has either been leaked and they’re preparing a tribute or it’s just some random spectacle to show respect for him. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Joey Russ said:

    I will be somewhat sympathetic to the newbies and going from past experience I think it’s that they want to contribute to the forums but are unsure how they can do it, so they think making topics is the only way they can meaningfully contribute. Of course then why would make a thread that is going to actually have 0 discussion is news to me. At least with household names there’s some reason to set up a thread for them even if it’s arbitrary. 
    I do agree at the end of the day that it’s probably better to set up a system to block newbies from posting threads but would also try to encourage them to discuss in other ways so they don’t get completely discouraged 


    Most forums I’ve been part of encourage thread making to make it seem their forums are popular and buzzing with activity, no matter how shite the quality of the topic. This forum is pretty unique in the fact that regulars froth at the mouth at people making new topics. 

    So these newbies making new threads are probably surprised at the reaction they get when they post one. It simply needs to be easily communicated to new members that it doesn’t make you popular. Or just stop them from posting until they reach a certain post count. Although this doesn’t stop unnecessary threads being made (that Charles de Gaulle account for example, one person I can think of who LOVES a thread). 

  6. I’ve been on this forum approaching 4 years and I have never had the urge to make a thread. Why do people that first join this forum have an overwhelming desire to create a topic for any fucker that pops in their head?


    Surely it’s not hard to stop postless newbies from creating new topics. 



    • Like 12

  7. 11 minutes ago, John "요한" Sulu said:

    At least 100 because I'm hoping for a new milestone in US presidential history for him becoming the first US president to live to triple digits to be a centenarian.


    He is NOT on my list for next year, but many other individuals born in 1924 on the nonagenarian and centenarian site I go on are.  I'm hoping the number of 98 year olds born in 1924 is strong at a quantity of 31 by the end of 2022, but since not everyone makes it to 100 or is beyond 100, I am expecting several of them to pass away in 2023, but NOT Jimmy Carter making the quantity of 1924-born individuals to go down from 31 to less than 20 by the end of 2023.




    Respectfully shut the fuck up. I've read this reworded nonsense too many times recently.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  8. 56 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Starting to seriously question whether you have Alzheimer's disease.

    You posted an almost identical post about proposing these exact three actresses several months ago.

    In another instance on Ideas and Possibilities you suggested Yvonne Furneaux, then several weeks later said "what about Yvonne Furneaux?". You did the same with Robert Wagner several times etc. etc. 

    Seeing loads of examples of you doing this. Therein lies the question... are you Peter Falk?


    You should tally up the posts he’s done advocating for the omission of Clint Eastwood from the deathlist on the grounds that he’s apparently miraculously healthy. He’s been blowing that horn for over a year in dozens of posts. 

    • Like 1

  9. Polite request for the folk gathering pictures for the DDP, could you save the pictures in a format that doesn't mess up the quality (JPEG)?


    There's some pictures that are more pixelated than genitalia in Asian porn this year.

    • Haha 2

  10. 7 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Brazil is going to be inspired by all this and go on to win the World Cup. Mark my words


    Your words have already been mentioned by thousands of people that also want that narrative. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    I will be interesting in joining in 2023 but I can't find the scoring rules on the site. What is the drop 40 section and the party pooper one ? are we allowed to do a french theme team for example and a main list ? will we score for both ?


    Point scoring rules is in the top left corner on the scoreboard page.




    You can have up to 3 teams, themes or normal lists.


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