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The Great Cornholio

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Everything posted by The Great Cornholio

  1. The Great Cornholio


    Concerning avatar pics, I'm happy to say that I have no responses from the message on my profile pic considering the general age range on this forum doesn't quite match my desired age preference DDT has the coolest one IMO
  2. The Great Cornholio

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Absolutely yes, I can imagine him foaming at the mouth now everyone thinks he's broke. Trump is defined by his money so yes he is probably really really pissed that this is trending. When he was roasted by Comedy central a fair few years back, CC asked Trump if there was a certain line they shouldn't cross (eg: family etc) and Trump said how much he is worth financially. Now it's starting to make sense...
  3. The Great Cornholio

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Boris to enforce a 'social lockdown' in north England and possibly London. Restaurants etc to close for 2 weeks initially and you cant meet others inside but outside is still fine for some reason but come back to the restaurants and cafes as soon as you can but try not to visit your mum. I mean you can breathe in the same air as 15 strangers but god forbid if you visit one other household. :O Good ol' Boris logic...
  4. The Great Cornholio

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Thats the strength that the left possesses, they are bang on about their opponents. Labour is bang on about everything the Tories do wrong, and they are right almost every time. Similar for the Dems, Tulsi Gabbard for example was bang on about Trump regarding how he was just full of it on the economy and the military - all the stuff he claimed to care about was all bull. She was the moderate choice IMO and I would've happily supported her. Personally, despite my dislike for Tories/Trump, I'm not going to sell out on my beliefs by doing a full 180 and support anyone who isnt Tory/Trump.
  5. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Pierre Trudeau - ex-PM of Canada and father of current PM, Justin 'kill your enemies and they win' Trudeau, died 20 years ago today aged 80 FYI - Is it just me or does Justin Trudeau have a striking resemblance to Fidel Castro? Maybe Pierre wasnt Justin's dad after all?
  6. The Great Cornholio


    Sounds like a typical Tory MP Saturday night
  7. The Great Cornholio

    May I Perchance Rant?

    Agreed. Someone say something controversial
  8. The Great Cornholio

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Avril Lavigne is 36 - she liked to play multiple characters in her music videos
  9. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Hugh Hefner porked his last 20 year old 3 years ago
  10. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    Not my fault you cant address an argument properly without name calling... I've literally responded to your points so wtf you saying? And Trump is a dope. He is dopey. Very dopey. The fact that me saying that is not enough for you speaks for itself. I bet you're one of those people who read braindead articles from buzzfeed, huffpost and Hello magazine as I can imagine 'Calling Trump A Dope/Stupid Is Actually DaNgErOuS' being a common headline at those sites.
  11. The Great Cornholio

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Olivia Newton John is 72 Serena Williams is 39 Robert 'Beto' O'Rourke is 48
  12. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    I take it you dont remember him saying 'well if you dont vote democrat then you aint black', that was this year and that was extremely racist. Biden was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein and went to his island numerous occasions and left his security behind. Newsflash, politicians lie. They will say stuff and they will say or do anything to cover their tracks. Same goes for Trump. Biden has flip flopped between the gay policy just to appease to voters, he doesnt actually care about the gay community (and tbf neither does Trump). I told you, I know Trump is a dope and makes very poor decisions. You dont have to explain that to me. Biden doesnt even know what office he's running for, and 100 million dead from COVID? That was down to his stammer? Really? Yes, we have lived through worse than Trump winning the election. Not saying that it wont be shit but we could at least get a few laughs opposed to Biden winning where you'd probably just get some boomer doing a video on how he doesnt live in America anymore now Biden has won. Socialism is a product of Marxism. Socialism is a nice idea, everyone gets enough money, poor get richer and the rich get poorer and we live in a more financially sensible society - but it doesnt work. Socialism has been tried 32 times and has failed each time. And I guess you're gonna call me a Trump supporter now that I have said something derogatory against socialism arent ya? Just because you cannot compute the idea of someone hating the democratic party and also hating the republican party. It has to be absolutes in black and white with the left, hence why phrases like 'waycist' are thrown around like it aint shit these days. Dont like Biden? You're waycist! Dont support BLM? Waycist! Dont support Antifa? 'WeLl YoU mUsT bE oN tHe FaScIsTs If YoU hAtE tHe AnTi-FaScIsTs' (insert soyjak meme). To put it simply, you have the regressive left and you have the authoritarian right - you do not have to pick a side. Both are nuts and if either party got what they wanted then it would end up drastically.
  13. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    So if I dont support Biden then I must support Trump? No that must be the only possible reason... You want me to list out Biden's faults? Ok fine, although I am kinda doubtful you'll even give the content a read/watch as you seem super sure about your opinion and you dare not change it. So first of all, the topic of Biden: Biden is racist. Biden is a mysogynistic pervert and a peedophile. Biden is a completely clueless imbecile. Oh yeah, and he opposes gays so hell knows why you would still wanna back him. Hardly any fucking better than Trump is he? So why vote in exactly what you are replacing? Ya get meh? My logic simply comes down to that I would enjoy watching another 2016 style meltdown where the purple haired, self rightous, fake gender people are crying and shouting 'noooooo!' on the Whitehouse lawn. I find that shit fucking hilarious, which is the only real positive I can see with Trump being the winner. That does not qualify me as a Trump supporter, considering I'm pro choice, pro green, anti religion, pro drugs, pro sex work, anti trickle-down economics and anti military. You follow? Secondly, the Dems have open socialists in their party. You have old Bernie Sanders, AOC, the Muslim one that married her brother and that quoted 9/11 as 'some people did something' and other numerous cretins I'm currently too tired to remember - trust me you wont need to dig deep to find them. These people are just too far left for me to support. That being said, goodnight and farewell.
  14. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    Then why was he voted in? Again, if a serious option on the left were there then I would've gone with that.
  15. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    Oh boo fucking hoo... Why tf did the left assign Biden as their candidate? He is literally all those things. My decision is literally marginalised based on the short term fun watching all the marxists have their meltdowns. All the left has done is whine, riot and go apeshit, I enjoy watching them lose just because what brats they are on the far left. Besides Tulsi Gabbard was my serious original pick and she was left wing, so I'm hardly anti liberal I'm just against everything driven to fucking extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. To reiterate on a previous point, we have a South Park Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich election here so lets calm the fuck down and come to terms that whoever is picked is going to be shit.
  16. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    Whats that a reference to?
  17. The Great Cornholio

    enjoying deaths

    I think this thread poses a good point on DL morality. Like what Clorox said, taking pleasure in someone dying for no reason is a good indication for getting some counselling. But also like what Quim said, the news of JRM (or any Tory) dying brings a form of happiness or relief to some people. I put the bar a bit higher personally and I only really take pleasure in the death of someone like a war criminal - for example I was glad when John McCain died in the same way I was glad when Bin Laden died. I personally wouldn't go as far to say that I'd feel the same pleasure if Boris Johnson or Kier Starmer died - considering I heavily dislike both Tory and Labour. Also could I start a notion that we rename the thread to something a little more specific? Like 'Enjoyment Of Celebrity Deaths Immoral?' perhaps?
  18. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    Out of all the things Trump has done, you go with Hillary's BS stories on how 'oooo he was being creepy and I felt like I was being raped'? If thats the argument the Dems are putting across + idolising Hitlery then of course you're gonna lose... Basically Trump was trying to get extra camera time and effectively steal the show from Hillary as he is convinced that everyone turned up just because of him. He will undoubtedly try and do the same with Biden. Its just gonna be a shit show, two bumbling old sex pests with dementia go head to head arguing why the other guy is worse. Both are as bad as each other and neither win is really worth celebrating (although Trump is marginally my favourite to win just because I want to see all the self-entitled commie snowflakes melt again. I acknowledge Trump is a dope, I acknowledge everything wrong with him but why tf did the left find someone who is just as bad as him if not worse? So why not have a mass election night cry-in once again just like 2016...)
  19. The Great Cornholio

    Donald J Trump

    Please, its far too early to say for sure. The first presidential debate will be on Tuesday next week. I reckon we'll have a better idea after the debates - although IMO I think Trump has a decent chance of winning (I'd say 50/50 chance).
  20. The Great Cornholio


    Next year is gonna be tough on this front. If all major candidates die (Prince Phil, Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, Pierre Cardin, Dick Van Dyke, Leslie Phillips, Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, Prunella Scales, Bob Barker, Betty White) then you will only reach 73 points.
  21. The Great Cornholio

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Actually there are a lot of famous birthdays today: Catherine Zeta Jones is 51 Will Smith is 52 Donald Glover is 37 Michael Douglas is 76 Barbara Walters is 91
  22. The Great Cornholio

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Never heard of 'Ant And' before...

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