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About Hozonkai

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    Morbid interest

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  1. Hozonkai

    Henry Kissinger

    Imagine if he kicks off on his 100th birthday. Or he could die very shortly after much like Bob Hope, George Burns, Strom Thurmond and Alf Landon all did
  2. Hozonkai

    Henry Kissinger

    Still two hours left in the US (where he presumably is)
  3. Hozonkai

    Henry Kissinger

    Strom Thurmond is the longest lived US Presidential candidate to gain Electoral votes. He lived a few months longer than Landon did.
  4. Hozonkai

    Henry Kissinger

    Alf Landon!? He only won TWO states
  5. Hozonkai

    Jimmy Carter

    Obama could go before Jimmy. After all, nobody ever expected JFK to die before... Herbert Hoover
  6. Hozonkai

    Dick Cheney

    Harry Whittington and Alexander Hamilton What a Duo!
  7. Hozonkai

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    I'd put your son on the list. If he lives for 8 more days, he'll be 100. Could he be cheated out of 100 like Prince Philip?
  8. Hozonkai

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    Francisco Morales-Bermudez, another former Peruvian President, is 100
  9. Hozonkai

    Queen Elizabeth II

    The UR? President Boris Johnson? President Starmer?
  10. Hozonkai

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    No, he won't 1. He's almost 5 years older 2. He's been in the hospital far more often 3. Her mum made it to 101. 4. He's a man
  11. Hozonkai

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2020

    My 2020 Short List 1. Roberta McCain, 107 2. Olivia de Havilland, 103 3. Kirk Douglas, 103 4. Arnold Spielberg (Steven's dad), 102 5. Bob Dole, 96 6. Harry Reid, 80 7. Javier Perez de Cuellar, 99 8. Hugh Downs, 98 9. Daniel arap Moi, 95 10. Valery Giscard d'Estaing, 93
  12. Hozonkai

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2020

    How about Ethel Kennedy, Jean Kennedy Smith Or Clint Hill?
  13. Hozonkai

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2020

    The Queen ain't going anywhere. She'll only be turning 94 in 2020. Her mother made it to 101
  14. Hozonkai

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2020

    What about Roberta McCain? The late John McCain's mom is turning 108 in less than two months! I know some people live that long... but the mother of one of the most powerful men in the United States!? She must have taken some elixir or something!

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