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Everything posted by misswhisp

  1. misswhisp

    Elizabeth Taylor

    elizaberth taylor enjoys food too much?that "weight" is called menopause...it spares no one the kilos pile on without even a "glance" at food, she has back problems also which limits her excercise regime, combined menopause/limmited excercise= weight..so whether we like food or not...at a certain age weight comes on due to hormones....lucky u men!
  2. misswhisp

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Well!I hope the papers are telling the truth, i have a feeling they are, one wonders if the people nominated ever visit this site??????????????the mind boggles.....
  3. misswhisp

    Elizabeth Taylor

    :Thats good news i also read in the paper that she was not ill..nor had alzheimers, as i said before i hope she reaches the century mark.....she has helped countless charities and has a good kind heart live on Liz

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