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Everything posted by WEP

  1. WEP

    20/20 +3

    Congrats twice @diego
  2. WEP

    20/20 +3

  3. WEP

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Japanese writer Kenzaburō Ōe is a pick as well. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/kenzaburo-oe-author-dies/ https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2023/celebs_O.html#oek023 Is there a QO?
  4. WEP

    The Nobel Prize Dead Pool 2023/24

    1994 literature laureate Kenzaburō Oe has died at 88. https://www.barrons.com/news/kenzaburo-oe-novelist-who-won-nobel-with-poetic-force-9119802e 19 bonus points for an Asian awarded alone. And the year 1994 is now extinct. Congrats to @Hell for receiving 6.649 points. Please choose a new literature laureate.
  5. WEP

    20/20 +3

    Congrats @Summer in Transylvania 1923 - William P. Murphy/Lily Ebert 1924 - Russel Nelson/Marianne Bernadotte 1925 - Dick van Dyke/Carla Balenda 1926 - Emmanuel Kardinal Wamala/Betsy Jolas 1927 - Harry M. Markowitz/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Frank Borman/Ruth Westheimer 1929 - Archbishop Anastasios/Rebecca Schull 1930 - Norman Podhoretz/Joanne Woodward 1931 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel/Eve Queler 1932 - Gerhard Richter/Anouk Aimeé
  6. WEP

    20/20 +3

    Congrats @tracy 1923 - William P. Murphy/Lily Ebert 1924 - Russel Nelson/Marianne Werner, née Schulze-Entrup, later Ader 1925 - Dick van Dyke/Carla Balenda 1926 - Emmanuel Kardinal Wamala/Betsy Jolas 1927 - Harry M. Markowitz/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Frank Borman/Ruth Westheimer 1929 - Archbishop Anastasios/Rebecca Schull 1930 - Norman Podhoretz/Joanne Woodward 1931 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel/Eve Queler 1932 - Gerhard Richter/Anouk Aimeé
  7. WEP

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    AND to the LotL: Ali Yafie: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2023/celebs_Y.html#yafiea023 https://www.katakini.com/artikel/81989/kh-ali-yafie-meninggal-dunia/
  8. WEP

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    And also LoM: Pál Sárközy: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2012/celebs_S.html#sarkop https://www.programme-tv.net/news/people/322205-deces-de-pal-sarkozy-le-pere-de-nicolas-sarkozy-sa-famille-et-ses-proches-reunis-a-ses-obseques-pour-lui-rendre-hommage-photos/
  9. WEP

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    For the List of the Missed: Rafiq Nishonov: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2022/celebs_N.html#nishonr018 https://www.rferl.org/a/uzbekistan-leader-nishonov-dead-96/32220709.html Traute Lafrenz-Page: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2022/celebs_L.html#lafret https://www.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/panorama/mit-103-jahren-letzte-uberlebende-der-weissen-rose-ist-tot-9477095.html For the List of the Lost: Dieter Schaad: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2023/celebs_S.html#schaadd023 https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/dieter-schaad-gestorben-101.html
  10. WEP

    20/20 +3

    Congrats to all recent scorers! 1923 - William P. Murphy/Lily Ebert 1924 - Russel Nelson/Marianne Werner, née Schulze-Entrup, later Ader 1925 - Dick van Dyke/Carla Balenda 1926 - Emmanuel Kardinal Wamala/Betsy Jolas 1927 - Harry M. Markowitz/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Frank Borman/Ruth Westheimer 1929 - Archbishop Anastasios/Rebecca Schull 1930 - Norman Podhoretz/Joanne Woodward 1931 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel/Eve Queler 1932 - Gerhard Richter/Anouk Aimeé
  11. WEP

    Last Sweepstake

    Ruth Slenczynska
  12. I was shocked first since I missread Caren Miosga.
  13. WEP

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    He has died. Roman Kostomarow will be my new third sub.
  14. WEP

    20/20 +3

    1923 - William P. Murphy/Lily Ebert 1924 - Russel Nelson/Marianne Werner, née Schulze-Entrup, later Ader 1925 - Dick van Dyke/Carla Balenda 1926 - Emmanuel Kardinal Wamala/Betsy Jolas 1927 - Harry M. Markowitz/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Frank Borman/Ruth Westheimer 1929 - Archbishop Anastasios/Rebecca Schull 1930 - Norman Podhoretz/Joanne Woodward 1931 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel/Eve Queler 1932 - Gerhard Richter/Anouk Aimeé
  15. WEP

    20/20 +3

    1923 - William P. Murphy/Lily Ebert 1924 - Russel Nelson/Marianne Werner, née Schulze-Entrup, later Ader 1925 - Dick van Dyke/Carla Balenda 1926 - Emmanuel Kardinal Wamala/Betsy Jolas 1927 - Harry M. Markowitz/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Frank Borman/Ruth Westheimer 1929 - Archbishop Anastasios/Rebecca Schull 1930 - Norman Podhoretz/Joanne Woodward 1931 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel/Eve Queler 1932 - Gerhard Richter/Anouk Aimeé
  16. WEP

    The Nobel Prize Dead Pool 2023/24

    1980 chemistry laureate Paul Berg has died at 96. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2023/02/nobel-paul-berg-obit.html Congrats to @Hell for receiving 3.520 points. Please choose a new chemistry laureate.
  17. Welcome to the first Deathlist-competition dedicated to Nobel laureates: The Nobel Prize Dead Pool Since the inaugural contest 2021 was a bit shorter, I will start this one early enough. The nomination period opens on December 1st, 2021 and ends on January 31st, 2022. The rules are still easy: Pick one living Nobel laureate by each category (Physics, Chemistry, Medicine/Physiology/Peace/Literature and Economic Sciences), who you think will die during the following next twelve months. This will make six nominated people. Send your list between December 1st and January 31st! My remaining rule: No laureate can be chosen twice, so check who was picked by other deadpoolers! Two New rules for this year: 1. In case, one of your laureates dies, replace him/her by a person from the same category. This will give you the chance to score twice in a category. 2. I will be the last to choose my picks – to avoid discrepancies for the other contestants! Every laureate who dies in December or January will be excluded automatically and should be replaced in case of being chosen. People, who accepted the award on behalf of someone or represent an organization are excluded from the contest, the 2022 laureates cannot be chosen since they are unknown until October! The Nobel Prize Dead Pool will start from February 1st, the day the nomination period for new laureates ends. The last day to score a hit will be January 31st, 2023! All main sources will be accepted as well as the official Nobel Prize website www.nobelprize.org. (The deaths will be mentioned there, so no lost hits to expect!) Since not so many Nobel laureates die during a year - 2017, 2019 and 2020 it had been 9 dead laureates per year, 2018 there were 18, in 2021 so far 11 (So do not expect a rushing contest!) – the scoring will honor every hit separately. So good luck and enjoy the contest.
  18. WEP

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    Lee for me, please.
  19. WEP

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    Hans Modrow is dead: https://www.tagesschau.de/eilmeldung/eilmeldung-7063.html
  20. WEP

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    Gombojavyn Ochirbat
  21. WEP

    From Cleric To Relic

    A DDP pick: https://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2023/celebs_Y.html#yunh023
  22. German actor Dieter Schaad, known mostly for his television roles in recent years, has died at 96: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/stadt-wiesbaden/wiesbadener-schauspieler-dieter-schaad-gestorben-2285205 He played former Nazi commanders in at least three of his recent films.
  23. WEP

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    May I choose Ryuichi Sakamoto?
  24. WEP

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    See below
  25. WEP

    Deathlist's deadpool HOF

    Winner of the second Nobel Prize Dead Pool is @wannamaker for 2022/23.

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