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Everything posted by Hanzem

  1. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Kahoru Furuya, 4th oldest validated living person in Japan, turned 114.
  2. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    At this rate it is realistic than Kane Tanaka can outlive all males born in the 1900s. Or not, just because of Venturotti who looks quite strong.
  3. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    To be honest it doesn't sound credible at all... So likely after Juan Vicente Perez Mora it's Venturotti.
  4. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    I didn't understand that. His identity card has 1909 as birthyear but he claims to be 119?
  5. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    RIP. He looked frail at his 110th and 111th birthday and there was no photo of him at 112, he was reportedly bedridden.
  6. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Current TOP 10 1) Kane Tanaka 119:044 2) Lucile Randon 118:004 3) Tekla Juniewicz 115:250 4) Maria Branyas Morera114:348 5) Casilda Benegas 114:313 6) Fusa Tatsumi 114:296 7) Anonymous of Hyog 114:292 8) Sofia Rojas 114:186 9) Bessie Hendricks 114:100 10) Mila Mangold 114:093
  7. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Really weird. I wonder if this inflation from the reporters was intentional or not.
  8. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Sofia Rojas of Colombia is now validated as 8th oldest living person. She is the oldest ever validated supercentenarian from Colombia.
  9. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    However, she had said the same at 115.
  10. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Compare this to neighboring Germany, a country with even bigger population which only has 2 people 113+ (and these still UNvalidated actually)in it's history (Ollmann and Mange-not counting Gerneth).
  11. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    She has declined, but still very impressive lucidity for nearly 118.
  12. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Ai Suganoya from Osaka, Japan, who was previously in LIMBO condition and considered by many dead, was validated. She is 113 years and 276 days.
  13. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Japanese supercentenarian dead Not Kane Tanaka. Nahi Yonamine died on 7 February 2022 at the age of 113 years, 335 days.
  14. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Edie Ceccarelli turns 114 today. She is still active and able to walk with the aid of a walker. https://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/2022/02/01/willits-celebration-planned-for-edie-ceccarellis-114th-birthday/
  15. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Surprising that Tanaka and Randon survived this January...
  16. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    I don't think that the other very frail of 1907 (except Fusa Tatsumi and anonymous) is Casilda Benegas. She was very recently reported as "in very good state"and "still healthy".
  17. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Sofia Rojas will likely be validated. For the other three I doubt they could get validated.
  18. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    She also looks quite healthy.
  19. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    I am surprised that she has reached 119 and that all these much "younger" women are dying while she is still standing.
  20. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    New top 10 Now every validated living 114+ person is in the top 10
  21. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    RIP Yoshi Otsunari 6th 114+ death of January 2022
  22. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    New top 10 after the recent deaths (Valentine Ligny, Yoshi Baba, Cecile Klein, Thelma Sutcliffe, Antonia Da Santa Cruz).
  23. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Who is this?
  24. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    + The WOLM
  25. Hanzem

    World's Oldest

    Really bad and it's still only the 21st. RIP Thelma Sutcliffe

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