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Posts posted by Hanzem

  1. 4 hours ago, FasuTutsami said:

    Here are my opinions on all of the oldest people that I can’t say on 110 club:

    Maria Branyas Morera: Doing quite well for almost 116 and a half. Has obviously declined in the past few years, probably a bit over the course of this year but at a fairly slow, steady rate. I think she has a decent chance at making 117 but 117.5 or 118 is less likely. She appears to be still alert and could “stand a bit” on her 116th according to LQ article 

    Fusa Tatsumi: Could have another two or three years left in her, or another two or three days. Who knows with this one. Declined fast at 110-113 but in stable condition since then. There may be new photos soon with the Japanese old people holiday. She looks cute hugging Pikachu

    Edie Ceccarelli: Has arguably declined more than Morera. Has dementia, no longer walking or drinking wine. Not much updates since February though but there are videos of her at 114 where she can have a conversation but her voice is very raspy and it’s obvious her memory is fading. It’d be hard to say whether she’ll make 116 at this point but in 50-ish days she beats Ford and becomes oldest American born in 1900s

    Tomiko Itooka: Has also declined a lot since 110 when she had some brain haemorrhage. She’s seemed to grow increasingly depressed over the past few years. Still has quite gray hair and looks fairly strong even at 115. Decent chance at making 116 

    Inah Canabarro Lucas: It’s basically been unanimously decided she’s the best case of 1908. Probably true. I think there’s an interview with her sometime in the last couple years where she speaks very well. I think all the “I predict she will make 118-119” seems like a bit too much, but she could easily make 116, probably more likely than Itooka at this point


    The top 5 has been strong. It has stayed the same since Randon's death (17 January). 


    Maria was always a strong SC with good potential and indeed she surpassed all 116ers from South / Mediterranean Europe (Jeanne Bot, Maria Giuseppa Robucci, Ana Maria Vela Rubio, Giuseppina Projetto). She has good care, her family is active in social media, and she remains in good condition despite some decline so 117 is possible but we know that it is a very exceptional age, very difficult to reach. I think if she reaches 117 she also has many chances to reach 117.5 because summer is less dangerous for SCs


    Fusa Tatsumi has been in very frail condition since at least 3.5 years ago but she remains stable like we have seen with other Japanese female SCs. She always gave me off the vibes of Tajima as a case and she is indeed becoming a new Nabi Tajima.


    I don't think Eddie Ceccareli's dementia is immediately necessarily dangerous for her. Obviously it's a negative aspect like her physical decline which is not a good sign but still she is quite strong physically for her age.


    Tomiko Itooka was in miraculous condition as an old woman, as a centenarian and as an early supercentenarian. It is a shame to see that she has somewhat declined but she is still strong and surely much stronger than many other Japanese SCs... She also has a wealthy background and good care.


    Inah is another former very strong case with some decline due to advancing age. It would be interesting to see her getting far, given that another nun made it at the top 4 of the oldest people ..



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  2. 9 minutes ago, lay_kulast95 said:

    04. João Da Missanga (Brazil)

    Lifespan: 1908-LIVING
    Age: 115 years & 161 days
    (Ongoing Investigation)

    He is not pending by any organisation and probably not even documented so why should he be included in the list?

  3. On 28/07/2023 at 01:57, Sean said:

    Leila Denmark was a renowned peadiatrician  and made 114.

    She was the fifth-oldest validated living person in the world at the time of her death. 

    Quiros is now 39th-oldest. I think it would be possible for her to make it into the top 10 because she looks strong and stable.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    She’s the only supercentenarian who could be slightly considered for the list. She will never make it I know but just for the sake of it, it would be fun to have a supercentenarian famous for something else than his/her age. She’ll probably obit and it won’t happen anytime soon that someone of that « famousness » reaches that age. 

    Yes her age is really old for a notable person like a former first lady. Only 12.7% of supercentenarians reach 112:140 according to UK data 

  5. 12 hours ago, Steve said:

    @Hanzem is there a possibility you could provide the current top 10 as I seem to have lost my way with this now

    Current TOP 10


    1) Maria Branyas Morera    116:146

    2) Fusa Tatsumi                   116:094

    3) Edie Ceccarelli                115:173

    4) Tomiko Itooka                 115:066

    5) Inah Canabarro Lucas   115:050

    6) Juan Vicente Perez Mora114:062

    7) Elizabeth  Francis           114:003

    8) Ethel Caterham               113:341

    9) Okagi Hayashi                 113:329

     10) Pearl Berg                      113:300

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  6. Jeanne Lara (1906-2019) was validated by the ESO. She lived 113 years and 198 days, she had the title of the oldest living Spanish-born person and was the third-oldest living person in France behind Lucile Randon and Jeanne Bot

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  7. Ethel Caterham reached the final age (113 years and 333 days) of Olive Boar (1904-2018), so she enters the top 10 validated oldest people ever of the UK.


    There hasn't been an older person than that in England since 2015 and Ethel Lang.

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  8. Anisio Rodrigues Alves's age has now become pending by the GRG. According to Anisio's age claim he reached 116 years, 229 days which would make him oldest man ever (until today). It would also make him 16th oldest validated person ever today. If his age gets fully validated it would mean that Jiroemon Kimura never became oldest man ever.

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  9. Eusebio Quintero López, died on 16 July 2023 at the age of 113 years, 132 days. 

    He was world's second-oldest living man, the oldest ever person in Colombia, and one of the top 20 oldest men ever.

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  10. Ana Nogueira de Lucas (1896–2010) is now validated by LongeviQuest to have lived 114 years and 151 days.

    Ana became World's Oldest Living Person after the death of Eugenie Blanchard and died two weeks later.

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  11. Fusa Tatsumi has surpassed Jiroemon Kimura's age (116 years and 54 days). Back in 2013 when Kimura died, he was 8th oldest ever and now he is 24th. 

    Now Fusa also becomes 6th oldest Japanese ever.

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  12. Recently, one more man, Walter Breuning was left out of the top 100 oldest verified supercentenarians as the entry age climbed to 114 years and 208 days. So there are now only 3 men in the top 100 with their number having further dramatic decrease during the past years. Maybe, Perez Mora could make it in the top 100 and be the first man to do so for quite sometime.

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