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Everything posted by chel

  1. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    08.06.22 Andrey Shumilin, winner of the 1999 European Freestyle Wrestling Championship, has died at the age of 52. Recently, he served as president of the Olympic Council of the Kaliningrad Region. Shumilin performed in the weight category up to 130 kg. In 1999 he became the winner of the European Championship in Minsk. He also has bronze medals at the European Championships in 1990 and 1994. In 1993 and 1998 he became the bronze medalist of the world championships, and in 1999 he won the silver of the world championship. In 1998, Shumilin won a gold medal at the Goodwill Games in New York. https://wrestrus.ru/news/16259 https://sportrbc.ru/news/62a0b9a69a794719acf6967e
  2. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    Сringe Moscow. TASS building. Creeping text: "The Supreme Court of the DPR sentenced to death mercenaries from Great Britain and Morocco." https://youtube.com/shorts/ZUE2OIXS1EQ
  3. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    About a month ago, an investigation was published based on available information. The staff of accompanying doctors has increased. An endocrinologist is always present among them. In the coming weekend I can prepare a brief retelling.
  4. chel

    Boris Johnson

  5. chel

    Boris Johnson

    The Tories can kick Johnson out of his chair, but not out of the Honorary Cossacks. https://t.me/nashaniva/48424
  6. chel

    45. Buzz Aldrin

  7. chel

    Former First Ladies

    Helga Livytska... How much younger was she than her husband? Laurence's widow Olivier is still alive. The photo is dated 1986. The grave is also double. The photo is dated 2010. https://www.wikiwand.com/uk/Лівицький_Микола_Андрійович https://www.wikiwand.com/uk/Гельга_Лівицька
  8. chel

    Former First Ladies

    Yaroslava Plaviuk probably alive. Pay attention to the photo, there is no date of her death on the common tombstone. From here: https://www.facebook.com/ukrconstoronto/posts/1648450401881829/
  9. chel

    World War II Veterans

    In St. Petersburg, a front-line tanker Filipp Zharkoy died. In three days he would have turned 101 years old. (at the birth of Fayvish Mendeleevich, born on June 6, 1921 in the village of Zhibotitsy, Pskov province - died on June 3, 2022 in St. Petersburg) Philip Zharkoy was born near Pskov. On June 22, 1941, he turned 20 years old. He commanded a tank platoon in Lvov. He received his first order for participating in the battles that would later be called the Kharkov disaster. Then there was the Battle of Stalingrad, the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad, the liberation of Warsaw, the storming of the Reichstag. Three times wounded. Three Orders of the Red Banner, three Orders of the Patriotic War, one Order of the Red Star. After the war, Filipp Mikhailovich continued his military career, resigning from the Armed Forces in 1972 with the rank of colonel. He described his memories of the war in the book "Tank March". https://www.fontanka.ru/2022/06/04/71386094/ https://heroesxxcentury.ru/veteran/zharkoj-filipp-mihajlovich Demo version of the book TANK MARCH http://tankm.ru/?page_id=672
  10. chel

    Alexey Navalny

    News from April 18 A resident of Bucha in the Kyiv region, Ilya Navalny, who was found shot in a mass grave among hundreds of other victims, turned out to be a distant relative of the well-known Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. This was announced by their common relative, the headman of the village of Novoye Zalesye near Borodyanka, Pavel Navalny. “Yes, Ilya was a distant relative of Alexei, there is a common great-grandfather,” said Pavel Navalny. Pavel himself is a second cousin of a Russian oppositionist. URL
  11. chel

    Alexey Navalny

    Alexei Navalny turns 46 today The politician was arrested on January 17, 2021 upon his return from Berlin, where he was undergoing rehabilitation after being poisoned by Novichok. On February 2, the Simonovsky Court of Moscow replaced his suspended sentence in the fabricated Yves Rocher case with a real one - 2 years 8 months in a penal colony. On March 22, 2022, the Lefortovo District Court sentenced Navalny to another 9 years in a strict regime colony in cases of "misappropriation of donations" and "contempt of court." On May 31, Navalny spoke about the indictment in a new criminal case - about the creation of an extremist community, according to which he could face up to 15 years in prison. https://t.me/doxajournal/17119 Age: 46 Days in custody: 502
  12. chel

    Alexander Litvinenko

    Entrepreneur Dmitry Kovtun, whom the British authorities blamed for the death of ex-FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, has died from the effects of a coronavirus infection. This was reported to TASS on Saturday by a source close to him. "Dmitry Kovtun died today in one of the Moscow hospitals from the effects of covid," the source said. Kovtun was born in 1965 and served in the state security agencies. British authorities accused Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoi of the murder in London of former Russian FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko. https://tass.ru/obschestvo/14822627
  13. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    The Delovoy Petersburg edition, citing RT, refutes the report that Pushilin was wounded. Earlier they reported that the governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov and the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin visited Mariupol on June 1. An agreement on twinning between the northern capital and the port city on the Sea of Azov was signed there. https://www.dp.ru/api/amp/a/2022/06/01/Beglov_i_Pushilin_vishli_na Alexei Arestovich in today's conversation with Mark Feygin also said that the information needs to be verified.
  14. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    On Tuesday, May 31, a Chechen militant, Lieutenant Colonel Zaur Dimaev, was killed during the fighting in the Donbas. His vehicle came under fire in the Kamyshevakhi area, the well-known Russian channel Baza reports. Both Dimaev and his driver died on the spot. Dimaev was the deputy commander of the 4th battalion of the special regiment named after Kadyrov, and together with a group of military men, he was driving near the village of Kamyshevakh. There are several settlements with this name in Ukraine. Perhaps we are talking about Kamyshevakh, Severodonetsk district, Lugansk region. https://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/2022-06-01/5706702-zsu-znishchili-vidnogo-kadirovskogo-komandira-foto
  15. The Kremlin has serious compromising evidence on Olaf Scholz This story has been going on since the bankruptcy of the financial company Wirecard, which forged its financial statements and drew non-existent 1.9 billion euros on its balance sheet. It was one of the top 30 companies in Germany, and was one of the companies that form the DAX stock index. The auditors did not notice any problems for several years. But most importantly, they were not noticed by the German financial regulator BaFin. The BaFin regulator is directly under the Ministry of Finance, which at the time was led by (wow!) Scholz! After opening the fraud and bankruptcy, it turned out that one of the top managers of Wirecard, a certain Jan Marsalek, turned out to be a Russian spy (GRU) and, at the height of the scandal, fled through Belarus, taking with him almost the entire Wirecard archive. In which there is all the confidential information on all kinds of "sensitive" payments, that is, bribes so that the right people do not notice the problems. And now the German press is putting forward the version that Scholz's "strange" behavior is due to the fact that Marsalek (read - the Kremlin) keeps this archive to himself. And that his inaction in the Wirecard case, when he was finance minister, was not self-serving. And that now Putin is holding him by the balls. This is just a version for now. But the scandal is picking up again. The press in Germany is in full swing. And some parliamentarians are already demanding that hearings in the Bundestag begin again and Scholz be summoned to them. Scholz has no choice in this situation: either he will start massive deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, or he will only aggravate suspicions against him. And, finally (exhaled?!) Scholz was the ruling burgomaster of Hamburg, and Hamburg was twinned with St. Petersburg. And he went there many times. He was also General Secretary of the SPD when Schröder (SPD) was Chancellor of Germany. https://t.me/klirik_channel/10988
  16. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    The commander of the 58th army of the Russian occupiers, General Mikhail Zusko, has probably been arrested. This was announced by military journalist Andrei Tsaplienko, who published a fragment of the audio interception of the occupiers. During the conversation, the invader tells the interlocutor that Zusko allegedly surrendered the positions of the invaders near Nikolaev. They were defeated, and the attack on the city was blocked. Tsaplienko notes that his Ukrainian origin influenced the decision to arrest Zusko. The general who gave orders to cover peaceful Ukrainian cities and villages massed with fire was born in Volhynia. https://www.unian.net/war/v-rf-arestovali-generala-ukrainskogo-proishozhdeniya-zhurnalist-audio-novosti-vtorzheniya-rossii-na-ukrainu-11849331.html
  17. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    "The evacuation from the Lugansk region has been officially stopped. The Rashists fired at a car that was going to pick up people. A French journalist was killed," said Serhiy Gaidai, head of the Luhansk regional military administration. According to Gaidai, a Ukrainian armored evacuation vehicle was driving to pick up 10 people from the region and came under artillery fire. Shell fragments pierced the car's armor, and an accredited French journalist was mortally wounded in the neck while reporting on the evacuation. A patrol policeman who was with him was saved by a helmet. Gaidai's telegram channel published photos of the deceased journalist next to the shelled car. Reuters reports that the head of the region provided a snapshot of his press card. https://t.me/bbcrussian/29357 French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed reports that French journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff had died near Severodonetsk. “Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff went to Ukraine to show the world the realities of war. He was mortally wounded while riding on a humanitarian bus with civilians fleeing Russian bombing,” Macron wrote. https://t.me/bbcrussian/29363
  18. chel

    Putin vs Xi

    We have a tradition here - Pyotr Tchaikovsky's ballet on all TV channels (starting with Brezhnev + coup under Gorbachev) Text: When so many black swans come to the country, there is hope that the swan lake is not far away
  19. chel

    Life In Prison

    Yesterday, May 28, Fusaka Shigenobu, the founder of the radical leftist organization "Red Army of Japan", was released after 22 years in prison. Based on the territory of Palestine and Lebanon, this group fought against the Israeli invaders. Shigenobu is now 77 years old. Haiku: ardent geisha With a smile the enemy sends The kiss of death © https://t.me/RotFront_su/7435
  20. Сhelyabinsk residents “buried” a State Duma deputy Residents of Chelyabinsk made a grave with their own hands, where they buried the honor, dignity and conscience of State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov. The reason for the creation of the memorial was the absolute disregard of the problems of the inhabitants of his district by the stolen deputy. The people of Chelyabinsk summoned the deputy for a personal conversation about his unfulfilled promises, as well as the law "On Animals", around which social tension continues, but the useless Burmatov never visited his voters. Video: https://streamable.com/1j8fi8 News: https://t.me/irodural/17664 A train of scandals stretches behind Burmatov. Also, this deputy is known for the fact that his dissertation is plagiarism by 65%.
  21. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    Bandy On May 16, in Moscow, at the age of 74, the most successful and titled specialist in domestic and world bandy, Chairman of the Coaching Council and member of the Executive Committee of the Bandy Federation of Russia, Honored Coach of the USSR Vladimir Yanko, died suddenly. 5-time champion of the USSR (1972, 1973, 1975, 1976 and 1978). 3-time second medalist of the championships (1968, 1974 and 1977). In the lists of the 22 best hockey players of the USSR - 7 times (1972, 1973, 1975-1979). 3-time winner of the European Cup (1975, 1976 and 1978). As part of the USSR national team, he won four world championships (1973, 1975, 1977 and 1979). Under his leadership, Yenisei became the champion of the USSR (1988 and 1989), the owner of the European Champions Cup (1987 and 1988); "Vodnik" - 7-time champion of Russia (1996-2000, 2004 and 2005), winner of the Russian Cup (1996, 2000 and 2005 (spring), winner of the European Champions Cup (2004 and 2005), winner of the World Cup (2003 and 2004) ; Moscow "Dynamo" - the champion of Russia (2006 and 2007), the owner of the Russian Cup (2005 (autumn) and 2006), the owner of the European Champions Cup (2006), the owner of the World Cup (2006); "Dynamo-Kazan" - the champion of Russia ( 2011) and World Cup winner (2010), Russian Cup winner (2013). In 1987, for the first time, he headed the national team of the country, and later became the only specialist in the history of world bandy, who led his wards to victories at 6 world championships (1989, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2006 and 2008). http://www.rusbandy.ru/news/15943/
  22. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    News from 05.19.22. The Donetsk Philharmonic says goodbye to Stanislav Slutsky, a talented cellist, artist of the Prokofiev Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Ensemble of Early Music and the Avanti Ensemble of Soloists. According to the press service of the Philharmonic, the musician died at the front while fulfilling his duty to protect Donbass. Stanislav is survived by his wife and two children. https://www.mk-donbass.ru/incident/2022/05/19/na-fronte-pogib-doneckiy-violonchelist-stanislav-sluckiy.html News from 05.27.22. The fate of the artist is quite typical: the men of the Philharmonic were supposedly gathered for filming, a team from the military registration and enlistment office was waiting for them there, and all of them instantly became volunteers and were thrown into a meat grinder. In addition to Slutsky, at least two Philharmonic musicians were killed, opera theater artists were killed, and many were injured. In fact, the men of the DPR-LPR, regardless of profession, are today a total resource from which they generously scoop to justify the level of hostilities. Formally, a foreign jurisdiction is a very convenient format for large-scale and literally total mobilization, when people are thrown into a meat grinder. In Russia, they don’t talk about it and don’t write about it, and therefore everything is in perfect order. The new order does not need musicians. In fact, he doesn't need anyone. You need cannon fodder. https://el-murid.livejournal.com/5143523.html
  23. Macron is looking for ways to "save Putin's face." I can suggest one - to save Putin's face in the war with Ukraine, you need: 1. Glass jar, plain. 2. Three liters of formalin. 3. Seaming cover, ordinary. 4. Putin's head, bald. 5. Self-adhesive label with conservation date. © Maxim Mirovich https://t.me/MirovichMedia/2404
  24. chel

    Political Frailty

    According to "Baza" and the telegram channel "Toad and Viper", the son of the late LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky received a passport with a new surname, name and patronymic. Igor Lebedev's passport was issued on July 5, 2021, just ten days after his announcement of his retirement from politics. From that moment on, Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev is no more. And instead of it (there should be a long drum roll) appears: GARCIA DAVID ALEXANDROVICH Why Zhirinovsky's son chose such a surname and name, unusual for Russia, can only be assumed. Given the large amount of real estate in Spain, it is possible that Lebedev-Garcia wants to eventually move to Europe permanently. In this case, the full name typical for that area will greatly facilitate his life in a new place. In addition, the son of Zhirinovsky is an active football fan and not only, in 2012 he was even an official contender for the presidency of the Russian Football Union (RFU). Exactly the same name and surname is the current well-known Spanish defender of the Osasuna football club. Another explanation for the change of surname is sanctions: in 2014, the EU included Lebedev in the sanctions lists for the draft federal constitutional law "On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation ...". From that moment on, the vice-speaker of the State Duma lost the opportunity to travel to Europe. With a new name and passport, it might be easier for him to travel. https://lebedev.baza.io/5/

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