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Everything posted by chel

  1. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    @Toast Widely known in narrow circles
  2. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    Oleg Sokolov, the legendary massage therapist for the USSR and Russian national teams, passed away at the age of 84. He had worked in the national football team system since 1961 and had participated in six World Cups, four European Championships and three Olympic Games. rfs.ru matchtv.ru
  3. Regina Ivanova, volunteer and head of the Iman Nury Mosque charity in Kazan, died at the age of 32. In 2018, she won the Pearl of Tatarstan beauty pageant. After winning the competition, she parachuted down. tatar-inform.ru tnv.ru https://youtu.be/GqVpiRbkdiU https://youtu.be/SROP1FwFiSE
  4. chel


    On 8 December, Oleg Dzyuban, a titled Kazakh chess player, USSR Master of Sport and International Master, passed away. He was 72. Oleg Dzyuban is a six-time champion of the Kazakh SSR (1973, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1990). He participated in semifinals of two USSR championships (1982 and 1984). In composition of the national team of the Kazakh SSR participated in Spartakiads of the USSR in 1975, 1979, 1983 and 1991. Participated in two Chess Olympiads (1994 and 1996) as a member of the Kazakhstan team. https://www.inform.kz/ru/ushel-iz-zhizni-titulovannyy-kazahstanskiy-shahmatist-oleg-dzyuban_a4011189
  5. chel


    Maria Kolesnikova with her father. She had a perforated peptic ulcer complicated by peritonitis. https://nashaniva.com/304854
  6. The former head of Dagestan, Magomedali Magomedov (92), has died. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/875297
  7. chel

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Olympics, 1972 (1,2,3 places) referees final: Renato Righetto (30.01.1921 - 18.11.2001) Artenik Arabajian (16.02.1930 - 01.05.2017) USSR national basketball team coaches: Vladimir Kondrashin - head coach (14.01.1929 - 23.12.1999), Sergey Bashkin - assistant (23.09.1931 - 22.03.2004). national team: Modestas Paulauskas - Captain (19.03.1945 - *) ru.wiki Anatoly Polivoda (29.05.1947 - *) ru.wiki Zurab Sakandelidze (09.08.1945 - 25.01.2004) Alzhan Zharmukhamedov (02.10.1944 - 03.12.2022) Alexander Boloshev (12.03.1947 - 16.07.2010) Ivan Jedeshko (25.03.1945 - *) ru.wiki Sergey Belov (23.01.1944 - 03.10.2013) Mikhail Korkia (10.09.1948 - 07.02.2004) Ivan Dvorny (05.01.1952 - 22.09.2015) Gennady Volnov (28.11.1939 - 15.07.2008) Alexander Belov (09.11.1951 - 03.10.1978) Sergey Kovalenko (11.08.1947 - 18.11.2004) USA national basketball team coaches: Henry Iba - head coach (06.08.1904 - 15.01.1993) John Bach - assistant (10.07.1924 - 18.01.2016) Don Haskins - assistant (14.03.1930 - 07.09.2008) national team: Kenneth Davis - Captain (12.09.1948 - *) en.wiki Doug Collins (28.07.1951 - *) en.wiki Thom Henderson (26.01.1952 - *) en.wiki Mike Bantom (03.12.1951 - *) en.wiki Bobby Jones (18.12.1951 - *) en.wiki Dwight Jones (27.02.1952 - 25.07.2016) James Forbes (18.07.1952 - 21.01.2022) Jim Brewer (03.12.1951 - *) en.wiki Tommy Burleson (24.02.1952 - *) en.wiki Tom McMillen (26.05.1952 - *) en.wiki Kevin Joyce (27.06.1951 - *) en.wiki Ed Ratleff (29.03.1950 - *) en.wiki Cuba national basketball team coach: Juan Carmelo Ortega Miranda (16.07.1938 - 12.06.2016) national team: Juan Domecq (10.06.1950 - *) es.wiki Ruperto Herrera Tabio (06.12.1949 - *) es.wiki Juan Roca Brunet (27.10.1950 - 09.07.2022) Pedro Chappe (16.06.1945 - 15.05.2003) Miguel Alvarez Pozo (26.10.1949 - 31.05.2016) Rafael Cañizares (24.05.1950 - *) es.wiki Conrado Perez (21.12.1950 - *) es.wiki Miguel Calderon Gomez (30.10.1950 - *) es.wiki Tomas Herrera Martinez (21.12.1950 - 18.10.2020) Oscar Varona (22.07.1949 - *) es.wiki Alejandro Urgelles Guibot (02.07.1951 - 06.10.1984) Franklin Standard (08.06.1949 - 07.10.2021)
  8. The Expert Session of the Coordinating Club of the Russian Free Economic Society (VEO of Russia) on "The Russian Forest: Preserving the Resource Potential" was held in Moscow on 29 September. During the Expert Session held a presentation of the book of Member of the Federation Council Nikolai Ryzhkov - Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers (1981-1991) "Anxious Thoughts on the Russian forest", which was published in September this year. The event was attended by leading scientists and experts, heads of public institutions, representatives of state authorities, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the business community. veorus.ru ecfs.msu.ru freeconomy.ru There is a video of the event on YouTube lasting 2:26:36. Available to view if you subscribe to the channel. Nikolai Ryzhkov speaks from around 23:30 to 1:12:00 and also inserts lines and answers questions. videoI It looks very good, it will live up to The Hague, as the forest report also supported Russia's actions in Ukraine.
  9. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    The Russian writer Lyudmila Chernaya died at the age of 104. She is best known as the author of scholarly and journalistic books about Nazism, including the works "Criminal No. 1" and "Two-Faced Admiral". She was also a translator of German-language literature, including translations of the works of Erich Maria Remarque ("Life Borrowed," "Shadows in Paradise") and Franz Kafka ("Report to the Academy"). gazeta.ru From the spring to the autumn of 1942 Lyudmila Chernaya was an instructor-translator in the 7th Department of the Political Department of the North-Western Front (specialized in work among enemy troops). From October 1942 to 1945 she worked in Moscow in the counterpropaganda department of the TASS. She was involved, inter alia, in the preparation of articles and disinformation messages. From the biography on the website TASS
  10. chel


    15th December
  11. chel

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    The first Kazakh Olympic champion died. Alzhan Zharmukhamedov, the 1972 USSR Olympic basketball champion, has died at age 78. https://tengrinews.kz/news/umer-pervyiy-olimpiyskiy-chempion-kazahskogo-proishojdeniya-485032/
  12. chel

    The Ukraine Crisis

    In the Astrakhan region, the bodies of 60 dogs with signs of abuse were found. Some had their eyes gouged out. ria.ru The Ukrainian embassies in Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Croatia, Italy, the consulates general in Naples and Krakow and the consulate in Brno received blood-stained packages containing the animals' eyes. mfa.gov.ua
  13. chel

    Vladimir Putin

    At 70, it's hard to walk in heels and up stairs... Putin's gait as a symptom (4:48) https://youtu.be/NVr43L84-WA The height of Putin's hidden heels (1:01) https://youtu.be/ihCxQ61Ypak ___________________________ Putin and Lukashenko fear the fate of Ceausescu or Gaddafi, but by their actions they increase the likelihood of violent removal from governance.
  14. chel

    From Cleric To Relic

    Archbishop Vasily (Boris Zlatolinsky) died at the age of 90. In the 1990s, he was the ruling bishop of the Simferopol and Crimean diocese. http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/66271.html
  15. chel

    World War II Veterans

    Zoya Kudinova, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the war in North Korea, died on 30 November in Surgut, at the age of 101. Zoya Kudinova worked all her life as a nurse. Awards: Order of World War II, medals "For Victory over Germany", "For Labour Distinction", "For Valorous Labour", "For Subsoil Use and Development of Oil and Gas Complex of Western Siberia". siapress.ru skmuseum.ru Zoya Kudinova was the last of 206 members of the "Frontline Friends" club, created in Surgut by WWII veterans in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory. skmuseum.ru
  16. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    Valentin Bobryshev, former commander of the troops of the Leningrad Military District, has died. The military pensioner was 77 years old. https://www.fontanka.ru/2022/12/01/71862656/
  17. chel


    Maria Kolesnikova, a member of the Coordinating Council of the Belarusian Opposition, serving her sentence in Gomel women's colony No 4, is in the intensive care unit of an emergency hospital. https://www.currenttime.tv/a/kolesnikova-popala-v-reanimatsiyu/32154248.html
  18. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    В братской могиле под Изюмом найдено тело 50-летнего детского писателя, поэта, лауреата многочисленных литературных премий Владимира Вакуленко, похищенного российскими военными в марте. У погибшего остались двое сыновей. https://www.currenttime.tv/a/vakulenko-naiden/32152709.html
  19. Quotation from "Master and Margarita" (1929-1940), by Mikhail Bulgakov. Woland's words to Berlioz during their meeting at the Patriarch's Ponds in Moscow: "- Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick! ". Shortly after this meeting, Berlioz died after being hit by a tram. ___________________________________ But if we ask the old Roman question: who benefits? Cui bono? Turkey and China demonstrate that they want to see Belarus as an independent player. Ukraine is in no hurry to recognise Tikhanovska. Perhaps it is Makiej's long-standing personal connections that have contributed to this position. Only Russia is interested in absorbing Belarus in exchange for oblivion of the blitzcringe in Ukraine. By the way, Makei's son resigned from the Belarusian Foreign Ministry in 2020 (!) Photo: Makei in national Belarusian shirt - "vyshivanka"
  20. chel

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    On 26 November, a father and son, Anatoliy and Oleksandr Prokopchuk, were found murdered in a forest near Novaya Kakhovka (left-bank Kherson region). They had been kidnapped four days earlier, on 22 November. Anatoly was a deacon in the local Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith, and was the father of 7 children. The deceased son was 19 years old. https://investigator.org.ua/news-2/249119/ _____________________________ The Donetsk exarchate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has reported the "groundless and illegal abduction and imprisonment" of two priests in Russian-occupied Berdyansk: Ivan Levitsky, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Father Bohdan Helete, a priest of the same church. https://www.ugcc.dn.ua/inside_page_detalis.php?cat_1=49&cat_2=1498&lang=1
  21. chel

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    The passenger on board the Monacair helicopter that crashed above Monaco on Friday afternoon was Vyacheslav Taran, a businessman who had lived in Monaco for the past 10 years, according to a reliable official source close to the ongoing investigation into the causes of the tragic incident who spoke on condition of anonymity to NEWS.MC. https://news.mc/2022/11/26/passenger-victim-of-helicopter-tragedy-named/
  22. chel

    The 100 Club

    Nikolay Lebedev (December 15, 1921, Moscow - August 21, 2022, Moscow) Obituary on the theatre's website: https://mossoveta.ru/about/news/2022/35418/
  23. I only have Siamese twins. Please advise which branch to place them in.
  24. chel

    The Dead of 2022

    Vladimir Kalinichenko, a legendary investigator for the USSR Prosecutor General's Office, has died. His practice included the "cotton" and "fish" corruption cases, as well as the high-profile murder of a KGB officer by police officers in 1980, which led to a purge in the Soviet Interior Ministry. Kalinichenko had been practising law since the 1990s. Vladimir Kalinichenko died at the age of 74, the head of the State Duma's information policy committee, Alexander Khinstein, said in his Telegram channel. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5692443
  25. chel

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    There is a Russian saying: Кто не курит и не пьёт, Тот здоровеньким помрёт. A rough translation: He who does not drink and smoke will die healthy.

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