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Posts posted by chel

  1. On the morning of 14 August, Stanislav Pechenkin, a sailor from Irkutsk, died on Lake Baikal while trying to escape from a bear. The man jumped from a cliff and fell to the rocks in Zmeinaya Bay in Buryatia. He was 56 years old.

    Stanislav Pechenkin has won more than 20 professional awards not only in Russia but also internationally. He has won first, second and third places in regattas in Thailand, Malaysia, Greece, Khakassia and the Caribbean Business Regatta. He has won the Baikal Cup four times and the Irkutsk Mayor's Cup twice.



    • Shocked 1

  2. 20 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

    Trump survived the assassination by the grace of God. Interesting. So God wanted Corey Campatore dead, by that logic. Also, anyone could use the logic that Satan wanted to save Trump and take a life.


    God told the man in white that it was OK to drink wine, but not to have wives and have sex.
    Then he turned to the man in black and said that 4 wives and sex were OK, but wine was not.

    I think I can guess what kind of God this was.


  3. A brutal murder took place in a cemetery in Stavropol. The crime ended with the drinking of alcohol among the graves - two Roma women, aged 29 and 37, were drinking alcohol in the company of a 63-year-old local resident.

    At some point the women wanted to indulge in a threesome right in the necropolis, which they offered to their grandfather, which was firmly refused. In response, they attacked him with fists, and after leaving the breathless body, they hid the corpse in a nearby forest belt. The suspects were detained by the police and are giving statements.


  4. Marina Tarkovsky (3 September 1934 - 11 June 2024), sister of famous Soviet film director Andrei Tarkovsky, has passed away. This was announced by the organisers of the Andrei Tarkovsky International Film Festival "Zerkalo". 

    Marina Tarkovskaya played an important role in preserving her brother's archive around the world. She was actively involved in the creation and development of the Zerkalo film festival, and also took part in the creation of the documentaries "Rerberg and Tarkovsky: The Reverse Side of Stalker" and "Marina's House".

    ru.wiki ria.ru


    • Like 1

  5. The dog Vasya died in Ukraine due to a heart disease. Since 2016, he served with Ukrainian scouts in Donbass. In 2021, the dog was trapped and had to chew off his paw to get out. The four-legged warrior underwent a long rehabilitation in Poland, where he received prosthetics.




    • Sad 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, chel said:

    Belarus. Grodno diocese of the Roman Catholic Church.

    On 3 June Sister Caecilia Abukhovsky, former Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Mother of Mercy (103 years old), passed into Eternity.

    She took her vows in 1950, but concealed it because she lived in the USSR.


    A little bit about Sister Caecilia grodnensis.by



  7. Substitution of a take


    Archbishop Emeritus Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz recently had a heart attack and heart surgery. This became known from the publication Catholic.by.
    Nothing was reported about the hospitalisation of the Catholic hierarch, nor was there a call to the faithful to pray for the recovery of Archbishop Emeritus.
    Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz is 78 years old. In February 2023 he underwent surgery to remove a tumour. In February 2024 he was hospitalised with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation of the heart.



  8. Quote

    I have moved a roadkill - in this case a roe deer - from the road to the meadow close to where I live. By doing so I am not only preventing more animals are getting hit by cars as they feast on the carcass - I can also learn a lot more about the predators and birds of prey.


    Online camera in the wild: youtube.com


    A screenshot from this morning.


    Новый рисунок.png

    • Like 1

  9. Archbishop Tadevush Kondrusevich is in the hospital.

    This was announced by Archbishop Yusof Stanevsky during the evening mass in the Minsk Cathedral on February 21.

    The reason for the hierarch's hospitalization is not reported. He underwent surgery for cancer last year.



    Photo: a physicist and a chemist discussing the aether theory


    • Haha 1

  10. On 23 February, it became known about the passing of Mr. X, a faithful battle companion of Master of Sports International Class Inessa Merkulova. Merin was 20 years old. He died during an operation on the intestines - his heart failed.

    Participant of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.

    spbdnevnik.ru prokoni.ru


  11. Alexei’s body was given to his mother. Thank you very much to everyone who demanded this with us. While Lyudmila Ivanovna is in Salekhard. The funeral is yet to come. We don’t know whether the authorities will interfere with carrying them out the way the family wants and as Alexey deserves. We will provide information as it becomes available.

    Kira Yarmysh


    • Like 1

  12. A small excursion into history [association, extrapolation] necessary to understand the situation


    Top secret


    To the Minister of State Security of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Colonel-General 

    Comrade V.S. Abakumov




    I report that the prisoner Wallenberg who is well-known to you, died suddenly in his cell this night, probably as a result of a heart attack or heart failure. Pursuant to the instructions given by you that I personally have Wallenberg under my care, I request approval to make an autopsy with a view to establishing cause of death.


    Head of the prison sanitary unit colonel of medical service

    17.07.1947 Smoltsov A.


    I have personally notified the minister and it has been ordered that the body be cremated without autopsy.

    17.07.1947 Smoltsov A.



    Taken here: lechaim.ru


    Raoul Wallenberg en.wiki


    • Like 1

  13. Alexei Navalny's mother was given an ultimatum. Either she agrees within three hours to a secret funeral without a public farewell, or Alexei will be buried in a colony, Ivan Zhdanov said.


    • Angry 3

  14. Evgeny Glazunov (1987-2024, 36), a Russian mountaineer from Irkutsk, sportsman and coach, master of sports, champion of Russia in 2013 and 2016, holder of the badge "Rescue in the Mountains" , died while climbing Mount Aksu (5355 m) in Kyrgyzstan. According to rescuers, the probable cause of death was a rockfall.

    ircity.ru tass.ru ru.wiki fontanka.ru

    His younger brother Sergey Glazunov (1992-2018, 26) master of sports, champion of Russia in 2016, mountaineering instructor, holder of the badge "Rescue in the mountains", photographer, died while climbing the mountain peak "Latok-1" (7145 m) in Pakistan. The body was left in the mountains.

    ircity.ru tass.ru rgo.ru fontanka.ru



    Vladimir Vysotsky song "Top" from the film "Vertical" (1967)


    Здесь вам не равнина, здесь климат иной,

    Идут лавины одна за одной,

    И здесь за камнепадом ревет камнепад.

    И можно свернуть, обрыв обогнуть,

    Но мы выбираем трудный путь,

    Опасный, как военная тропа.

    И можно свернуть, обрыв обогнуть,

    Но мы выбираем трудный путь,

    Опасный, как военная тропа.


    Кто здесь не бывал, кто не рисковал,

    Тот сам себя не испытал,

    Пусть даже внизу он звезды хватал с небес.

    Внизу не встретишь, как не тянись,

    За всю свою счастливую жизнь,

    Десятой доли таких красот и чудес.

    Внизу не встретишь, как не тянись,

    За всю свою счастливую жизнь,

    Десятой доли таких красот и чудес.


    Нет алых роз и траурных лент,

    И не похож на монумент,

    Тот камень, что покой тебе подарил.

    Как Вечным огнем, сверкает днем

    Вершина изумрудным льдом,

    Которую ты так и не покорил.

    Как Вечным огнем, сверкает днем

    Вершина изумрудным льдом,

    Которую ты так и не покорил.





  15. Russian: жаба [zhaba = toad], лягушка [lyagushka = frog]


    Belarusian: Жаба [zhaba = frog]

    Russian: Это лягушка, идиот It's a lyagushka [= frog], you idiot.


    Ukrainian: Це жаба [tse zhaba = It's a frog]

    Russian: Кто вам блядь язык придумал, деревня ебаная. Жаба жирная и с бородавками, а это лягушка.

    Who fucking invented your language, you fucking village. The toad is fat and has warts, and this is a frog.


    Czech: Žába [zhaba = frog]

    Polish: Żaba [zhaba = frog]

    Russian: Все славянские языки пошли от старорусского. А вы просто ебаное исключение.

    All Slavic languages come from Old Russian. You're just a fucking exception.


    Bulgarian: Жаба [zhaba = frog]

    Slovak: Žaba [zhaba = frog]

    Slovenian: Žaba [zhaba = frog]

    Serb: Жаба [zhaba = frog]



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