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Posts posted by Flufen

  1. Yeah the word woke is just used by right wingers to criticise increased awareness of social justice issues I was genuinely surprised when I saw the government using it, just goes to show how deeply entrenched the far right have become in british instituions

    Even just a decade ago we had a national consensus against the type of bigotry that pervades the government, now I and many other trans people, as well as ethnic minorities and immigrants, are fearing what the likes of that rat faced twat who calls himself prime minister and his buddies will enact against what was already a vulnerable minority - I hope to see a day where this current climate of increasing hostility is done away with once and for all

    • Like 3

  2. 12 minutes ago, Tango854 said:

    I hope this brings some level of peace to the families of his victims.

    Sadly, he died an old, rich, powerful man who never faced any kind of justice for his part in the 1969-73 US bombings of Cambodia

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  3. The first celebrity death that I remember was that of Ernest Borgnine, but the one I remember even better was Margaret Thatcher when I was 9 - I was sat in Sainsbury's cafe with my mum, saying something like "she was a great woman" (all i knew about her was that she was the first female prime minister) and my mum said "no, she really wasn't" then said what she'd done. My hatred of the tories started not too long after that :lol:

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    On 17/10/2023 at 13:17, MortalCaso said:

    We all joke about how long he can survive, but the end is certainly near. 


    It really will be the end of an era and I'm not looking forward to it. The longer he troads on, the longer I can pretend our grandparents/parents generation isn't drawing to a close. 

    I agree, plus his presidency (at least to me) seems like such a small footnote in his career compared to everything he's done since then that people all around the world will remember him for his deeds of goodwill. The UK would do well to have a former statesman like him imo

    • Like 8

  5. 5 hours ago, Youth in Asia said:

    I just found out that in Rolf's case all his friends and family stood by him. Which was certainly not the case for Glitter, Savile etc. I wonder why?

    I believe that at least in the case of Rolf Harris, his wife stuck by him because of a mix of health issues and longevity - they HAD been married since 1958. I suppose the rest of Rolf's family may have stood by him because they didn't want to stress his wife out?

  6. No bunting or anything outside my neighbours' houses, but plenty in the nearby town centre. My town's mostly retired folk and tory voters so it's not really surprising lmao

    Queen's got a good couple years left in her yet but then again anything can happen between 95 and 100 really


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