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Everything posted by Bennett_Cerf

  1. Bennett_Cerf

    Joseph Barbera

    As long as you are content and happy Pulphack, that is the main thing. Are you truly and totally happy and contented?
  2. Bennett_Cerf

    Eric Forth

    Ah, now I understand Maryport. Apologies abounding if I seemed too snippy.
  3. Bennett_Cerf

    Formula 1 & Other Motor Racing

    Honestly, you sound like my ex-husband just before he stuck the spade into the garden, hit the unexploded WW2 munitions and landed on next door's patio table. I had to work extra shifts to buy those explosives, but, what the hell. I'll cop for twisted, insanely curious and seemingly untroubled by the squeamishness that seems to dog others. But angry.....only when my local garage runs out of freebies with the petrol. Yes, I understand that one. I was only a sugar bowl and a creamer away from a full set of Wheatfield Dreams, an entire dinner collection from the local market when they announced they had run out and no more would ever be fired. Needless to say I was distraught for many weeks, and my partner Gavin was incolsolable and needed to spend a year in the asylum. In the end I used the dinnerware for target practice. And sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. Sounds like a simply dreadful way to go, so sudden and so many pieces left for you to pick up.
  4. Bennett_Cerf

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Never heard of him. Will there be cheese and crackers and wine (of the good sort) served at his memorial service? That is terribly funny Mr. Brimley. My understanding of things is that cheese and crackers are not considered either proper or fitting food at memorial services. I seem to recall reading of this matter in an etiquette book once.
  5. Bennett_Cerf

    September 11th

    But it does give solace to so many, so how can we begrudge it?
  6. Bennett_Cerf

    Eric Forth

    There is a fine and wonderful tool out there known as the internet and within it there are several search engine sites. In a search engine site, you enter some wee bit of information and then the results will appear. I am saddened that a seemingly bright young lady such as yourself, has not gained familiarity with this aspect of internet travel.
  7. Bennett_Cerf

    Bulent Ecevit

    Given as how he is 80 years of age this is clearly a matter of concern. Perhaps as others have in the past Ecevit will pull through and surprise us all. Wouldn't that be divine?
  8. Bennett_Cerf

    Near misses 2006

    Thank you for the update Iain. I have often wondered if ever they would find Mr.Hoffa's body. Hopefully it was encased in materials suitable to body preservation. Sad to hear that O'Riordan has gone on as well. Again, I thank you for these most informative updates Iain.
  9. Bennett_Cerf

    Formula 1 & Other Motor Racing

    Young lady, why are you so angry and hopeful that things will go awry? I realize that a large part of what happens here at this forum is predicting deaths successfully; but, you seem to have a nearly un-natural urge to see people die in the most predictable of ways.
  10. Bennett_Cerf

    Alfredo Di Stefano

    I did an internet search this A.M. on Senor Di Stefano; and, there seem to be no recent health frights for him. Here's to his living several weeks more. Wouldn't it be lovely if he dropped sudddenly during the final hours of December? Has anyone on any past lists done so, or would that become a first?
  11. Bennett_Cerf

    Joseph Barbera

    I too enjoyed that episode. You are exquisitely correct Godot, Quimby did some excellent work with regards to Tom and Jerry.
  12. Bennett_Cerf

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    Gracious me, you do have a tart mouth. Did your parents raise you to be so soiled in speech? Did your parents teach you to say gracious me ? Why yes, they did. I found it to be quite unfortunate that this young lady Maryport, who is undoubtedly a decent person in most other ways found it to be a necessity to use vulgarity to convey her thoughts,
  13. Bennett_Cerf

    Billy Graham

    Oh that is indeed wonderful! I recall quite clearly the very first time that I heard The Reverand Doctor Graham speak. It was a very moving experience, although I must admit I never remitted any money to him or his ministries.
  14. Bennett_Cerf


    My personal belief is such that Suharto shall recovery fully within a years time. The media has blown this entire incident far out of proportion. Perhaps the idea of magic is not so far fetched after all.
  15. Bennett_Cerf

    Ernest Borgnine

    Why, thank you. That does explain things rather well, now doesn't it?
  16. Bennett_Cerf

    Eric Forth

    There have been some responses in the near misses for 2006 topic in the upper half of the board. Many people have stated they are not familiar with Mr. Forth; perhaps, that is why there is so limited a review.
  17. Bennett_Cerf

    Name Shame?

    It is in tribute to a man who helped offer hours of entertainment to my late Uncle many years ago. Uncle simply loved watching What's My Line? on television.
  18. Bennett_Cerf

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    Gracious me, you do have a tart mouth. Did your parents raise you to be so soiled in speech?
  19. Bennett_Cerf

    J. D. Salinger

    I recall the first time I read Catcher In The Rye. It was not a particularly well written book and I must admit that I subsequently used it for fireplace kindlestart a few pages at a time.
  20. Bennett_Cerf


    Do you plan on forming any sports teams or reading groups in the near future? Although I have np interest in purchasing your merchandise, I would enjoy becoming involved in various activities with fellow members.
  21. Bennett_Cerf

    Ernest Borgnine

    Why do you have this nearly fanatical interest in Mr. Borgnine, Mr.Brimley? It does not seem quite natural. have you sought out psychiatric help for it? I would be more than glad to refer you to my analyst.
  22. Bennett_Cerf

    Name Shame?

    I found this to be an odd topic. Considering that we come to this forum of our own free will and I would therefore presume, we select our own name or moniker, why would we then be ashamed of said name, to the point of wishing to change it? It seems strange to say the least.
  23. Bennett_Cerf

    September 11th

    So many views expressed here and they all seem to be correct.
  24. Bennett_Cerf

    Near misses 2006

    Oh, but this is a wonderful section of this forum. I do so detest having to thumb through the newspapers daily to find who has passed on. This will make it much more simple for me. Thank you ever so much.
  25. Bennett_Cerf

    800 Members!!

    I am not sure, is this where I post to say "hello"? I am quite new here and am curious as to the workings of this forum, any advisory would be appreciated.

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