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Posts posted by j0neseur0

  1. Also worth noting that the Centrist (at best) cabinet about to take office seem fixed on their "take the high road and move forward" mantra..... so the chances of absolutely nothing coming of the Donald and his MAGA lot's actions are high, annoyingly.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    The number of people under 60 with no underlying health conditions who have died from COVID-19 in the UK is only 388


    That's true, but we don't know the number of people under 60 that managed to win the fight against the virus.....but came out of it with a dicky lung. I know that there's virtually zero chance of death for my demographic, but that's not the only risk of the virus for me to be arsed about.

    • Like 3

  3. A few of my friends work for a large finance firm who have discontinued the lease on their city centre office building. The staff are split 50/50 on loving or hating the idea, I can't see a downside personally but some people do really get a buzz from the social parts of work (shudder).


    As for hedonism... I bloody hope so. I've not enjoyed my government mandated celibacy one bit. 

  4. A while ago I would have insisted that there's no way "they" would be brazen enough to bump her off, and if they did there's no way they'd get away with it. 


    Now though.... I'm pretty certain that news moves on from things so quickly that Ghislaine dying would amount to just a fun couple of weeks on the forums before a new story takes our eye! 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Spade_Cooley said:


    I hate when you can just tell somebody edited/authored MOST of their own Wikipedia page. His is basically a sales pitch for his bloody books.


    "Dignam recounted his story of drug addiction in his autobiography, This is Christy Dignam, co-written by journalist Neil Fetherstonhaugh and published by Merlin Publishing.[3] One reviewer said it "should be required reading for anyone hovering on the edges of the drug culture."


    "He deals with the intersections of his personal and professional lives in the autobiography (with Damian Corless) 'My Crazy World' published worldwide by Simon And Schuster in September 2019"



    • Like 1

  6. 13 hours ago, Beachy Head said:

    I remember her doing Life Stories with Piers Morgan and basically saying she didn't care at all about her current husband.  Who was sitting in the audience and looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.


    I'd forgotten this! I've just skimmed the interview on youtube but can't find it for the life of me. Would love to cringe through that again if anybody finds it.

  7. Will presumably fall under the lockdown funeral restrictions - any other year Babs would have had a huge turnout of famous mourners (the kind that provides a load of photos to determine if any of them should be considered for the list)

    • Like 1

  8. There's a thread about all alumni of that Real Marigold Hotel programme (of which, including Lionel, you could probably find a whole DDP team's worth of candidates)


    P.S. I only mean to point it out as a place that will have Lionel news already available, not being a thread Nazi. 

  9. Sorry to go very off topic but a similar list could be made with the Bo Selecta - Proper Crimbo video.


    Jade Goody & Caroline Flack are both in the video (and Michael Jackson-ish if you include the masks). Surprisingly, a Christmas single made two decades after Band Aid has almost the same death rate.


    Here's the video 

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  10. 1 minute ago, Kenny McCormick said:

    Tbh is it just me or do things look a bit dodge in Wisconsin? 




     You *could* say that them counting the absentee ballotts last explains that as it's predominantly dems that vote that way, but  still a bit fish that it's ALL new votes.


    Even if it's completely accurate, or maybe just human error on the graph makers part whatever, it's 100% going to be conspiracy fodder for Trump and his lot :lol:

  11. 51 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

    Charles will get a go, but may not get the role til he's nearly 80 - but if he lives as long as his mum that could give him 20 years on the throne.


    I'll eat my hat if sausage fingers manages that!

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