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About sodoffbaldrick

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    Hatchet man

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  1. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Reminds me of Germany / Hitler's annexations in the 1930's. Everyone appeased him until it was too late....
  2. sodoffbaldrick

    Who Should Be On The Deathlist 2025?

    small error in your keepers list, selections 4 and 6 are both Alan Greenspan
  3. sodoffbaldrick

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    This list started out extremely promising in January, but it's not that surprising that the list underperformed. 2020 eliminated a lot of the less healthy celebrities thanks to the pandemic. The survivors were, in general, slightly healthier than people the same age a few years ago, so they tend to live longer than their predecessors. Eventually the pandemics effects on the general health of the older population will dissipate and we will get back to a more normal death rate, but it will probably take another couple years.
  4. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Actually i consider Trump an existential threat only because he stated in his campaign rallies that his supporters won't have to vote again after this election. I might strongly disagree with various political leaders and their policies, but if they respect the laws and aren't suggesting they will end democracy then they are simply expressing their views and whether those views are right or wrong , in my opinion, is irrelevant except in my personal decision of who to vote for. If they win then they might lose the next election unless most people think they did a good job. That;'s how a democracy works. But I will strongly oppose anyone who chooses to be a dictator, ends elections or willfully chooses to break the law, Trump has stated intentions to do the first 2 and he certainly appears to have done the third based on what happened in 2020 after he lost the last election though now those allegations will never make it into court now that he has won re-election. I hope you are correct and there is an election in 2028, I'm just not confident that will be the case now that Trump has won in 2024.
  5. sodoffbaldrick

    U.S Election

    Well i don't think trump or anyone else ever said which party was stuffing the ballot boxes
  6. sodoffbaldrick

    U.S Election

    you're assuming that they will still be holding elections and permitted to have opposition parties in 2028. Based on Trump's speeches and his rhetoric to the voters that may not be the case. After all he was telling his voters that after this election they won't have to vote again and was talking about going after and locking up all of his opponents. Given his past history of following through this might not happen but the sycophants he's surrounded himself with this time around might be competent enough to get it done.
  7. sodoffbaldrick

    Shove Off, Eh?

    Murray Sinclair, age 73 former senator and leader of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has died. Murray Sinclair, former senator who led Truth and Reconciliation Commission, dead at 73 | CBC News
  8. sodoffbaldrick

    US Election pt 2. The Vote

    Trump will win whether he gets the most votes or not. He's convinced too many people that the election is fixed and the last one was stolen from him.
  9. sodoffbaldrick

    U.S Election

    No Canada is doomed when Trump seizes power. I'd draw a parallel between the annexation of Austria by Hitler and Canada's future. Our leadership dithers far too much and our procurement efforts for our military are so ineffective these days that we ordered new jets in 2023 and won't get any until sometime in 2026 and won't have an operational squadron of them until 2029. The decision to buy these planes was originally made in 2010 but no one wanted to spend the money, even though we had been funding the development of this same plane since 1997. Our current fighter jets are from the early 1980's with many of those in use having been bought second hand from our allies. To the best of my knowledge our airforce is the least outdated segment of our military. We just bought winter camping gear for our soldiers that isn't suitable for use in Canadian winters as it won;t keep people warm enough.
  10. sodoffbaldrick

    U.S Election

    I'm Canadian. My opinion is that who "wins: the election isn't actually going to matter in the end and the true losers will be the American people and their biggest loss will be of their democracy. If we assume Harris wins the election... Trump will declare that the election was stolen, his staunchest allies will rise up and the country will be in a state of mass insurrection. His supporters will intimidate the election officials, some of whom are Trump sympathizers already, into declaring false results in favour of Trump, Some of his judges and the corrupt Supreme Court will rule in his favour. Trump takes the Presidency despite losing the election and turns the military and justice system against his enemies, ending democracy as the Americans know it. If we assume Trump wins the election the right wing courts will rule, rightly or wrongly that Trump won fairly. He will shut down the investigations into his past illegal activities and start prosecuting his opponents and ends democracy as the American's know it. Given Trumps age and his desire for la legacy I suspect he will declare himself Emperor and make it a hereditary title so that his children will rule after he dies. I don't think he will declare himself dictator for life because of his desire for complete control and what better way to assert control than to set up his preferred successor as Emperor when he dies. I think he will chose Emperor because it sounds more impressive than King. He will join the ranks of those he admires, Putin, Kim, Xi, and i would not be surprised if he decides to annex Mexico for cheap labour and Canada over water rights as the ongoing droughts in the American Southwest are going to make the Great Lakes an extremely important source of fresh water that can be diverted to his nation. He will give Europe to Russia due to his admiration of Putin, Taiwan to China and South Korea to North Korea. Withdraw and close American military bases around the world and let his friends divide thigs as they like amongst themselves. Yes I'm very pessimistic about the future.
  11. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Not worth it. She will be the Empress of the U.S A., then mother to the next Emperor as well. Trump wins and the democratic republic will be dead and the American Empire will arise. Mexico and Canada will be the first nations to fall to their military.
  12. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    I was going to vote Harris, but then i got high, Picked the orange cheeto guy cuz i was high. Now our nation's gone to hell and i know why.... Cuz I got high, Because i got high Because i got high.
  13. sodoffbaldrick

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    If the deaths don't pick up may i propose a topic for next year dedicated to the large number of people dropped from this years list due to only 25 being allowed to remain on the list. The list of the dropped should be called "Missed it by That Much"
  14. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    All i can picture is the Monty Python "Bring out your dead sketch" from the Holy Grail, with one of Trump's sycophants saying "he's not dead. He's getting better" while you can see that Trump is as dead as the Norwegian Parrot pining for his fjords. And a large number of his followers will be positive that he;s still alive
  15. sodoffbaldrick

    Crazy Eight Dead Pool Mk.IV

    Dick Van Dyke

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