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About sodoffbaldrick

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    Hatchet man

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  1. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    The scariest part of all of this to a Non-American who has no vote in the election but knows it will have a major impact on the future of his nation is that the polls are saying the 59 year old democratic former prosecutor and the 79 year old convicted felon, with a history of bankruptcy who is promising no more elections are running neck and neck. If Trump actually wins this election I would recommend that that the U.S. be quarantined as the site of some strange form of mental illness before it infects the rest of the world, if it isn't too late already.
  2. sodoffbaldrick

    The 4th Death of 2024

    >Clearly Jimmy believes there can only be 1 single term Democrat president. He won't die unless Biden withdraws from the race or loses to Trump.
  3. sodoffbaldrick

    Joe Biden

    The only medical conditions I have are type 2 diabetes, controlled by pills, high blood pressure, and essential tremors. All my brain scans are normal. However I have always had strange sleep patterns, as a teen I could go multiple days without sleeping then when i was in my early 20's I started falling asleep at odd times, such as in the middle of writing a university exam, But that was a rare occurrence. My current sleep pattern kicked off about 5 years ago, but my doctor hasn't got an explanation. I just make it work by grabbing naps when I feel tired and don't have to be doing my job. To me the amount i sleep seems normal.
  4. sodoffbaldrick

    Joe Biden

    He just needs to do what I do to stay alert at any time of the day or night. Get up at 5 am, do his morning briefing have breakfast, then a 2 hour nap. Do some more work for a couple hours, eat lunch then time for the next 2 hour nap. Up again around 3pm, this is when i tend to be most alert so i do all me really important stuff now. Have an early dinner around 6 pm, a half hour nap. Catch up on everything that has happened for the day then back to bed for 10 pm. Repeat every day. I'm not quite that punctual as I just nap whenever I start feeling tired, but 2 or 3 naps a day is normal for me and I'm almost 30 years younger than Biden. But I can come out of my nap to a phone call and be completely alert in seconds.
  5. sodoffbaldrick

    Joe Biden

    Well if Biden is the best the Democrats have got and the alternative is Trump. I just want to say that it was nice living in the free world while it lasted. My condolences to the Americans. Canada will hold out against the the dictator as long as possible, despite our governments resistance to funding our military. May God have mercy on the souls of those who refuse to replace Biden in the race and on those who actually believe that Trump is the right person to lead the U.S.
  6. sodoffbaldrick

    The Dead of 2024

    Erik Canuel Quebec Canada director of Bon Cop Bad Cop has died. Never having come across someone I could report as deceased who wasn't already listed I am hoping I am doing this correctly. My apologies if I have made any error.
  7. sodoffbaldrick

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    Actually if the death logjam doesn't break before the end of the year I think we will see a new record for people dying who got left off the list. As it stands right now 22 members of the current list can not be selected for next year, and every time one of them dies next year there will be people questioning how the selections were made. If there are under 10 deaths in a year I think more of the failed list should be allowed to be kept for the next year, but i know that won't fly as it isn't the tradition.
  8. sodoffbaldrick

    Joe Biden

    Hmm. Joe Biden can't be very good at running a corrupt department of justice if they found his own son guilty. If the DOJ was corrupt shouldn't Hunter have been acquitted? ?
  9. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Obviously he's using the male measuring tape for his height. You know the same one guys use to prove they are all 8 inches long where it counts.
  10. sodoffbaldrick

    Let Us Bet On The Oscars 'in Memoriam' Package

    I guess I'm too old to watch the Oscar's In Memoriam. Most of the tributes were so small, taking up only a small portion of the tv screen that neither the names or photos could be clearly seen. The camera people appear to have forgotten how to do closeups on the screens they were showing the scenes and photographs on. And could anyone make out what the list of words? names? on the screen at the end of the tribute was?
  11. sodoffbaldrick

    Royal Family

    In my personal life between 1989-1993 I lost both parents ages 52, 57, an uncle 54, and had 3 friends lose at least 1parent all in their 50;s all due to heart attacks, and strokes. 3 of my 4 grandparents died in the 1960's all in their 50's as well due to cancer, heart attack and aneurism. A certain percentage of people have always died younger than the expected life expectancy and in both of those eras it certainly was not due to new untested vaccines or covid. I am putting a link to an article about how life expectancy is determined because it is apparent that you don't understand how it works. Life expectancy - Wikipedia
  12. sodoffbaldrick

    Joe Biden

    I just keep reading this forum and the one about Trump in the hopes that one or the other or, better yet, both have died. When did Americans stop assassinating their leaders?
  13. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Now, now. Don't go confusing Republicans by listing facts. They only seem to believe the lies they hear coming from the former reality tv star whose main claim to fame was telling contestants "You're fired". They want entertainment, not actual accomplishments. The masses want bread and circuses.
  14. sodoffbaldrick

    Donald J Trump

    Trump might still manage to gaffe his way to defeat if we are lucky. Trump reportedly told Iowans today to move on to get past the school shooting that took place in Iowa yesterday. One has to wonder about the mental ability of people hearing comments like that and still supporting him as the presidential candidate.
  15. sodoffbaldrick

    The 18th death of 2023

    Going with Carter next, in about 6 hours, based on the recent speed of fatalities. I think the record of 20 will fall by the middle of December.

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