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Everything posted by Sinbabad

  1. Sinbabad

    The Beatles Death Curse

    I didn’t know he was still touring. Thanks for the info.
  2. Sinbabad

    The Beatles Death Curse

    I wonder how Ringo is doing. We hear a lot from Paul McCartney but not from him.
  3. Sinbabad

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Today former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is 70. Graeme Souness, the former Scottish football player and manager is 70 too
  4. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    And then he became emperor of the French in 1804, but hey that’s a small detail !
  5. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Ok thanks I was misleading : I saw his name on the last 1966 update, so I thought his death had not been posted yet. I actually erase his name on the list. By the way, shall I erase Nelson Lopez (the Argentinian) from 1966 list ? Whoismakoto had found a post suggested that he is dead, but with no sources
  6. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Update of the 1966 list 1966 – 139 survivors
  7. Sinbabad

    Michael J Fox

    Meg Ryan looks like she is 75 !
  8. Sinbabad

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    I’ve noticed that those past twenty years, a lot of African head of states died nonagerians or have currently reach 90 : Tunisian Habib Bourguiba died at 96, Senegalese Léopold Sédar Senghor 95, Algerian Amhed Ben Bella 95, Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe 95, Kenyan Daniel Arap Moi 95, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak 91 and Tunisian Beji Caid Essebsi died in office aged 92. Cameroonian Paul Biya is 90 They have outlived a lot of Western head of states, which, given their countries life expectancy, should be the opposite.
  9. Sinbabad


    Napoli did it, they are Italy’s champion ! I’m not a Napoli fan, but I think it’s noteworthy, because since their last title in 90, they’re only the 4th team outside the Italian big three (Juventus, AC Milan and Inter) to win the Serie A ! The three others were Sampdoria in 90, Lazio in 2000 and AS Roma in 2001.
  10. Ok so it’s mostly a question of funding, not opinions or ideas.
  11. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    On this day 80 years ago, French Olympian Georges ‘Géo’ André died aged 53 killed by German soldiers. He won a silver medal in high jump at the 1908 Olympics. This is the best performance for a French person ever, as France has only won so far 3 other medals, all in bronze. He won a bronze medal in 4x400 metres relay at the 1920 Olympics. He was the flag bearer for France in the 1924 games. He was 25 times (!) French champion in 4 different athletics categories, and was also capped in the French national rugby team ! He also had 5 French national records in 5 athletics sports, the 2 longest lasting 10 and 14 years ! A lot of stadiums or gymnasiums were named after him.
  12. Does such a thing exist, independent ? I mean, even if they are not affiliated to Tory or Labour, candidates have opinions/ideas which are, even slightly, leftist or right wring, progressive or conservative, against or for brexit…
  13. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Had he ever been that fat ?
  14. Sinbabad


    I agree with you. I’m a PSG and France supporter so I had my share of disappointments this year, but c’est la vie, nothing dramatic. About your last sentence, I’m also annoyed when a article says that someone or some club has beaten an « historical » record of English football, but when you look closer, it’s only in the history of Premier League, so in the last 30 years.
  15. Sinbabad


    And what about Arsenal who still have a chance to be champion ? I thought the Gunners fans and you guys were rivals ?
  16. Sinbabad


    Imagine what Chelsea fans must be feeling ! They’ve just lost against Arsenal and are 12th with 39 points, which means they won’t qualify for an European competition next year ! This had not happened to them since 1996 !
  17. Sinbabad

    Winter Olympic Deaths

    Along with teamate Ion Panturu (who died in 2016), since they competed in Two Man Bobsleigh.
  18. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Not really. I mean, I don’t pretend to know ALL the French players/managers, but at least I’m familiar with the French who managed a foreign national team such as Hervé Renard, Philippe Troussier, Bruno Metsu, Claude Le Roy, Paul Le Guen, Dominique Bathenay… And I had never heard of him…
  19. Sinbabad

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Honduran football player Maynor Figueroa is 40 today. He is the most capped player of Honduras with 181 caps. He won the FA Cup with Wigan, its first and only major trophy to date.
  20. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    I’m French and a die-hard football fan, but I never heard of this dude !
  21. Sinbabad

    1. Jimmy Carter

    On the other hand, Trump has been a teetotal and doesn’t smoke since he was 30, because (or thanks) to his brother premature death due to alcoholism, so he might be nonagerian despite his junk food habit
  22. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    On this day 30 years ago, former French Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy took his own life aged 67. He was a Socialist and the was the first (and to date the only one) Prime Minister which started his career as a worker (metallurgist)
  23. Sinbabad

    1. Jimmy Carter

    His two parents, his paternal grandmother and five of his uncles/aunts were nonagenarians, so yes the odds are in his favor.
  24. Sinbabad

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Sorry I don’t speak English fluently, but what does this expression mean ? I tried to translate it using google, but it only gave me the literall meaning. English actor Daniel Day Lewis is 66 today.
  25. Sinbabad

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    He was Portugal top goalscorer between October 2005, when he beat Eusebio’s record, and March 2014, when Cristiano beat his record. He was also PSG top goalscorer from 2008, when he beat Dominique Rocheteau’s record until 2015, when Zlatan Ibrahimovic beat his record

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