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Everything posted by Sinbabad

  1. Sinbabad

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Should be in the topic « Interesting Ways to Die » !
  2. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Il y a peu de chances qu’il en sorte demain après son AVC
  3. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Son AVC n’est pas étonnant, étant donné la violence de son accident et la quantité de coke qu’il s’envoyait
  4. Sinbabad

    Sven-Göran Eriksson

    Thanks, I read an article. No wonder he couldn’t find an « A list » team after that, he must have lost his credibility.
  5. Sinbabad

    Sven-Göran Eriksson

    I thought he had stepped down from football at least 10 years ago, having being very discreet since his tenure at Leiceister ! When was he at Notts County ? I don’t remember ?
  6. Sinbabad

    Coleman Falls?

    For a moment, I thought it was a topic about Gary Coleman !
  7. Sinbabad

    Death Anniversary Thread

    On this day 175 years ago, 23 february 1848, US president John Quincy Adams died in the Capitol aged 80
  8. Sinbabad

    Falling Fauna

    How can we be sure he is 30 ? In the article they say that Bobi has a verified birth certificate from 1992, but maybe the owner had a dog born in 1992, it died, and he got one from the same species. As for its age verified by a pet database, I don’t think it’s an exact science, so it could easily be 28 or even 25
  9. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Ou alors on pourrait créer un topic
  10. Sinbabad

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    For me she’ll always be Donna Eleese, Sam Beckett’s wife, in Quantum Leap’s episode the leap back, in which Sam come back in his time
  11. Sinbabad

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    86 years old for a paralympic athlete, isn’t it unheard of ? A lot of them die quite young from health issues due to their condition
  12. Sinbabad

    Yoko Ono

    People blame her for the split up of the Beatles
  13. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Amancio Amaro, member of Spain’s squad at the 1966 World Cup, is dead at 83 He played 2 matchs and scored one goal against Switzerland
  14. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Ah ok, je demandais car il y a des topics spécifiques pour les australiens, canadiens, italiens, allemands, danois etc… Je suis nouveau oui, inscrit depuis novembre
  15. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Au fait je me demandais, y’a t’il un topic pour annoncer les morts de personnalités françaises ?
  16. Sinbabad

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Isabelle Adjani too
  17. Sinbabad

    Time Added

    Hungarian former international Miklos Lendvai is dead at 47
  18. Sinbabad

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    The most interesting way to die would be the one of former French president Félix Faure : he died while having sex, the orgasm giving him a heart attack !
  19. Sinbabad

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Ok. I just wanted to be sure, being not at all fluent in Italian. Maybe the Americans also respect his longevity, his respect for his opponents (for example he criticized Trump bashing) He is also very religious, which must mean something for Republicans and/or conservatives
  20. Sinbabad

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Vraiment ? Jamais entendu parler d’elle ??
  21. Sinbabad

    1. Jimmy Carter

    What does the title of the article means ? « For the Americans [he was] better as a [private] man than as president [of] USA » ?
  22. Sinbabad

    The English Language

    I’m not coming from an English speaking country, and I’m not fluent in your langage. So when I make mistakes, by all means, feel free to correct me !
  23. Sinbabad

    The deaD of 2023

    And that she is going to be six fitt under
  24. Sinbabad

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I thought that Bush used to be an alcoholic and that he gave up alcohol when he was 40 ? But maybe he fell of the wagon…
  25. Sinbabad

    French speaking deathlist

    Dumas était interviewé il y a un an sur Sud Radio, il avait toute sa tête. Mais c’était il y a un an…

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