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Everything posted by Sinbabad

  1. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Bobby Charlton and Bryan Douglas are also among the last four living members of England’s 1958 squad, along with Tommy Banks and Colin McDonald
  2. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Gerhard Rodax, who played for Austria at the 1990 world cup, has died today aged 57 https://www.ligaportal.at/bundesliga/allgemein-news/12325-oefb-teamlegende-gerhard-rodax-57-verstorben
  3. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Ok, thank you for the informations.
  4. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Thank you for your answer. What are your sources for Cortes, Ochoa and Jae Sung ? Because I checked transfermarkt, Wikipedia (english and spanish) and other sites, and there is no mention of their death. If you already posted it on DL I will check out previous pages
  5. Sinbabad

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Maybe I don’t have the same informations but I’m counting 16 survivors Italy : Gino Pivatelli Mexico : Sergio Bravo Antonio Carbajal Ranulfo Cortes Mario Ochoa Scotland : Ian McMillan South Korea : Park Jae Sung Turkey : Mehmet Dincer Sukru Ersoy Agkun Kacmaz Burhan Sargun Coskun Tas Uruguay : Roberto Leopardi Omar Mendez Jose Santamaria Rafael Souto

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