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Lard Bazaar

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Everything posted by Lard Bazaar

  1. Lard Bazaar

    The Chequered Flag

    I’m happy to be corrected on this but I think this year is the first year there has been no fatalities at the TT since 1982.
  2. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    It’s National Crisps Day every day in my house. Which is directly related to it also being Why Am I So Fucking Fat Day every day in my house.
  3. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Who cares? If the mothers want a Mothers Day, let them. If the fathers want a Fathers Day, let them. If the cancer beaters want a Cancer Beaters Day, let them. If the gays want a Gays Day, let them. If the pancakes want a Pancake Day, let them. If you (a general ‘you’, not anyone specific) are not one of the people the particular day is aimed at, it probably has absolutely no effect on your life on that day, so what does it matter?
  4. Lard Bazaar

    (Return Of) The Celebrity Split List

    I’m surprised she put up with the cunt for so long. Horrible man.
  5. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Bin the cunt off, 100% guaranteed his cock is tiny.
  6. Lard Bazaar

    Names we dislike

    No, I’m scared of dogs. My brother and I both got bit by the same Alsatian when we were young, my brother has teeth marks in his ass cheek to this day. From the Alsatian.
  7. Lard Bazaar

    Names we dislike

    We had a cat called Fido.
  8. Lard Bazaar

    Names we dislike

    What sort of fucking melon calls their kid John-Thomas?
  9. Credible sources via my job suggest that our council election teams are preparing for an October/November date however I did get that info prior to the local election results last week so this may well be out of date information now.
  10. Lard Bazaar

    Death List Convention

    I’ll be honest, now I’ve made 50 I’m a bit of a pussy at drinking, there’s no way I’d be able to put away what I did that night - but I’m willing to give it a fucking good go!
  11. Lard Bazaar

    Ask A Deathlister

    Did you just assume Cropsy’s gender? *big smiley face cos emojis still don’t fucking work on here*
  12. Lard Bazaar

    Ask A Deathlister

    Honestly though, why bother with such dull content? If I was going to send weird random DMs I’d at least include a picture of my tits, or ask them if they like wearing latex pants while hoovering or something.
  13. Lard Bazaar

    Ask A Deathlister

    Ah I should have searched, thanks. I don’t ‘think I was targeted’. I was just curious if anyone else got one.
  14. Lard Bazaar

    Ask A Deathlister

    Has anyone else had a random DM from a member called Cropsy asking if they like Rachel Stevens? Or am I the only lucky recipient?
  15. Lard Bazaar

    Death List Convention

    Come on then, I need some excitement in my life, and getting pissed up in a dingy pub and then vomiting on a Tube sounds right up my alley.
  16. Lard Bazaar

    The Bill (And Other Cop Shows)

    Reg Hollis goes loopy
  17. Lard Bazaar

    Room 101

    Also dickheads on forums that want to know something so they ask the ‘hive mind’. Fuck right off.
  18. Lard Bazaar

    The Chequered Flag

    Anthony Gone-bert
  19. Lard Bazaar

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    We watched this, absolutely shocking. We were equally incensed at the Hillsborough drama a year or two back. Absolute cunts the lot of them, and how that goofy bitch Vennells has the gall to hang on to that CBE, I ask you. She needs a right kicking. But then she was a priest, so we shouldn’t really be surprised that she’s a scheming, lying sack of shit. There’s only one good priest on earth and that’s Father Brown.
  20. Lard Bazaar

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    I haven’t really been paying attention this year so imagine my delight when I’ve just checked the DDP list to copy and paste this year’s survivors to my 2024 entry to find I’ve had 8 hits. I think this year will be my 18th year so who knows, I might actually win it by the time I’m 95.
  21. I’m not sure why it closed, it had been open for as long as I can remember and I’ve lived here 40 out of my 50 years, but it was a small independent business so maybe it just wasn’t viable anymore what with big chains like Domino’s and Papa John’s coming into the town, I’m sure it was a family run thing so maybe they just got old. I believe the nobhead builder wants to turn it into a HMO of which we have vast numbers in this town. I’m no fan of our planning department believe me but this guy is an arrogant twat.
  22. Lard Bazaar

    Time Added

    It’s perfectly possible that he absolutely did have dementia and died in a care home down the road from someone who hardly ever comes on here any more.
  23. A brief visit, my year has been full of family death so I’ve only poked my nose in now and again and I’ve only just seen this - this is a few streets away from me, right opposite my kids old primary school actually - it was a really good pizza shop. The builder in question is an absolute twat.
  24. Lard Bazaar

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

    With respect, this means absolutely nothing.
  25. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Congratulations. I’ve been engaged for 12 years. The old man feels marriage is not something one should rush into.

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