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Lard Bazaar

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Lard Bazaar last won the day on November 1 2020

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About Lard Bazaar

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    Bang! And the dirt is gone!

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  1. Lard Bazaar

    A Joke

    I’ve probably said this before but I would definitely let him discharge his weapon into me five times.
  2. Lard Bazaar

    Death List Convention

    I’ve never been to Manchester but would happily for a DeathCon - alas that weekend I will be deep in the cleft of Maidstone Central Travelodge for a weekend of motorbike racing at Brands Hatch.
  3. Lard Bazaar

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    I saw Rhod Gilbert tonight, and prompted by one of our esteemed members on my Facebook friends list, herewith a report - he looks very thin and has a very raspy voice, he had loads of energy and did a couple of hours (with a break) of quite loud ranty comedy - he is still having 8-weekly check ups but did get to ring the cancer free bell, so looks good so far, but he did say that his type of cancer (head and neck) has a higher chance of recurring than some other cancers.
  4. Lard Bazaar

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Jesus Fucking Christ.
  5. Lard Bazaar

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    To be honest, I’m so short that I probably wouldn’t have seen much, and I didn’t want to leave the kid alone too long (she is actually a grown woman of 27 years old but ya know) so we were happy to stick where we were. But I will remind her, and my granddaughter when she is old enough, of that time it was their fault I missed being in the pit
  6. Lard Bazaar

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    Another fucking ace night at Foo Fighters at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff. My seventh time of seeing them over 16 years. It was fucking boiling. We have the advantage of being only about a 90ish minute drive away, and my daughter’s friend lives about a 20 minute walk from the stadium so we take full advantage of her private parking space. After a quick piss and snack we walked straight into the stadium, no queues, staff were fabulous, found unreserved seating right near the front so had an excellent view. Support bands were Himalayas (meh), Wet Leg who we love after seeing them support Harry Styles at the same venue last year. The Foo Fighters were as ever bloody loud and amazing, they did a three hour set, new drummer Josh Freese is a worthy successor to Taylor Hawkins - I’d vowed I would not see them again after Taylor died but I was wrong. Taylor’s son Shane, who I think is only 17, came out to drum on This Is A Call, the balls of the kid are incredible, it must be difficult emotionally to do that but he’s a damn good drummer in his own right. I always blub at gigs and this was no exception, due to dead grandad (who selfishly died while I was at a FF gig at the 02 in 2017) and grandson, a couple of songs always set me off. No dramas getting out of the stadium and was back home by 1am. My heavily pregnant kid coped well, just one complaint - in 36 years of gigging, I have never been offered an upgrade to the very front of the pit in front of the stage (I was at the front for the Cheese and Grain tiny gig but that was through my own hard work steaming headlong through the tiny crowd) - until last night - and to ensure the health and safety of my coming granddaughter we had to decline the steward’s kind offer. Fucking FUMING I am Looking forward to FF8 whenever that might be.
  7. Lard Bazaar

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    I’m seeing the Foo Fighters in Cardiff tomorrow for the 7th time, in boiling degrees weather. Going with my youngest. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly because: Weeks she was pregnant when tickets purchased - 0 Weeks she is pregnant tomorrow - 31. Fun times!
  8. Lard Bazaar

    The Chequered Flag

    Yes, fingers crossed for a good outcome for him. The TT is still one of the very few things that leaves me gawping open-mouthed at the telly. I wonder how long before the health and safety warriors get it shut down.
  9. Lard Bazaar

    The Chequered Flag

    I’m happy to be corrected on this but I think this year is the first year there has been no fatalities at the TT since 1982.
  10. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    It’s National Crisps Day every day in my house. Which is directly related to it also being Why Am I So Fucking Fat Day every day in my house.
  11. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Who cares? If the mothers want a Mothers Day, let them. If the fathers want a Fathers Day, let them. If the cancer beaters want a Cancer Beaters Day, let them. If the gays want a Gays Day, let them. If the pancakes want a Pancake Day, let them. If you (a general ‘you’, not anyone specific) are not one of the people the particular day is aimed at, it probably has absolutely no effect on your life on that day, so what does it matter?
  12. Lard Bazaar

    (Return Of) The Celebrity Split List

    I’m surprised she put up with the cunt for so long. Horrible man.
  13. Lard Bazaar

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Bin the cunt off, 100% guaranteed his cock is tiny.
  14. Lard Bazaar

    Names we dislike

    No, I’m scared of dogs. My brother and I both got bit by the same Alsatian when we were young, my brother has teeth marks in his ass cheek to this day. From the Alsatian.
  15. Lard Bazaar

    Names we dislike

    We had a cat called Fido.

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