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Everything posted by BonScott

  1. BonScott

    12. Dennis Skinner

    Skinner is an old school socialist, seems the type that would refuse a knighthood if offered one, the type that would want the entire honours system scrapped altogether I would not be surprised if he was offered and said no
  2. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Overweight, heavy drinker, lifelong smoker, loves junk food, fry ups and steaks, had bad pneumonia couple of years ago, worth keeping an eye on, heart attack candidate 100%
  3. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Jeremy Clarkson Michael Schumacher Gary Busey Charlie Sheen Clint Eastwood Jack Nicholson Freddie Foreman The Duke of Kent
  4. BonScott

    The Chequered Flag

    I wouldn’t want to see any footage of De Ferran’s last moments on track but by all accounts from what i have read on social media he went quickly and didn’t suffer much, was unconscious seconds after he parked the car
  5. BonScott

    The Chequered Flag

    True, no footage but reminds me of Denny Hulme at Bathurst, knew was having a medical emergency and pulled to the side of the track
  6. BonScott

    Hollywood Possibilities

    The news channels and papers pre prepare obituaries on every living celeb, they have a huge database of obituaries pre prepared incase that person dies
  7. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    From what I understand he has severe back/mobility issues, I think he will live for another 15-20 years unless there are any conditions he has kept private
  8. BonScott

    Michael Schumacher

    The latter, the devotion part, she seems to be clearly in denial and thinks he will get better, sadly it won’t happen
  9. BonScott

    The Chequered Flag

    Truly shocked at this, I guess the only consolation is he died doing what he loved and died in his racing suit, gloves, and boots as opposed to dying in a bed of a terminal disease Met him at Goodwood once, lovely chap RIP
  10. BonScott

    Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand

    The Thai constitution says that only a man can have the throne, the current king is a pervert and sexual deviant but he can only be succeeded by a male, his sister has almost Diana levels of worship out there but can never hold power
  11. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Ex F1 driver Julian Bailey one to keep an eye on, heard 2 years ago he was not in good health and when the F1 ‘rat pack’ had their annual dinner recently he was not there, maybe not well enough to attend
  12. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    He was in the middle east recently, looked fit as a fiddle, I think those that include him will do so because his wife recently died and he die of a broken heart, not impossible but he looked very healthy for his age, able to fly etc, he shouldn’t be in the 50
  13. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Same, if Myra Hindley had been hanged she would have faced 10 secs of pain, instead in her final years she was screaming with cancer and coughing her guts up with COPD, a living hell, the thought of her suffering a living hell was great, hopefully Letby the same, death penalty too quick
  14. BonScott

    Michael Schumacher

    Heard similar, my then friend no longer works in F1 but he said basically the same, bed/wheelchair bound, fed through tubes, can’t talk, paralysed from neck down, minimal levels of consciousness/awareness, can do nothing for himself, I haven’t spoken to him in 6 years but doubt any improvements have happened
  15. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Denis Law pretty much nailed on, Patrick Murray too No chance of Gazza, by all accounts he has given up drinking, of course his liver may give up from previous drinking but I think he has at least another 10 years left
  16. BonScott

    Michael Schumacher

    If there was any improvements in him since the accident the family would be shouting it from the rooftops, the harsh reality is there will have been none, he is either in a coma or a vegetable, no quality of life whatsoever, it would have been far better to have pulled the plugs 10 years ago in hospital and let him die with dignity than linger on with no quality Of life, pure selfishness from Corrina imho A majestic athlete, probably physically fittest man on the planet when he was a driver, reduced to a drooling wheelchair bound vegetable because the family won’t accept closure
  17. BonScott

    how long till' the next hit ?

    Jan 5th Have a feeling 2024 will be a busy year for the grim reaper, especially in the acting profession
  18. BonScott

    The 20th Death of 2023

    i think he will see out the year and go in Spring 24, Frank Field has been in a hospice for coming on 2 years but is still plugging away, big difference in age of course
  19. BonScott

    The 20th Death of 2023

    Long day at work but who out of interest? the ex peanut farmer been in hospice for ages but not read of any turn for the worse etc
  20. BonScott

    The 20th Death of 2023

    That’s all folks gets my vote No reports of anyone on their last legs whereas last year we knew Pele was a matter of hours/days etc
  21. BonScott

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Bruce Willis 100%, might just linger to start of 25 but he should be an absolute shoe in for the committee, top 20 My grandfather died of FTD and it happened 5 years after clear symptoms, very fast and aggressive towards the end. Willis been getting his lines mixed up for like 7 years
  22. BonScott

    In Memoriam 2023

    The biggest female death : Tina Turner The biggest male death : Yevgeny Prigohzin The most shocking one : Paul Cattermole The saddest one : Paul O’Grady The best received one : Rolf Harris The most awaited one : George Alagiah The biggest survivor : Jimmy Carter The biggest miss : George Alagiah The most promising one : Esther Rantzen assuming 2023 means 24

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