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Everything posted by BonScott

  1. BonScott

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    My sincerest apologies for having opinions you can’t handle, do stay strong dear boy
  2. BonScott

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    I have no issue with trans people, am live and let live, if someone feels comfortable in women’s clothes etc fair play to them, not my place to judge, but there is a difference between live and let live and biological realities, and I have to separate the 2 but that does not mean I am a transphobic bigot
  3. BonScott

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    The new definition of mental illness is wanting islamic terrorists and their masters eliminated, if you ever meet a family member of those murdered in cold blood by jihadists in Manchester or on London buses do call them mentally ill to their face, and please film the reaction
  4. BonScott

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    If a terrorist gang killed 2000 young people in UK in a single day the PM would rightly do whatever it takes to neutralise those responsible and their leaders, any leader would, Netanyahu just doing what it takes to protect his citizens
  5. BonScott

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    A great patriot who cares about the safety of his citizens, hope he lives to 100 in good health
  6. BonScott

    Diane Abbott

    Doesn’t she have Type 1 diabetes? someone in my local association mentioned it to me a while back, you will be more informed than me, if so that will be very disruptive to her life
  7. BonScott

    Royal Family

    Kate is radiant and beautiful, perfect smile too, could do with putting on a few pounds but easily the most naturally stunning royal ever, I would…
  8. BonScott

    Diane Abbott

    Abacus Abbott’s political views makes my flesh crawl, utterly repulsive, my dislike of her is almost that of Meghan Markle levels, but she is in the right here, the donor in question should be stripped of all govt contracts, have his £10m returned and be reported to police for inciting racial hatred, he was targeting her on the basis of the colour of her skin It is a terrible hill for Sunak to die on politically, return the money
  9. BonScott

    The Chequered Flag

    Scheckter is an old man now, 75 I think, probably just wants the quiet life and enjoying his final few years rather than spending 12 hrs+ a day running a successful business etc, don’t blame him
  10. BonScott

    Royal Family

    After all that hype the massive news was Lee Anderson joining a party most people have never heard of let alone voted for, underwhelming from the Express
  11. BonScott

    Royal Family

    Boris returning would be my guess, lot of noise on social media recently that the existing Henley MP is going to trigger a by election to enable Boris to stand
  12. BonScott

    Royal Family

    Could be an old pic, not taken yesterday or anything, but she looks much healthier than I expected, thought would lose a lot of weight with op, but probably pic taken months ago
  13. BonScott

    Theresa May

    Sir Winston would have been the leader of the Leave campaign if he was around
  14. BonScott

    Theresa May

    That was for the referendum on the Common Market, she supported the common market, she was strongly opposed to the EU which the common market eventually evolved into, her anti EU stance ultimately cost her her job because she alienated Heseltine, Clarke, Major, Howe etc
  15. BonScott

    Theresa May

    The one I would want as PM out of the current crop is Suella Braverman or Priti Patel
  16. BonScott

    Theresa May

    Low taxes, small state, pro Brexit, tough on criminals, anti welfare scrounger, pro work, pro life, anti unlimited immigration, pro police, pro Ukraine and Israel, anti nanny state, pro business A modern day Margaret Thatcher really
  17. BonScott

    Theresa May

    Another TINO, good riddance, lets hope her constituency replacement is a real Conservative
  18. BonScott


    According to the Daily Mail he collapsed and died while jogging so that would suggest a cardiac issue https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13169137/BBC-Scotland-presenter-Nick-Sheridan-32-collapsed-running-dying-family-tributes-pour-talented-vivacious-star.html
  19. BonScott


    So young, this will be almost certainly vaccine related at that age as no mention of an accident, and when someone commits suicide the article almost always includes the phone number of the Samaritans
  20. BonScott

    Royal Family

    Her issues are a lot more serious than the Palace letting on, that is crystal clear, first it was no engagements till after easter and now they pouring cold water over her being available for the event in June the MOD said she attending, the public appearance timeline is being pushed further and further back She may well not die this year but a hysterectomy etc is for the birds
  21. BonScott

    Big Brother

    Sharon Osbourne is only staying in for 5 days too I have heard of 4 of that list, including Sharon
  22. BonScott

    Rishi Sunak

    What absolute hogwash, I know it is a stereotype to say “I have black friends” when someone is accused of being a racist, I can do better than that, I have black FAMILY members, I am 1/8th Jamaican, all my black relatives I love to bits, and indeed I do have black friends too, having been born and bred in Tottenham I encountered many many black people, some of which I am friends with still to this day I also spent some years as a mentor for the PYBT in London, many of those I mentored were black lads, I took great pride in seeing their businesses grow So now I have well and truly debunked your defamatory lie that I am a racist lets get back to woke. Woke started off as a well meaning concept, standing up for victims of racism, injustice, and prejudice in society, very noble idea that I fully support, but woke culture has evolved into something sinister where you are cancelled if you dislike Meghan Markle, where you are cancelled if you think a woman can’t have a penis, you are cancelled if you think people born with penises should not be allowed in female changing rooms, you are cancelled if you think Winston Churchill was a great guy, you are cancelled if you are proud of our history and the British Empire, a well meaning standing up for injustice has turned into a full scale sinister thought police where you can’t have any view the left wing thought police disagree with I do hate Meghan Markle, I think 100% of women don’t have a penis, I idolise Winston Churchill, I am very proud of what Britain has done for the world and think the Empire was a great thing I also despise diversity and the using of diversity officers in companies, the only factor in recruiting should be the talent/experience/interview performance and the successful candidate judged on that criteria alone, the idea that a certain % of employees in a company should be black/muslim/female/trans/disabled etc etc is a vile concept that should be banned So yes I am proud to be English, proud to be anti woke, and am part ethnic minority myself
  23. BonScott

    Rishi Sunak

    The speech was all style and no substance, complete waste of time, its all the well banging on about how vile radical muslims are and the far right but what is he going to do about them? nothing Why were those who projected anti semetic hate pictures onto Parliament not arrested? why is Charlotte Church not in a cell for hate speech, why haven’t these hate marches been banned? why haven’t BNP/EDL been banned? Sunak a used car salesman
  24. BonScott

    Rishi Sunak

    What this country needs is ultra strong leadership, the only PM to provide that in my lifetime was Margaret Thatcher, we need a patriotic jingoistic nationalist in charge who will fight Britain’s corner and restore it to its former glories, not a globalist like Sunak, we need a Trump/Putin/Bolsonaro type figure but with better ethics We need sweeping tax cuts, we need strong defences, a no nonsense police force, a ban on woke, forcing civil servants back to the office 5 days a week, a ruthless clamp down on chancers who don’t want to work, a tough immigration policy, more prisons built Only someone like Suella or Mogg capable of that
  25. BonScott

    Rishi Sunak

    Hopefully announcing his resignation. He is a TINO, a cuckoo in the nest, we need a real Conservative as PM, Suella ideally if not JRM

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