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Posts posted by VileBody

  1. well you guys , and i am addressing all of you, sickoes and ranters what do you do in your spare time ???

    Well, let's see. I draw, garden, ride horses, go to the gym, scuba dive, travel, read history books, do a bit of needlepoint, cook a lot, play with my kids, talk to (and occasionally jump on) my wife and watch the odd bit of TV. I write to this website during my employer's time which a much better use of it than my silly, albeit pretty well-paid, job.


    It's none of my business, O anonymous Guest, but what do you do with your spare time?

  2. Just a question about Jane.  I was going to pick her for a small, private cash

    pool a friend runs and I need to know if she was famous at all before Cancer.


    Our rules are that you must be a famous person, not a sick person who becomes famous due to their illness, 

    so no terry schivo, no cojoined twins going under the knife etc.


    What if any pre cancer status did Jane have?



    I'm not sure there is anything wrong with people being famous for being ill - after all loads of people get terminally ill and don't make enough of a song and dance about it to become famous. My great-uncle died of lung cancer and the tight old scrote wouldn't have run across the road to help a charity. And surprisingly enough, no-one gave a toss about him dying, so I wouldn't think he would qualify.


    As for Schiavo - she's got to count if you were smart enough to pick her, given all the hoo-ha around her death


    I suppose you've got a point about siamese twins tho since they tend to get coverage out of sheer ghoulishness rather than because they do anything to seek the publicity. It's a bit like picking random murder victims before they switch the machine off.


    I think picking the (imminently) terminally ill is probabaly a bit of a cheat however and takes a lot of the skill out of it

  3. I hated the way the media idolized the spoiled little bitch for "all her good works". Absolutely nothing she ever did cost her anything. She was globe-trotting around in private jets, staying at 5-star hotels and eating in the bet restaurants, all at the expense of the people of her country. My GF at the time was such a Die-anna freak that she spent three days crying on the couch recording everything on the tube, often over movies I was saving. I tossed her out on her ass very soon after. The people on that tribute site, and the ring site, remind me of her and gross me out.


    What was the first thing the Queen said when she heard Di had died in a crash?





    "Was Fergie with her?"

    The Queen and Camilla are out driving in the royal LandRover when they are held up by a mugger.


    "Oi Queen - give us yer Crown Jewels" but fortunately her Majesty had concealed the Crown, Orb and Sceptre in the Royal Snatch and they couldn't be found


    "Oi Camilla - give us yer big bloody engagement ring and tiara" but fortunately Her Highness had concealed the items in the Royal Snatch-in-Law and they couldn't be found


    "Well give us the keys to the motor then", which they duly handed over


    "That was lucky" said the Queen extracting the Crown etc


    "Indeed" said Camilla removing her own jewels "Pity Fergie wasn't here - we could have kept the fuc*ing car"

  4. Shocking stuff here.

    What a fantastic site - I actually thought it was a real "disclosure" when i started reading it - great fun - make sure you read the section about the "Maxwell Wives"


    I suppose it makes more sense of the colonic irrigation...now the bloke who did that for her could tell some tales...

  5. I see His Tonyness wants to ban violent and exploitative websites - do you think these creepy Diana-love-sites could be included? Will DL be struck off for that matter?


    And yes, Diana gets my vote as a skanky tart. Charles may be a bit of a t*at but at least he just went back to shagging Camilla, unlike the saintly Di who clearly dropped her kecks for anyone. Apparently she made a pass at Gary Lineker, for God's sake....

  6.   Dr  N O  was played by  Joseph  Wiseman  who  was born in 1918 , I believe he's still around as IMDB  have no  death  date  mentioned

    Great - well I'd like to put him up for next year then - sounds just the right sort of age and quirky fame profile that DL needs


    SHould this thread or post move to the 2006 candidates list? How does this work??

  7. Nuncheon, n.


    Large pointy stick used for acts of self-abuse by members of dodgy Catholic secret societies.


    "Don't worry, Tony, I'll return Cherie's nuncheon just as soon as it's back from the cleaners" R. Kelly, Secretary of State for Education and Skills, Cabinet Minutes February 2005

  8. nuncheon – a drink or snack taken between meals, esp. in the afternoon

    I think you'll find that a nuncheon is a screw-joint used to attach seats to scaffolding to make temporary viewing galleries etc.


    "It would appear, Your Majesty, that several of the nuncheons were installed without the proper diligence or care, and the whole fuc*ing lot came down. With my humblest felicitations on the rapid recovery of the young Prince's leg, I am, yours etc...", Letter from Lord Palmerstone following publication of the Report into the Lord Mayor's Parade Calamity, 1866

  9. Came down to breakfast at my parents' place to hear that Mrs VB had caught the news on the car radio going to Mass - my Dad and I both started saying it was MI5 as joke then everyone got on the bloody bandwagon.


    It's also the Missus' birthday today and her first reaction when the news came through was extreme annoyance that every future birthday would be blighted by people rambling on about Di.

  10. Yes indeed - didnt think of the various hench-persons. OK here goes:


    Dr No - don't think there was one

    Goldfinger - Oddjob Harold Sakata (dead)

    FRWL - as you say the great, under-rated and sorely missed Robert Shaw (also great performances in Man for All Seasons and Battle of the Bulge)

    YOLT - no idea

    TB - thin German looking bloke - gets harpooned I think

    DAF - Vint and Quin? The 2 Happy assassins

    Never Say Never - another thin German bloke who gets harpooned?


    LALD - Tee Hee - Julius W Harris apparently - the huge black guy with the steel claw

    SWLM - Richard Kiel

    MWGG - Nik Nak - Herve Villechaize, dead, as you say

    MR - ditto

    VTAK - Grace Jones

    FYEO - different German bloke...who gets harpooned. Maybe...

    OP - Indian turbanned bloke who almost certainly doesn't get harpooned - may have played tennis though - but I think I'm mixing that up with a supporting goodie - yes that's it - VJ Amritraj is in it - how old is he?


    Dalton movies - don't know, don't care

    Ditto Brosnan - aren't the "heavies" all girls in his films, anyway? So they'll be around for years yet.


    So my picks would be Kiel, Harris and any bloke with a harpoon in his chest

  11. I did like the Evening Standard street banner last week "New Clues in Diana Mystery". Then if you were suckered into buying the paper you got the story: "New investigation reveals it was an accident"!


    Er, yes....as we all know except that mad bastard who owns fuggin' Harrods

  12. Bond Villains would be quite a good source - from memory:


    Dr No - er...

    Goldfinger - Gert Frobe (dead)

    From Russia with Love - Rosa Kleb but can't remember the actress

    Thunderball - Adolfo Celli (dead)

    You Only Live Twice - Donald Pleasance (dead)

    Diamonds are Forever - Charles Grey(dead)

    Never say Never Again - Klaus Maria von Brandauer


    Live and Let Die - James Earl Jones?

    Spy who Loved Me - That German bloke who always played German generals in 60s war films and is probably dead

    Man with the Golden Gun - Christopher Lee (possible 2006 candidate?)

    Moonraker - Drax but can't remember the actor's name - was in Name of the Rose

    Octopussy - Louis Jourdan (see above)

    View to a Kill - Christpher Walken

    For Your eyes Only - Julian Glover?


    OHMSS - Telly Savalas


    The Living Daylights - God knows

    Licence to Kill - Mexican bloke with bad skin


    ..and can't remember any of the Brosnan ones apart from Jonathan Pryce and Sean Bean doing his weird Hollywood toff accent (from Sheffield..). Oh and Toby Stephens in the last one. Christ, I think he's younger than me. Oh God, it's worse than policeman looking younger...


    Not doing this any more - most depressing thought I've had for a long time....Bond villains being younger than me - arghhhhhhh.....

  13. I'm speechless.

    I recall hearing she was known as "one take wendy" - maybe this was referring to her ability to down drinks in one go, rather than what I assumed to be her TV professionalism.

    Maybe if they didn't get it right the first time, she was so s*itfaced they couldn't carry on. No idea, sorry, but my source is 100% solid.

  14. Is this like the two nuns in the bath?


    "Where's the soap?"


    "Yes, it does, doesn't it..."

    That one took some time before I got it. :D




    Worth waiting though, eh, old chap?


    Almost as bad as the two nuns cycling down a country lane:


    "I've never come this way before"


    "Must be the cobble stones"


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