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Posts posted by VileBody

  1. Am still trying to think of famous animal-related deaths but can only think of Roy Kinnear and Christopher Reeve (indirectly) dying in falls from horses.  Oh and William the Conqueror landed awdwardly on his saddle after a jump and ruptured his urinary tract causing injuries which killed him a week or two later (ouch...)


    I did think Joy Adamson and Diane Fosse were done in by respectively lions and gorillas but it turns out they were both murdered by the locals.


    Anyone else got any ideas?

    Cleopatra (comin' atcha) and her asp.

    Henry I and his lampreys

    Catherine the Great and her Horse (Urban Myth?)

    I suppose so, although I was thinking more along the lines of someone being savaged or eaten. Not sure that suicide, surfeits and slanders count. Nice ideas tho.


    William III's horse tripped on a molehill so i suppose you could count that as a double animal conspiracy...


    And that bloke in Vegas who got chomped by his tiger doesn't look to clever (looked pretty damn weird before the "accident" actually...)

  2. Am still trying to think of famous animal-related deaths but can only think of Roy Kinnear and Christopher Reeve (indirectly) dying in falls from horses. Oh and William the Conqueror landed awdwardly on his saddle after a jump and ruptured his urinary tract causing injuries which killed him a week or two later (ouch...)


    I did think Joy Adamson and Diane Fosse were done in by respectively lions and gorillas but it turns out they were both murdered by the locals.


    Anyone else got any ideas?

  3. I don't think this is a subject on which there are going to many sensible views (either way...)

    Perhaps there are people who hate cats and dogs?






    Anyway - I don't hate dogs per se - I hate dog-owners who keep the bloody things in cities - seems to me like letting a horse share your living room and sleep on the bed.


    Oh - also dogs are slaves...


    ...and smell


    Incidentally - and to get back on subject - has anyone famous ever died from a dog attack (or cat, I suppose, in the interests of equal opportunities..)

  4. I must confess I absolutely f*cking hate dogs unless they live outside on farms. Some ar*ehole let his filthy animal crap outside my house last week and the neighbours have a bloody great dobermann which goes apeshit any time you go in the garden and terrifies the kids.


    So yes, anyone who owns a dog in London (or any other city) should be fed to it. In small meaty chunks.


    Then gas the dog.


    And before anyone asks, yes I do like cats and am owned by one.

  5. In an upstairs room of a nondescript building down a narrow, winding lane, a woman died yesterday. For the past seven weeks she had been starving herself to death, and hundreds of visitors came to watch her slowly die. But it wasn't just morbid curiosity. Those who were allowed into the room knelt before the woman in reverence and touched their heads to the floor.




    Silly bitch.

  6. Surely if it's tasteless to have threads about dying children, it's just as tasteless to have threads about dying adults

    So on this basis, you would presumably abolish any age barriers for voting, pornography, film classifications, driving, credit approvals, drinking, smoking or sex. After all, what's the difference?


    Look, I don't want to bang on about this and be all humourless because this site is about having a bit of (slightly macabre) fun. But it's grown-up fun, OK?


    No kids.


    Unless it's Dakota Fanning.


    Oh, just kill the damn thread.

  7. I think both Nelson and Wellington had state funerals. However, you're right that there is a difference between State and Ceremonial (a la Diana, I think?).


    I'd have thought Maggie would get a Ceremonial one because an enormous number of people think she did a lot of good things for the country. Obviously - not least judging by some of the recent posts - not everyone agrees and the event would no doubt have to be heavily-policed.


    I hope that those who don't think much of her will have the decency to allow those of us who do to pay our respects without wrecking the occasion with mayhem and violence.

  8. I think Maggie's will end up being a state funeral whether the bloody Labour government wants it or not - I reckon there'll be hundreds of thousands lining the streets - I know I'd go out of respect and I'm not all that mad and right-wing.


    A propos Ms Mowlam, and before the BBC Leftie Eulogy Machine is switched on:


    1. She consistent appeased and sucked up to the IRA including calling that murdering bastard McGuiness "baby"


    2. She was so incompetent she left high security materials lying around on a train


    3. She has consistently attacked the Royal family


    4. She is such a good socialist that she married a senior investment banker


    The woman is a gross hypocrite at best and a traitor to her country at worst. Hugging people, acting like a slob when you're representing the Crown and getting a brain tumour doesn't make you a saint.

  9. Free speech bears a responsibility not to abuse it. Sorry to sound po-faced but that's the way it is.


    Should be no sick/dying non-celeb kids on the lists or the threads. Ever.


    This thread is charmless and cruel. Take it off.

  10. Deathlist isnt morbid really - morbid would be, oh I dont know, constructing your own deathlist in a care home.  :D

    Care homes probably do have a Deathlist of sorts, except it would be described using words like "informed", "provision", and "future planning". I don't know. I don't write policies.


    I'm sure there are also a number of homes where they have an actual list. I imagine some bored care worker logging on every Monday to update it, like office Fantasy Football results.


    My sister worked in one of those places. I'll have to ask her if money ever changed hands :D

    I knew a chap once who worked in a life assurance/pensions company and they used to have a sweepstake on who of their clients would pop next. I think they used to each put in a £1 and then after someone had won the pot they'd re-draw the oldest names out of a hat.


    I sometimes think we should try that here in the bank for sackings and resignations given the rate of staff turnover ....

  11. How old is he?

    As I said yesterday - there are a range of dates attributed making the CP between 76 and 81. Anyway apparently he's a sick f*cker - probably in every sense of the word. I think he sounds a good bet for next year.


    Can you begin to imagine what these people must get up to in private?

  12. You're a little clever-clogs! Fair cop, governor....



    Age is relative to what exactly? I thought it was generally relative to knowing when you were born...


    It just strikes me as fairly remarkable that these stone-age goat herds who happen to own most of the world (or at least SW1) don't even know their own sodding birthdates....


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