For the 87th time I have to ask is this Salinger fellow really worth a plug nickel of our time? I mean if you had mentioned bringing the REAL Salinger (Pierre) into this Jungle I might well have gone for it but this discussion seems to be somewhat of a somehting for the Birds, but yet I do not give up Hope that you'll enlighten me as to why I'd care about a person who wrote one of the most boring books I've ever been faced with. Yuck! I could barely get through 4 paragraphs before needing to be rushed to the hospital due to severe boredom.
Now moving back to the others, of course Sal Lombino is still alive although his work has slowed since his marriage to wife number 3 (or was it 4?), he is scheduled to be 79 in October of this year so still slightly on the young side. Len Deighton? Who knows. Who else all did you mention?
Oh and did you know, were you aware that Larry Block is still alive? Must be pushing 90 around now.
Perhaps I can enlighten you. Sure Catcher is a boring story, but Holden Caulfield is not. He is one of the most unforgettable characters in any piece of writing. That's why we still talk about him, even more than we do Salinger. I find The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a boring story. But Huck himself is fascinating. How often do you get to see the antebellum south through the eyes of a fourteen-year-old orphan? Salinger showed us the mind of a screwed up teenager who is really governed by his id, something we all fight on a daily basis, if we are living much of a life at all.
Final thought. My marriage is pretty damn boring much of the time. But my wife is not! See the difference?