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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Tuber Mirum

    Not Exactly Famous...

    What woman? That was no woman, that was my wife. Geh cocken offen yom, kucker. Gay k'ken in yam Hey Inar, this is fun...why don't you join in! Kuck ind faall
  2. Tuber Mirum

    In Dem Memorial Highlands

    I'm not either, but this man is. Or is he?
  3. Tuber Mirum

    An Offer You Dont Want To Miss.

    Good call, maybe running a few too many volts through a couple of small components with a 9v battery. Safe, and should blow a resistor or two. You wouldn't even have to open the box for that, just shove a few too many volts down one of the connectors on the back, or in the expansion bay, if I'm thinking of the right machine. Tin foil is very handy stuff too, though, as is conductive silver paint, if you can find some.
  4. Tuber Mirum

    An Offer You Dont Want To Miss.

    Um, what's she going to do with the girl after the few months are up? Never having seen a Playstation 2, I don't know how feasible this would be, but would it be possible to remove the cover and snap off a few of the components on the circuit board, then replace the cover? Might go undetectable until an expert looked at it! Or slip a bit of aluminium foil (folded over a few times to make it thicker) in between the circuit board and the case.
  5. Tuber Mirum

    September 11th

    Who can tell? Here's how it might have been if the Germans had won the first world war. And here's an interesting variant on WW2. This is also not bad. Continue on to read the following topics; it takes about six pages until someone brings up the World Cup final of 1966.
  6. Tuber Mirum


  7. Tuber Mirum

    September 11th

    Does anyone think this thread is getting contentious or out of hand? I was pretty trepidacious when I saw ff had started this thread, yet on the whole we seem to all be being quite grown-up and sensible about the whole thing. Perhaps such a small close-knit organisation of heavily-armed, like-minded individuals as Deathlist.net doesn't represent a wide enough spectrum of viewpoints for there to be a real barney about politics. Thank goodness.
  8. Tuber Mirum

    September 11th

    Relativising the extent of the loss doesn't make it any easier for those who have lost people in any conflict. If Bruno Brimley really has suffered in this way we should empathise with him. But still not forget the unfortunate fact that a few thousand people getting killed has never been an unususal occurrence in human history. Whether one event puts another into the shade generally depends on how much coverage it gets on television. When I heard about the attacks in 2001, I was shopping in Walmart. I won't say what my first thought was, when I saw the second plane crash on 20 TVs at once in the TV department, but my second thought was an awareness that my own habits and prejudices, not to mention political apathy were as much a contributory factor to what had happened as those of any American or Arab. After that, I never went to WalMart again.
  9. Tuber Mirum

    September 11th

    According to this, Near enough, if it is true.
  10. Tuber Mirum

    September 11th

    Can't quite find it in myself to disagree with you on this topic, Millwall32.
  11. Tuber Mirum

    Do You Believe In Ghosts?

    BS, here's a real magician The Amazing Randi. Read his bio. He'd be most interested in finding out how speacial [sic] you are. In fact, why not pop on over and earn yourself some easy money? What a fine site Randi's is! This challenger with an original, yet strangely familiar approach to English spelling also has trouble with "goats".
  12. Tuber Mirum

    Do You Believe In Ghosts?

    Whilst on the supernatural, the chaps over at Bad Astronomy on predicting the future. Terrible bunch of Jerks over there BTW, in spite of plenty of bad spelling and completely off-topic threads. I don't expect I'll be joining them, having neither knowledge nor interest in Bad Astronomy. Also I appreciate the need to see at least a tenth of the way around the circle in order even to have a one-sided argument.
  13. Tuber Mirum

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    I think I'd be a bit disappointed if I met The Reaper and he wasn't wearing a top hat. I have always imagined him looking a bit like Noddy Holder.
  14. Tuber Mirum

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    It would certainly be interesting to meet some of the posters here in person and to see if they look anything like I imagine they do. But a convention like that couldn't be used to make a binding decision about who gets on the list because some important members live too far away to make it practical for them to be there. For example Typhoid Harry, long time member and a universally respected authority on all things death and Deathlist who lives bloody miles away from Heathrow. To name but one. That's not to say I wouldn't want to attend such an event, just for the craic, if enough others were interested. The 17th is fine with me. But we don't need to hire a hotel. Any old pub will do. The Shrunken Head in Brentford, for example.
  15. Tuber Mirum


    Anyone know who that is? Looks a bit like Nick Cave to me, but I'm not at all sure.
  16. Tuber Mirum

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    Why not have it in Twickenham? Then after lunch we could all roll over to Brinsworth House en masse, hand over a rubber cheque and do a bit of snooping while we're about it. Actually, on thinking about it, Twickenham isn't really that far from Heathrow anyway.
  17. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Quiet, VileBody! You're putting them off.
  18. Tuber Mirum

    Pete Doherty

    Like this? But nothing like this?
  19. Tuber Mirum


    Then you have to write it "Koeln". Missing off umlauts is almost as grave a sin as missing out question marks. And nearly as popular
  20. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Who wants this one?
  21. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    She did mine, too!
  22. Tuber Mirum


    Funny that isn't it? I can think of six regulars who are from Scotland and may have forgotten a couple of others. As for your humble Nonspud, he was born in Aberdeen, studied in Glasgow then moved to Germany. Since then I've moved steadily Northwards at a rate of about 150 miles every 3 years. At this rate I should be back home again in about 20 years and shortly after that retire to a popular nursing home in North-East Seaside Skagtown.
  23. Tuber Mirum

    Joe Longthorne

    We can discuss that if you want, and his uncle who is quite big on the telly over there, I hear. Whoever put that ridiculous idea into your head? We quite enjoy it really. You may notice, when you peruse our fora that we don't censor viewpoints which don't agree with our own or may raise controversy. Ridicule them certainly, with pleasure, but not censor. Only when abuse becomes truly disruptive, may the administrators reluctantly take action. When some of us joined your forums (sic) the intention (of most of us) was to provoke healthy, lively two-sided debate among people with an apparent zero-tolerance attitude to such things. Each to their own, I suppose. Much sooner have you here than be over there.
  24. Tuber Mirum

    Saddam Hussein

    Iraq eh? How is the Schnitzel out there?
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Joe Longthorne

    Elspeth, I hate to be inquisitive, but I was just perusing your profile and was wondering where you are? Judging by your time-zone you are on South Georgia or somewhere similarly remote in the Atlantic. How interesting. Please do drop by occasionally, we welcome all intelligent contributions.

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