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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. If I'm not mistaken, both Prince Andrew and Prince Edward (as well as Prince William) have recently been created honourary Knights of the Garter. This is a personal gift from the Queen.


    The Royal Family - keeping nepotism alive for 1,000 years. What if Wills decided, like FW DeKlerk, that enough was enough, and just ended it? He and Harry could then helicopter to, and tumble out of, as many nightclubs as they liked, and no one would care.


    Would anyone (under the age of 50. Besides Windsor) miss the Royal Family? And spare us the "they're good for tourism" argument. The Tower and Windsor Castle would still be there.

  2. If we're talking lyrics, let's talk death lyrics - here's one from that cheeky young scamp Morrissey,


    Who doesn't love a bit of chirpy Mozza to bring gloom and doom to one's day? I'm quite partial to Every Day is Like Sunday


    "Trudging slowly over wet sand

    Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen

    This is the coastal town

    That they forgot to close down

    Armageddon - come armageddon!

    Come, armageddon! come!"


    Reminds me of the time I spent an hour in Morecambe. If there is a more depressing place in these fair Isles I hope never to visit it.

  3. Bail denied.


    "While the disease from which the appellant suffers is incurable and may cause his death, he is not at present suffering material pain or disability....He added that there appeared to be no immediate prospect of serious deterioration in his condition.....If he responds well to the course of palliative treatment which he has now started, his life expectancy may be in years," said Lord Hamilton.


    Good. Given some of the victims may have been alive for some time following Pan Am 103's explosion, when they finally decide he's on death's doorstep he should be strapped to a seat and pushed out of a plane from 30,000 feet. That would end the cancer.


    Unless he didn't do it, in which case he should be released immediately. But if Qaddafi said he's guilty, it must be true.

  4. COLUMBIA, S.C. - A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil."


    Big deal, so they don't get communion. As far as I can tell, it's just a bit of styrofoam wafer and a tenth of a thimble of $3 wine you drink out of the same filthy cup as a bunch of religious loonies, while some teenage boy fondling weirdo pats you on the head.

  5. At a recent quiz attended by no less than three DL members, the questions included the following:


    1. What are the five English football teams whose names begin with a vowel who have played in the Premier League?


    2. Name the five independent states in mainland Europe which are bordered by only one other country


    (For the record, the three player DL-packed squad crushed the pub oppo and stormed to a clear four point win.)

  6. A few interesting facts about Michael Crichton (with thanks to wiki. Remember when people on the DL used to make fun of wikipedia? Tools):

    1. He was a doctor, author, film director, movie/TV producer, computer game developer and bit part actor.

    2. He wrote The Great Train Robbery and Rising Sun

    3. He created the Jurassic Park and ER franchises.

    4. He wrote a book under the pseudonym "Michael Douglas".

    5. In December 1994, he achieved the unique distinction of having the #1 movie (Jurassic Park), #1 TV show (ER), and #1 book (Disclosure, atop the paperback list) at the same time in the US.

    6. He wrote Congo

    7. He publically[sic] refuted the probable existence of UFO's and ET's

    and don't forget #8, being one of the robotic crew of Red Dwarf.


    I had to look up Honez' reference. Red Dwarf, what a show. Looks like the budget was about 2 pence per episode. Plus whatever bail was due for Craig Charles that week.

  7. A few interesting facts about Michael Crichton (with thanks to wiki. Remember when people on the DL used to make fun of wikipedia? Tools):


    1. He was a doctor, author, film director, movie/TV producer, computer game developer and bit part actor. Perhaps the only person ever to combine these skills, on a major level anyway.


    2. He wrote The Great Train Robbery and Rising Sun, both of which became films starring Sean Connery. The Great Train Robbery also starred Donald Sutherland, who later turned up in Disclosure, based on a novel written by Crichton.


    3. He created the Jurassic Park and ER franchises. Jurassic Park featured director/actor/producer Richard Attenborough, while ER kick-started the career of actor/director/producer/screenwriter George Clooney. Jurassic Park and its first sequel were directed by Steven Spielberg, while ER was originally intended to be a motion picture to be directed by Spielberg.


    4. He wrote a book under the pseudonym "Michael Douglas". He later directed the film Coma, which featured actor Michael Douglas, who was also in Disclosure.


    5. In December 1994, he achieved the unique distinction of having the #1 movie (Jurassic Park), #1 TV show (ER), and #1 book (Disclosure, atop the paperback list) at the same time in the US.


    6. He wrote Congo, which when turned into a movie was one of the biggest loads of loveable rubbish I've ever seen. Just a notch below Anaconda.


    7. He publically refuted the probable existence of UFO's and ET's (for which he deserves a posthumous honorary knighthood), as well as doubting the effects of second-hand smoke. Which is ironic as it sounds like he died of lung cancer or some similar smoking-related disease.

  8. It was entertaining watching John Bolton, former UN ambassador getting increasingly pissed off with the BBC, scrapping with Simon Sharma and saying one of the reporters should be fired for bias. For goodness sake, this is the BBC. Who does he think they want to win?


    That was indeed hilarious. I thought bear-baiting had been outlawed.

  9. It was fun while it lasted, but DNA tests have proved that dem dry bones are Fossett's. I suppose it's feasible that he could've sawn off his legs and scuttled away into the mountains and a hermitic existence, though hunter-gathering could be tough.


    Damnit, I had a fiver on him being in Bolivia. But he could still be alive, on Taffy's theory above but in a wilderness-ready, motorised wheel chair.

  10. That is why I don't understand all the hype. The damage has been done.


    Uh, for the first time ever a major Western nation is about to elect a non-white person as its leader. More importantly, Obama gets it. He's intelligent, and understands America's place in the world - both what it (ideally) should be, and what is actually is at the moment. I doubt very much he will just appoint his cronies and make major decisions based on self-interest and those of his financial backers. He will have a credibility with the likes of the Palestinians and the Iraqis that no white person could have. He's probably already odds-on to be in the White House eight years.


    The damage has indeed been done, Windsor, and Obama will do a hell of a lot to repair it. But this is one of the biggest moments in the history of the United States, hence all the hype. Of course, if he loses, I'll look like even more of an idiot than usual. But he won't. mark it down.

  11. Its probably just a sob story to help his appeal along the way.


    Still, he'd be on my DDP.


    Windsor's on to something here. He probably arranged for a visitor to bake a plutonium file into one of the cakes they brought him, so he'd catch cancer and be let out early.


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