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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. Fondly remembered in Kansas





    So, did they picket at his funeral? Given that Heath was only playing the role of a gay cowboy, and wasn't actually gay, the whole thing sounds like so much b-s, and little more than a desperate plea for publicity.

    • Like 1

  2. The issue at hand is how inconsiderate some people are of others when they share public transport.

    I agree that people who drag themselves to work and ignore the fact that they have "sick days" are an example of selfish behavior. I also agree that playing Justin Timberlink or anyone from Americon Idol inside a public environment is in a way, very uncivilized. (Or at least in my view)


    It's crucial to keep in mind that inconsiderate people are also usually incognizant. The solution is to ignore them like they ignore you. Buy an I - pod! It's either that or listen to ringtones for the rest of your life. My last thought on this topic is that maybe Windsor is on the wrong bus. It's almost like the Twlight Zone. (It's a special needs bus! Everybody on it is partially deaf!) The final scene would be that even as he isn't aware of this, regular public transporation services are not all so bad.


    OK, I think we're into double digits of Banshees' personality shifts on the DL. Good times! And Banshees, dear boy, your solution to noisy iPods on public transport is more noisy iPods on public transport? I would have thought people who are annoyed by other people's iPods are sensitive enough to other passengers not to make the problem worse.


    I try giving the offenders a dirty look, and have on occasion asked them to spare us their musical backwash and turn their iPods down. Most look amazed that anyone would dare make such a request, but generally comply. One day I'll get stabbed over it, but at least the principle will have been upheld.

  3. Can anyone name a single contribution to mankind made by anyone from Luxembourg?


    Their government putting minimal taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and petrol making it all dirt cheap and giving them a very healthy GDP.


    I saw The Grand Duke etc. and The King of the Belgians when they visited where I was working (175th anniversary). We were not part of the (very few) flag waving public, it was purely by coincidence as we made our way towards the hall serving free booze.


    edit - almost forgot Radio Luxembourg!


    Thanks Mono, I sort of figured we'd get a Beneluxurious response from you sticking up for the Duchy. I'm not sure that setting low taxes for its citizens is much of a benefit for the rest of the world, but you're right, the locals must love it. Any idea how many tourists make it to Luxembourg every year? I'm guessing single digits.


    Radio Luxembourg's website is reporting that Robert Plant is not going to tour or record a new album with Led Zeppelin. Because his solo career and that weirdness with Alison Kraus is just such a triumph. Maybe he should be a candidate for DL 2009, although it would break the wishful thinking rule. Miserable cnut.

  4. What about Jean, the former Grand Duke of Luxembourg? He was born 5 january 1921 and thus he will be 88 in a few months. His wife, the Belgian princess Josephine-Charlotte died about four years ago and Jean has been looking increasingly frail ever since.


    His full name and title (according to Wikipedia) is: HRH Jean Benoit Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano by the Grace of God, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Count of Sayn, Königstein, Katzenelnbogen and Diez, Burgrave of Hammerstein, Lord of Mahlberg, Wiesbaden, Idstein, Merenberg, Limburg and Eppstein. That would make some obit...


    It's why Luxembourg never does anything. They take too long saying everyone's name.


    Can anyone name a single contribution to mankind made by anyone from Luxembourg? It's not as though it's that small - half a million people, according to wiki. Of a list of famous Luxembourgeoise, I have heard of exactly two - Jacques Santer, who was EC president (not a token appointment or anything, I'm sure they really merited it), and the skier Marc Girardelli.


    Maybe if Belgium gets sucked into the vortex that the Super Hard-on Collider is supposed to create (if they ever get that sucker working again), Luxembourg will go too. No one would miss it.

  5. I logged in to announce the death of the unforgettable Emmanuelle, the woman who figured in my first adolescent fantasies. I obviously mixed her up with her little bit less attractive namesake.


    What does it tell us that one of France's most successful movies ever, across all genres, is the original "Emmanuelle"?


    It's a bit of a shame that the actress who played Emmanuelle in some of the early films isn't from Belgium, because it would have tied neatly in to the title of the thread, but Sylvia Kristel is Dutch. The poor Belgians can't even produce a good pr0n star.

  6. I kow there isn't - because we don't swear. And will you please not use offensive language? Thirdly, Jilly is my girlfriend, NOT my bird. I do NOT go out with women who swear.


    Oh make up your mind David, a few posts above you referred to the divine Jilly as your "pet".


    Which isn't the case anyway, as I heard that Scot is hittin' that behind your back.

  7. I don't remember what I was doing when Elvis or John Lennon died, but I fairly vividly recall watching this bit of news footage, of the patriach of the Flying Wallenda family suddenly deciding to retire in the middle of a tightrope walk.


    Neither flying nor well-ending


    Not for the faint hearted, so look away now if you're not hard enough.


    Young Nik Wallenda's obviously never seen that clip of his great-grandad.

    Newark mayor Cory Booker said he was grateful for the publicity but added: 'We're doing everything we can to lift the city and it would have been tragic if he had fallen.'


    I'm calling bullshit on this story. There is no way the mayor of the city would have been stood there watching if there was any chance of the guy plummeting to a netless death. It was also apparently covered live on the Today Show, which gets a national audience of millions. NBC's not going to take that risk either. He must have had a hidden bungee cord or something.

  8. “On December 12th, 2012 you’re going to see something. Everything their finding us is mass mind control and government manipulation.” He spoke of his interest in British Author David Icke who wrote that George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Tony Blair, Hilary Clinton


    great journalism

  9. I did wonder about him for the coming year and won't be surprised if he's picked in some of the last minute entries. His father too must be a contender.

    I'd reckon his father is far more likely to follow the Bhutto trait of early death - judging by comments on the BBC site and elsewhere, the vast majority see Bilawal as just a kid but are disparaging about Zardari. Either way, I personally think Musharraf is more of a likely target.


    As for youngsters, I thought all bets were off for Amy Winehouse. Far more unstable than Britney Spears.


    Otherwise, all the usuals will remain on the list apart from those that die. Other people will become ill and thus be deemed dead certs for 2009. The odd person will surprise us all. Chinese Democracy still won't be released, and Kate Bush is more likely to tour than Clive Dunn is to die.


    Looks like at least one of VT's predictions is being shattered


    Chinese Whispers


    *heads off to queue for Kate Bush tickets*

  10. Let's not forget about greatest Scottish women. My vote goes to Sheena Easton, who at one stage was topping the US pop charts, appearing (sort of) in the opening credits of a Bond film, and taking a turn as Sonny Crockett's short-lived wife on Miami Vice. A real triple threat.

    • Like 1


    Has Danny Cipriani ever actually done anything on a rugby pitch? He's famous for getting dropped from the England squad before he made his international debut because he was at a nightclub at midnight two days before a match, and now b/c he's reportedly knobing Kelly Brook. Oh, and according to Wiki he once dated a Cheeky Girl. With that track record I'm not surprised Josh Lewsey clocked him.

  12. This is starting to smell more fishy than a big box of tuna.


    Some of Steve Fossett's belongings are reported to have been found in a California forest.


    Latest update has investigators finding some wreckage.


    DB Cooper was his idol


    Interesting comments from his wife, who is basically saying she's hoping he's dead rather than he faked the whole thing and is still alive.

  13. Fair call Ronnie, but Back in Black was one of those two albums.


    Good shout AtJ, but 10 great songs? I count 5 or 6


    "Hells Bells" – 5:12

    "Shoot to Thrill" – 5:17

    "What Do You Do for Money Honey" – 3:35

    "Givin' the Dog a Bone" – 3:32

    "Let Me Put My Love into You" – 4:15

    "Back in Black" – 4:15

    "You Shook Me All Night Long" – 3:30

    "Have a Drink on Me" – 3:59

    "Shake a Leg" – 4:06

    "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" – 4:15


    Although I'm not a rabid U2 fan, The Joshua Tree does pretty darn well through track 9, and they kept Sweetest Thing back because they (rightly) felt it didn't belong with the rest of the album.


    1. "Where the Streets Have No Name" 5:38

    2. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" 4:38

    3. "With or Without You" 4:56

    4. "Bullet the Blue Sky" 4:32

    5. "Running to Stand Still" 4:18

    6. "Red Hill Mining Town" 4:54

    7. "In God's Country" 2:57

    8. "Trip Through Your Wires" 3:33

    9. "One Tree Hill" 5:23

    10. "Exit" 4:13

    11. "Mothers of the Disappeared

  14. This seems as good a page as any for an update on the Somalian pirates who seized a Ukranian ship flying under a Belize flag, carrying Russian tanks, destined for Kenya, or Sudan, depending on who you believe, which is currently being monitored by, amongst others, a US navy ship. It's a right UN day out off the coast of Hoboyo.


    Somali pirates, so little time


    The pirates have apparently started fighting amongst themselves. Here's hoping a few of them get sets of keys to the tanks and start shooting each other at close quarters, a bit like the battle tanks part of that awesome old video game, Tron.

  15. Admittedly, I did get my info here..





    "Young happily points out that projected sales figures show that AC/DC's 1980 Back in Black album will soon leapfrog Michael Jackson's Thriller album to become the biggest-selling album ever - and it won't be available on iTunes."


    As my Dad used to sing


    "Whenever I'm bored and need a laugh, I read the Daily Telegraph"



    "iTunes under threat". Please. Selling five billion songs in five years is the kind of threat I'd like to be under. So two bands aren't on there, big deal, just about everyone else's music is. And what a fine example of an artist refusing to "sell out" on iTunes - Kid Rock, who may have sold two million copies of his album, but only because of a song in which he extensively samples the Skynard (second DL reference today). AC/DC aren't much better - but for "You Shook Me All Night Long" they'd just be another Judas Priest wannabe.


    If AC/DC want people to buy their CDs, and not cherry pick singles, how about they record ten great songs and put them on the same album. Which has been done about twice in the history of rock 'n' roll.


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