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Cowboy Ronnie

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Posts posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. Wikipedia says he's DEATH!


    Someone has some further information??


    Now he is apperantly back alive


    Death again.


    Had the same with Albert Hoffman, a few hours before his death.


    Wow, this is about as exciting as one of the end of episode one cliffhangers from the Batman 1960's TV series, when the Riddler et al had the Caped Crusader and Robin trapped in some fiendish and surely inescapable death device. Will our beloved hero make it or not? Tune in tomorrow, same DL time, same DL channel..

  2. Having lived in the US for many years it seems this whole "the election will be decided by race" issue is a little overblown. The vast majority of Americans who I know who will or won't vote for Obama will do so because he's a Democrat and all that comes with that (pro choice, pro gun control, make love not war, etc.), not because he's black. Sure, you get the crazies who won't vote for a black man no how no way, but they'd be unlikely to vote Democrat over Republican regardless. What would have been really interesting would have been if Colin Powell or Condi Rice had somehow been the Republican nominee. That would have caused some real consternation.


    And if Obama does get elected, here's predicting there is absolutely no chance he gets shot. Every trip, speech, appearance, vacation, etc. the Secret Service will have been there beforehand, and they already thought of that.

  3. I wonder, given that you dedicated a small rhyme to Godot, whether there is any chance of a poem dedicated to me at some time. Or do you not do requests?


    While Banshees is composing something, I'll have a go.


    There was a DLer named Pooka,

    Who was a regular fan of the snooker.

    He saw Jimmy White,

    And said "Your hair's shite".

    So he shot poor Jim with a bazooka

  4. I usually keep most of my writing in a short structure.


    Like the first post in this thread, for example.


    Surely if someone didn't accept mediocrity, they wouldn't convert to a dialect of high school Ebonics.


    It just doesn't make any sense.

  5. The plucky British duo of Tarquin and Imogen have started well in the Synchronised Protestathlon by winning the Banner-Raising. Next up is the Waterboarding, followed by the Five Years in a Rat-Infested Cell.


    C'MON GB!!!


    Too bad it was so smoggy no one could see the banner. The guy looks like he's probably had his face smashed in a few hundred times at school. A total to which the Chinese authorities will be adding shortly. And how annoying is it when people spell their name "Iain" with two "i's"? Christ, you've already got two vowels in there, do you really need a third, and to confuse every one about the pronunciation.


    I'm on China's side in this one.

  6. In another type of football, definitely quitting is Bobby Moore's #6 West Ham shirt. They don't retire jerseys outside North America very often, do they?[/color][/font]


    A pathetic attempt to recapture former glories by West Ham. First of all, you don't retire jerseys in football. The whole point of the numbers was they are supposed to mean something within the game - firstly, that you're in the starting 11, secondly your position on the field. It sort of bums me out when they show the team at the start of the game and 3/4 of the side have numbers like 19 or 26. Anything above 25 should be flat out banned, as no squad should ever have that many players.


    Didn't Bobby Moore retire, like, 30 freakin' years ago, and they're only retiring the number now. Do we think he'll be touched and honoured by this gesture? Oh, wait, he's brown bread. What about all the players who wore the number 6 shirt since then? Are their numbers retired also?


    Just another excuse for some East End saddos to get all maudlin about how things used to be in the good old days. And I've been to Upton Park - it's a dump, in a dodgy neighbourhood, that takes forever to get to. I'm almost starting to hope for them to go down this season.

  7. Another brutal weekend on the 'world's deadliest mountain', K2.


    1 in 4 who have summitted haven't made it back down, but the first two that did, Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli, both appear to be alive in their 90s and 80s respectively.


    Wow, a 27% death rate, and 9% for those who climb Everest. That's even worse than space shuttle astronaut, Isle of Man motorcyclist or Shia pilgrimist in terms of deadly occupations. Why would anyone set out to climb a mountain if there was a 27% chance you'd die if you made it to the top? Nutters.


    May I nominate "any one K2 climber" for DL 2009?

  8. Christina Applegate has only just been diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors have said it's not life threatening as they've detected it early enough.

    As her mother died from a combination of cervical and breast cancer, she's been having scans earlier than most to avoid the same fate


    *whisper* hey, Phantom, you might want to read three posts above before posting news about ill celebs.

  9. Why don't the first three lines of the second verse have any rhymes? It rather spoils the pattern.


    But overall, not bad. So is this now the fifth or sixth personality shift for Banshees? I'm losing track.

  10. Perhaps, to redress the balance, somebody would care to hold up some more British examples of inane, God awful, toe curling advertising.


    The Halifax ad with the Asian guy singing "I'm in to something good". Completely disingenuous - where in Britain is there a beach like? It has white sand, the sun is shining, the water is blue, and the people are not disgustingly fat and pale/sunburned, none of which can you find on an English beach.

  11. The stupid cow who last night set a new record in urban thoughtlessness by actually having her bicycle with her inside the mini Sainsbury's near my house. When I suggested using one's bicycle the block the entire entrance area to a shop probably wasn't the best of plans, especially with a purpose built bike rack twenty yards away, she got in one of those self-righteous huffs that London cyclists seem to specilaise in.

  12. [Agreed, My wife enjoys it, but I only ever watched one episode and apart from Bea Arthur who always looked like a man in drag, Estelle Getty I found was highly annoying. The acting in Golden Girls was incredibly wooden.


    To save time on everyone's maudlin reminiscing on this sad day, here's the plot of every Golden Girls episode:


    The Betty White or Estelle Getty character does something batty.

    The Bea Arthur character or the Rue McLanahan character says something sarcastic and rolls her eyes.

    One of the girls has a love interest who drops dead by the closing credits.




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